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		if (p_false) {
			op.reset(new Conditional<Position>(test, p_true, p_false));
		else {
			op.reset(new Conditional<Position>(test, p_true));
	| Q_MARK 
			p_true = position_operator [scope]
			test = bool_operator [scope] {
			op.reset(new Conditional<Position>(test, p_true));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Taking position of a first token in a match
// first(Match)
position_first_token [ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Position> > ret]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<Match> > m;
	: "first" LPAREN m = match_operator [scope] RPAREN {
		ret.reset(new FirstToken(m));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Taking position of a first token in a match
// last(Match)
position_last_token [ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Position> > ret]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<Match> > m;
	: "last" LPAREN m = match_operator [scope] RPAREN {
		ret.reset(new LastToken(m));

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// String operator
// Returns boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> >
strset_operator [ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > ret]
	: ret = strset_orth      [scope] 
	| ret = strset_base      [scope]
	| ret = strset_prop      [scope]
	| ret = strset_lower     [scope] 
	| ret = strset_upper     [scope]
	| ret = strset_affix     [scope] 
	| ret = strset_var_val   [scope] 
	| ret = strset_condition [scope]
	| ret = strset_union     [scope]
	| ret = strset_intersection [scope]
	| ret = strset_lex       [scope]
	| LPAREN ret = strset_operator [scope] RPAREN
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// comma-separated strset operators
	[ParsingScope& scope]
		[boost::shared_ptr< std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > > > ret_v]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > pred;
		new std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > >
	: pred = strset_operator [scope] {
		COMMA pred = strset_operator [scope] {

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Wrapper from Function<StrSet> to Operator<StrSet>
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Operator<StrSet> > op]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > body;
	: body = strset_operator [scope] {
		op.reset(new Operator<StrSet>(body, scope.variables()));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > ret]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<Position> > pos;
	: "orth" LBRACKET pos = position_operator [scope] RBRACKET { 
			ret.reset(new GetOrth(pos));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > ret]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<Position> > pos;
	: "base" LBRACKET pos = position_operator [scope] RBRACKET { 
		ret.reset(new GetLemmas(pos));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Token-level property value operator.
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > ret]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<Position> > pos;
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > keys;
	: "prop" LPAREN 
			pos = position_operator [scope] COMMA
			keys = strset_operator [scope]
		ret.reset(new PropVal(pos, keys));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > ret]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > o_ret;
	: "lower" LPAREN o_ret = strset_operator [scope] RPAREN {
		ret.reset(new ToLower(o_ret));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > ret]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > o_ret;
	: "upper" LPAREN o_ret = strset_operator [scope] RPAREN {
		ret.reset(new ToUpper(o_ret));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > ret]
	int offset = 0;
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > o_ret;
			o_ret = strset_operator [scope] COMMA offset = number 
			ret.reset(new Affix(o_ret, offset));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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// A wrapper for strset value and strset variable
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > op]
	| op = strset_variable [scope.variables()]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// if (Bool, StrSet, StrSet)
// ? StrSet ? Bool : []
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > op]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > test;
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > p_true, p_false;
	: "if" LPAREN test  = bool_operator [scope] COMMA 
							p_true  = strset_operator   [scope] 
							(COMMA p_false = strset_operator [scope])? 
			op.reset(new Conditional<StrSet>(test, p_true, p_false));
			op.reset(new Conditional<StrSet>(test, p_true));
			p_true = strset_operator [scope]
			test = bool_operator [scope] {
			op.reset(new Conditional<StrSet>(test, p_true));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Union operator, strset
  [ParsingScope& scope]
  returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > ret]
  boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > > > sets;
  : "union" LPAREN
			sets = strset_operator_comma_sep   [scope]
  	  ret.reset(new SetUnion<StrSet>(sets));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Intersection operator, strset
  [ParsingScope& scope]
  returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > ret]
  boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > > > sets;
  : "intersection" LPAREN
			sets = strset_operator_comma_sep   [scope]
  	  ret.reset(new SetIntersection<StrSet>(sets));

	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > op]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<Position> > pos;
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > in_strs;
	: "anninter"
		pos = position_operator [scope]
		in_strs = strset_operator [scope]
		op.reset(new AnnInter(pos, in_strs));

	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > op]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > s;
	: "lex" LPAREN s = strset_operator [scope] COMMA name : STRING RPAREN 
			op.reset(new LexTranslator(
		exception catch [WcclError ex] {
			throw ParserException(ex.what());
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// Bool operator 
// Returns boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> >
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > ret]
	: ret = bool_and        [scope]  
	| ret = bool_or         [scope]  
	| ret = bool_nor        [scope]  
	| ret = bool_var_val    [scope]	
	| ret = bool_regex      [scope]
	| ret = bool_inout      [scope]
	| ret = bool_condition  [scope]
	| ret = setvar_operator [scope]
	| ret = empty_operator  [scope]
	| ret = equal_operator  [scope]
	| ret = in_operator     [scope]
	| ret = inter_operator  [scope]
	| ret = bool_iteration  [scope]
	| ret = bool_agreement  [scope]
	| ret = bool_phrase     [scope]
	// annotation
	| ret = bool_ann        [scope]
	| ret = bool_annsub     [scope]
	// singular/amb
	| ret = bool_ambiguous  [scope]
	| ret = bool_singular   [scope]
	| ret = debug_print_operator [scope]
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	| LPAREN ret = bool_operator [scope] RPAREN
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wrapper from Function<Bool> to Operator<Bool>
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Operator<Bool> > op]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > body;
	: body = bool_operator [scope] {
		op.reset(new Operator<Bool>(body, scope.variables()));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// comma-separated predicates (bool operators)
	[ParsingScope& scope]
		[boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > > > ret_v]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > pred;
		new std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > >
	: pred = bool_operator [scope] { 
		COMMA pred = bool_operator [scope] {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > op]
	boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > > > ret_v;
	: "and" LPAREN ret_v = bool_operator_comma_sep [scope] RPAREN {
			op.reset(new And(ret_v));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > op]
	boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > > > ret_v;
	: "or" LPAREN ret_v = bool_operator_comma_sep [scope] RPAREN {
			op.reset(new Or(ret_v));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > op]
	boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > > > ret_v;
	: "not" LPAREN ret_v = bool_operator_comma_sep [scope] RPAREN {
			op.reset(new Nor(ret_v));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Wrapper for bool value and bool variable
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > op]
	| op = bool_variable [scope.variables()]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > op]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > expr;
	: "regex" 
			expr = strset_operator [scope] COMMA reg: STRING 
			op.reset(new Regex(expr, token_ref_to_ustring(reg)));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Input/output operator
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > op]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<Position> > ret_pos;
	: "inside"  LPAREN ret_pos = position_operator [scope] RPAREN {
	| "outside" LPAREN ret_pos = position_operator [scope] RPAREN {
		op.reset(new IsOutside(ret_pos));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// if (Bool, Bool, Bool)
// ? Bool ? Bool : False
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > op]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > test, p_true, p_false;
	: "if" LPAREN test = bool_operator [scope] COMMA 
							p_true = bool_operator [scope] 
							(COMMA p_false = bool_operator [scope])? 
		if (p_false) {
			op.reset(new Conditional<Bool>(test, p_true, p_false));
		else {
			op.reset(new Conditional<Bool>(test, p_true));
	| Q_MARK 
			p_true = bool_operator [scope]
			test = bool_operator [scope] {
			op.reset(new Conditional<Bool>(test, p_true));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Equal operator
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > op]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<TSet> > t1, t2;
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > b1, b2;
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet>  > s1, s2;
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<Position> > p1, p2;
		(position_operator [scope]) =>
			p1 = position_operator [scope] COMMA 
			p2 = position_operator [scope] {
				op.reset(new Equals<Position>(p1, p2));
		(symset_operator [scope]) =>
			t1 = symset_operator [scope] COMMA  
			t2 = symset_operator [scope] {
		(strset_operator [scope]) =>
			s1 = strset_operator [scope] COMMA  
			s2 = strset_operator [scope] {
			b1 = bool_operator [scope] COMMA
			b2 = bool_operator [scope] {
				op.reset(new Equals<Bool>(b1, b2));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > op]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<TSet> > t1, t2;
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > s1, s2;
		(symset_operator [scope]) =>
			t1 = symset_operator [scope] COMMA 
			t2 = symset_operator [scope] {
				op.reset(new IsSubsetOf<TSet>(t1, t2));
			s1 = strset_operator [scope] COMMA
			s2 = strset_operator [scope] {
				op.reset(new IsSubsetOf<StrSet>(s1, s2));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > op]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<TSet> > t1, t2;
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > s1, s2;
		(symset_operator [scope]) =>
			t1 = symset_operator [scope] COMMA  
			t2 = symset_operator [scope]  {
				op.reset(new Intersects<TSet>(t1, t2));
			s1 = strset_operator [scope] COMMA  
			s2 = strset_operator [scope]  {
				op.reset(new Intersects<StrSet>(s1, s2));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Annotation operator.
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > op]
	boost::shared_ptr< Function<Match> > match_from;
	boost::shared_ptr< Function<Match> > match_to;
	: "ann" LPAREN
			match_from = match_operator [scope] COMMA
			(match_to  = match_operator [scope] COMMA)?
			if (match_to) {
				op.reset(new Ann(match_from, match_to, token_ref_to_std_string(channel)));
				op.reset(new Ann(match_from, token_ref_to_std_string(channel)));
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// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Annotation-sub operator.
	[ParsingScope& scope]
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	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > op]
	boost::shared_ptr< Function<Match> > match_from;
	boost::shared_ptr< Function<Match> > match_to;
	: "annsub" LPAREN
		match_from = match_operator [scope] COMMA
		(match_to = match_operator [scope] COMMA)?
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			if (match_to) {
				op.reset(new AnnSub(match_from, match_to, token_ref_to_std_string(channel)));
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			} else {
				op.reset(new AnnSub(match_from, token_ref_to_std_string(channel)));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ambiguity checking operator
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > ret]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<TSet> > tf;
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > sf;
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<Position> > pf;
	: "ambiguous" LPAREN
		(position_operator [scope]) =>
			pf = position_operator [scope] {
				ret.reset(new IsAmbiguous<Position>(pf));
		(symset_operator [scope]) =>
			tf = symset_operator [scope] {
				ret.reset(new IsAmbiguous<TSet>(tf));
		(strset_operator [scope]) =>
			sf = strset_operator [scope] {
				ret.reset(new IsAmbiguous<StrSet>(sf));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tag singularity checking operator
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > ret]
	boost::shared_ptr< Function<TSet> > v;
	: "singular" LPAREN
		v = symset_operator [scope]
			ret.reset(new IsSingular(v, scope.tagset()));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Debug printing:
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > ret]
	boost::shared_ptr<FunctionBase> v;
	: "debug" LPAREN
		(position_operator [scope]) =>
			v = position_operator [scope] {
		(symset_operator [scope]) =>
			v = symset_operator [scope] {
		(strset_operator [scope]) =>
			v = strset_operator [scope] {
		(bool_operator [scope]) =>
			v = bool_operator [scope] {
			v = match_operator [scope] {
				ret.reset(new DebugPrint(v));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Iterations:
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > ret]
	int min_match = 0;
	int offset = 0;
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > expr;
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<Position> > lpos, rpos;
	boost::shared_ptr<VariableAccessor<Position> > pacc;
	: "only" LPAREN 
			lpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA 
			rpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA
			pacc = position_variable_acc [scope.variables()]     COMMA
			expr = bool_operator     [scope]
			ret.reset(new Only(lpos, rpos, *pacc, expr));

	| "atleast" LPAREN
			lpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA 
			rpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA
			pacc = position_variable_acc [scope.variables()]     COMMA
			expr = bool_operator     [scope] COMMA
			min_match = number
			ret.reset(new AtLeast(lpos, rpos, *pacc, expr, min_match));
	| "llook" LPAREN //note inverted rpos/lpos order
			rpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA 
			lpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA
			pacc = position_variable_acc [scope.variables()]     COMMA
			expr = bool_operator     [scope] 
			ret.reset(new LeftLook(lpos, rpos, *pacc, expr));
	| "rlook" LPAREN
			lpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA 
			rpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA
			pacc = position_variable_acc [scope.variables()]     COMMA
			expr = bool_operator     [scope] 
			ret.reset(new RightLook(lpos, rpos, *pacc, expr));
	| "skip" LPAREN
			lpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA 
			pacc = position_variable_acc [scope.variables()]     COMMA
			expr = bool_operator     [scope] COMMA
			offset = number
			ret.reset(new Skip(lpos, *pacc, expr, offset));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Agreement operator: agr, agrpp, wagr
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > ret]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<TSet> > expr;
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<Position> > lpos, rpos;
	: "agr"   LPAREN 
			lpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA 
			rpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA 
			expr = symset_operator [scope]
			ret.reset(new StrongAgreement(lpos, rpos, expr, scope.tagset()));
			lpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA 
			rpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA 
			expr = symset_operator [scope]
			ret.reset(new PointAgreement(lpos, rpos, expr, scope.tagset()));
			lpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA 
			rpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA 
			expr = symset_operator [scope]
			ret.reset(new WeakAgreement(lpos, rpos, expr, scope.tagset()));
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Paweł Kędzia committed
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parse operator on L1 level
	[ParsingScope& scope]
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	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > ret]
	: ret = bool_phrase_annotation [scope]
	| ret = bool_phrase_iteration  [scope]
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Paweł Kędzia committed

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Annotation operator: phrase, phrase_beg, phrase_end, phrase_whole, phrase_pp
	[ParsingScope& scope]
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	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > ret]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<Position> > lpos, rpos;
	: "isannpart" LPAREN 
			lpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA n1: STRING 
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			ret.reset(new AnnToken(lpos, token_ref_to_std_string(n1), AnnToken::O_ANY));
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	| "isannbeg" LPAREN 
			lpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA n2: STRING 
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			ret.reset(new AnnToken(lpos, token_ref_to_std_string(n2), AnnToken::O_FIRST));
Paweł Kędzia's avatar
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	| "isannend" LPAREN 
			lpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA n3: STRING 
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			ret.reset(new AnnToken(lpos, token_ref_to_std_string(n3), AnnToken::O_LAST));
Paweł Kędzia's avatar
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	| "isannhead" LPAREN 
			lpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA n4: STRING 
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			ret.reset(new AnnToken(lpos, token_ref_to_std_string(n4), AnnToken::O_HEAD));
Paweł Kędzia's avatar
Paweł Kędzia committed
	| "isannwhole" LPAREN 
			lpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA 
			rpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA n5: STRING 
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Paweł Kędzia committed
			// TODO
	| "isannpp" LPAREN 
			lpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA 
			rpos = position_operator [scope] COMMA n6: STRING 
			// TODO
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// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Phrase iteration operator: lphrase, rphrase
	[ParsingScope& scope]
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	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > ret]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<Position> > position;
	boost::shared_ptr<VarGetter<Position> > var_position;
	: "lanniter" LPAREN
			position     = position_operator [scope] COMMA
			var_position = position_variable [scope.variables()]         COMMA
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			n1: STRING
			// TODO
	| "ranniter" LPAREN 
			position     = position_operator [scope] COMMA
			var_position = position_variable [scope.variables()]         COMMA
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Paweł Kędzia committed
			n2: STRING
			// TODO

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Setvar operator
// Returns boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> >
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > ret]
	: "setvar" LPAREN
		  ret = position_setvar [scope]
		| ret = bool_setvar     [scope]
		| ret = strset_setvar   [scope]
		| ret = symset_setvar   [scope]

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Setvar for position
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > op]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<Position> > ret_op;
	boost::shared_ptr<VariableAccessor<Position> > ret_acc;
	:	ret_acc = position_variable_acc [scope.variables()]
		ret_op  = position_operator [scope] {
			op.reset(new VarSetter<Position>(*ret_acc, ret_op));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > op]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > ret_op;
	boost::shared_ptr<VariableAccessor<Bool> > ret_acc;
	:	ret_acc = bool_variable_acc [scope.variables()]
		ret_op  = bool_operator [scope] {
			op.reset(new VarSetter<Bool>(*ret_acc, ret_op));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > op]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<StrSet> > ret_op;
	boost::shared_ptr<VariableAccessor<StrSet> > ret_acc;
	: ret_acc = strset_variable_acc [scope.variables()]
		ret_op  = strset_operator [scope] {
			op.reset(new VarSetter<StrSet>(*ret_acc, ret_op));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > op]
	boost::shared_ptr<Function<TSet> > ret_op;
	boost::shared_ptr<VariableAccessor<TSet> > ret_acc;
	: ret_acc = symset_variable_acc [scope.variables()]
	  ret_op  = symset_operator [scope] {
			op.reset(new VarSetter<TSet>(*ret_acc, ret_op));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// empty() operator
// Returns boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > 
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > op]
	: "empty" LPAREN
			  (match_empty[scope]) => 
					op = match_empty  [scope]
			| (symset_empty [scope]) => 
					op = symset_empty [scope]
			| op = strset_empty [scope]
	[ParsingScope& scope]
	returns [boost::shared_ptr<Function<Bool> > op]
	: "empty" LPAREN
		  op = match_empty  [scope]
		| op = symset_empty [scope]
		| op = strset_empty [scope]