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Adam Radziszewski authored8a01a0ca
wcclfile.cpp 2.53 KiB
Copyright (C) 2011 Adam Wardyński, Tomasz Śniatowski, Paweł Kędzia,
Adam Radziszewski, Bartosz Broda
Part of the WCCL project
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
See the LICENSE, COPYING.LESSER and COPYING files for more details.
#include <libwccl/wcclfile.h>
namespace Wccl {
FunctionalOpSequence::name_op_v_t WcclFile::gen_all_op_pairs()
FunctionalOpSequence::name_op_v_t v;
BOOST_FOREACH (const boost::shared_ptr<FunctionalOpSequence>& s, all_sections_) {
return v;
FunctionalOpSequence::name_op_v_c_t WcclFile::gen_all_op_pairs() const
FunctionalOpSequence::name_op_v_c_t v;
BOOST_FOREACH (const boost::shared_ptr<FunctionalOpSequence>& s, all_sections_) {
return v;
boost::shared_ptr<TagRuleSequence> WcclFile::get_tag_rules_ptr()
if (!has_tag_rules()) {
throw WcclError("There are no tag rules.");
return tag_rules_;
boost::shared_ptr<const TagRuleSequence> WcclFile::get_tag_rules_ptr() const
if (!has_tag_rules()) {
throw WcclError("There are no tag rules.");
return tag_rules_;
boost::shared_ptr<Matching::MatchRuleSequence> WcclFile::get_match_rules_ptr()
if (!has_match_rules()) {
throw WcclError("There are no match rules.");
return match_rules_;
boost::shared_ptr<const Matching::MatchRuleSequence> WcclFile::get_match_rules_ptr() const
if (!has_match_rules()) {
throw WcclError("There are no match rules.");
return match_rules_;
std::ostream& WcclFile::write_to(std::ostream& os) const
if (has_lexicons()) {
BOOST_FOREACH (const Lexicons::map_t::value_type& v, lexicons_->get_lexicons()) {
os << "import(\"" << v.second->file_name() << ", \""
<< v.second->name() << "\")\n";
BOOST_FOREACH (const boost::shared_ptr<FunctionalOpSequence>& s, all_sections_) {
os << s->to_string(tagset_) << '\n';
if (has_tag_rules()) {
os << tag_rules_->to_string(tagset_) << '\n';
if (has_match_rules()) {
os << match_rules_->to_string(tagset_) << '\n';
return os;
std::string WcclFile::to_string() const
std::ostringstream os;
os << *this;
return os.str();
} /* end ns Wccl */