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Unify entrypoint script to work with different configs

Grzegorz Kostkowski requested to merge unify-pl-en into master requires config_pl.ini/config_en.ini (service) which has to be passed to the started container. Note that service config is not included in image and pl and en tool configs are included (e.g. default_pl.ini) so one image can be used with diferent service configs and handle pl and en versions of tool. Currently, requires some extra fields in config file (e.g. model_url) which are specified in config_pl.ini and config_en.ini.


  • build, update (e.g. minio) model for en and specify its url in config_en.ini
  • consider renaming this repo "wsdpl" -> "wsd" and remove "wsden" repo as this repo can now handle both lang versions

Merge request reports