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Created with Raphaël 2.2.023Feb14Sep22Jul30Jul7Aug27Jun268May27Aug15May15Dec6Oct18Aug26Jun25242313111096543230May2928272623201913914Apr87131Mar302825243Jan23Sep4Jul21Feb8Jan23Nov29Oct1642119Sep18Jul1716320JunMerge branch 'develop' into 'master'mastermasterDevelopUpdate CMakeLists.txtdevelopdevelopUpdate CMakeLists.txtUpdate CMakeLists.txtFixed data dir lookupMerge branch 'python3.6' into 'master'Merge branch 'dev' into 'python3.6'Uploaded package to aptUse Python 3.6 in SWIGFixed incompatibility with corpus2dummy3dummy2dummy pullAdded .gitignore for bin; Hardcoded python executable in swig/CMakeLists.txt because PYTHON_EXECUTABLE was not returning anythingBugfix - wcrft-app did not compile on DEBUG build typeBatch tagging not finishing bugfixRefactoring in wcrft-appSmall change - module names - in swig wrappersConfig files with morfeusz2 supportWCCL config can be set in command line argsWCCL config file can be set in config(probably) all SWIG wrapers for WCRFT2iostream addedadd comments to wcrftreaderMerge branch 'wcrft_as_reader'let wcrft-app use Tagger::set_maca_config instead of cryptic config optionsfix wcrft reader: use Maca config that the tagger wantsinitialise WcrftReader options to default valueslibwcrftreader linked against wcrft, not wcclfix finding CRFPPSyntax error in CMakeLists.txt fixadd WcrftReader (empty) destructor and add get_option implementationwcrft reader almost there (theoretically fully functional although the lib doesn't get loaded as plugin properly)add Tagger::get_tagsetlet corpusio functions take Tagset as conststub for WcrftReaderHeaders updateRemoving class SimpleTaggerfix autor info and advance version to 2.0 since training works exactly as it should (comment on authorship: this version is a complete C++ rewrite done by R.W. and A.R.; Python version was written by A.R. and P.O., out of which the second author was responsible for small changes)v2.0.0v2.0.0