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Commit 3597592a authored by Adam Radziszewski's avatar Adam Radziszewski
Browse files

missing ini for s2 config

parent 6503ff87
No related merge requests found
; NKJP tagset with unknown word treatment, reduced feature set.
; Got rid of agreement features.
; For layers other than CLASS,nmb,gnd,cas reduced context to 3
tagset = nkjp
; all the attrs
attrs = nmb,cas,gnd,per,deg,asp,ngt,acm,acn,ppr,agg,vcl,dot
macacfg = morfeusz-nkjp-official
; currently lexicon itself is not used, but unk tag list is
casesens = no
minfreq = 10
maxentries = 500
params = -a CRF-L2
guess = yes
unktagfreq = 1
0% or .
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