diff --git a/iobber/iobber_txt.py b/iobber/iobber_txt.py
index aee9f3db28dc42ba3deb3034c06299b8fc3ff801..8d7d214117b8d718d5f6c454bd41b64a90f70c8f 100755
--- a/iobber/iobber_txt.py
+++ b/iobber/iobber_txt.py
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ def go():
 		help='read chunker trained model from the given dir (default: model-kpwr04-H)')
 	parser.add_option('-w', '--tagger-config', type='string', action='store',
 		dest='tagger_config', default='nkjp.ini',
-		help='use given tagger (wcrft) config (default: nkjp.ini)')
+		help='use given tagger (wcrft) config (default: nkjp_s2.ini)')
 	parser.add_option('-W', '--tagger-model', type='string', action='store',
 		dest='tagger_dir', default='model_nkjp10_wcrft',
 		help='read tagger (wcrft) trained model from the given dir (default: model_nkjp10_wcrft)')
diff --git a/tools/iobber_test.py b/tools/iobber_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ecb2228e61aa0b585fe311e0c0d92c99de72a195
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/iobber_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import sys
+import corpus2
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from collections import defaultdict as dd
+descr = """%prog [options] OUTPUT1 OUTPUT2
+Compares two iobber_txt outputs and counts differences.
+class SentRepr:
+	def __init__(self, sent, tagset, expand_optional):
+		self.toks = []
+		self.tag_reprs = []
+		self.chunk_reprs = []
+		# get tags
+		for tok in sent.tokens():
+			self.toks.append(tok)
+			tags = [lex.tag() for lex in tok.lexemes() if lex.is_disamb()]
+			if expand_optional:
+				# create multivalue tag wherever a value of optional attr is unspec
+				tags = [tagset.expand_optional_attrs(tag) for tag in tags]
+				# now expand multivalue tags to singular tags
+				newtags = []
+				for tag in tags:
+					newtags.extend(tagset.split_tag(tag))
+				tags = newtags
+			self.tag_reprs.append(set(tagset.tag_to_string(tag) for tag in tags))
+		asent = corpus2.AnnotatedSentence.wrap_sentence(sent)
+		chan_names = sorted(asent.all_channels())
+		# conv channels to IOB repr to have ready IOB repr to compare
+		for chan_name in chan_names:
+			asent.get_channel(chan_name).make_iob_from_segments()
+		for idx, tag_r in enumerate(self.tag_reprs):
+			iob_str = ''
+			for chan_name in chan_names:
+				chan = asent.get_channel(chan_name)
+				iob_str += '%s-%s-%d,' % (
+					chan_name, corpus2.to_string(chan.get_iob_at(idx)),
+					chan.is_head_at(idx))
+			self.chunk_reprs.append(iob_str)
+	def tokens(self):
+		return zip(self.toks, self.tag_reprs, self.chunk_reprs)
+def text(tok_seq, respect_spaces, mark_boundaries = False):
+	"""Extracts text from a sequence of tokens. If respect_spaces, will append
+	spaces between tokens where no no-space markers present."""
+	buff = StringIO()
+	nonfirst = False
+	for item in tok_seq:
+		tok = item[0]
+		if nonfirst and respect_spaces and tok.after_space():
+			buff.write(' ')
+		if mark_boundaries:
+			buff.write('[')
+		buff.write(tok.orth_utf8().decode('utf-8'))
+		if mark_boundaries:
+			buff.write(']')
+		nonfirst = True
+	return buff.getvalue()
+def tokens(rdr, tagset, expand_optional):
+	while True:
+		sent = rdr.get_next_sentence()
+		if not sent:
+			break
+		sent_repr = SentRepr(sent, tagset, expand_optional)
+		for item in sent_repr.tokens():
+			yield item
+	yield None # a guard at the end
+def tok_seqs(rdr_here, rdr_there, respect_spaces, verbose_mode, debug_mode, tagset, expand_optional):
+	"""Generates subsequent aligned token sequences from the two readers.
+	Alignment is performed on the text level. Shortest token sequences with
+	matching text are generated.
+	"""
+	toks_here = tokens(rdr_here, tagset, expand_optional)
+	toks_there = tokens(rdr_there, tagset, expand_optional)
+	tok_here = toks_here.next()
+	tok_there = toks_there.next()
+	assert tok_here and tok_there, 'no input'
+	buff_here = [tok_here]
+	buff_there = [tok_there]
+	LIMIT = 30
+	num_iter = 0
+	while True:
+		num_iter += 1
+		if num_iter % 10000 == 0: print num_iter, 'iterations...'
+		if len(buff_here) > LIMIT or len(buff_there) > LIMIT:
+			raise IOError('limit exceeded')
+		text_here = text(buff_here, respect_spaces)
+		text_there = text(buff_there, respect_spaces)
+		if debug_mode:
+			print '%s (%d) v. %s(%d)' % (text_here, len(text_here),
+			text_there, len(text_there))
+		if len(text_here) == len(text_there):
+			# already aligned
+			if text_here != text_there:
+				# the same text length but different chars
+				# won't recover, flush it as it is
+				print 'WARNING: mismatch', text_here, '|', text_there
+			yield (buff_here, buff_there)
+			buff_here = []
+			buff_there = []
+			tok_here = toks_here.next()
+			tok_there = toks_there.next()
+			if not tok_here or not tok_there:
+				assert not tok_here and not tok_there, 'one ended prematurely'
+				break
+			buff_here = [tok_here]
+			buff_there = [tok_there]
+		elif len(text_here) < len(text_there):
+			# try fetching here
+			tok_here = toks_here.next()
+			assert tok_here, 'first ended prematurely'
+			buff_here.append(tok_here)
+		else: # len(text_here) > len(text_there):
+			# try fetching there
+			tok_there = toks_there.next()
+			assert tok_there, 'second ended prematurely'
+			buff_there.append(tok_there)
+	if buff_here or buff_there:
+		assert buff_here and buff_there
+		yield (buff_here, buff_there)
+class Feat:
+	TAG_HIT = 'tag hit'
+	POS_HIT = 'POS hit'
+	LEMMA_HIT = 'lemma hit'
+	CHUNKS_HIT = 'chunks hit'
+	SEG_NOCHANGE = 'segmentation unchanged'
+	SEG_CHANGE = 'segmentation change'
+class Metric:
+	TAG_ACCURACY = ([Feat.TAG_HIT, Feat.SEG_NOCHANGE], None) # lower bound for s correctness
+	POS_ACCURACY = ([Feat.POS_HIT, Feat.SEG_NOCHANGE], None) # POS lower bound for s correctness
+	LEMMA_ACCURACY = ([Feat.LEMMA_HIT, Feat.SEG_NOCHANGE], None) # lemma lower bound
+	CHUNK_ACCURACY = ([Feat.CHUNKS_HIT, Feat.SEG_NOCHANGE], None) # lower bound for chunk-tag acc
+	# percentage of tokens subjected to seg change
+class TokComp:
+	"""Creates a tagger evaluation comparator. The comparator reads two
+	annotated texts: tagged text (output of a tagger being evaluated) and
+	reference tagging (the gold standard). Most of the figures reported concern
+	whether a reference token has got some sort of coverage in the tagger
+	output.
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, tagset, expand_optional, debug = False):
+		self.tagset = tagset
+		self.expand_optional = expand_optional
+		self.debug = debug
+		self.ref_toks = 0 # all tokens in ref corpus
+		self.tag_toks = 0 # all tokens in tagger output
+		self.tag_feat = dd(int) # feat frozenset -> count
+	def eat_ref_toks(self, feat_set, num_toks):
+		"""Classifies num_toks reference tokens as having the given set of
+		features. Will also increment the ref_toks counter."""
+		self.ref_toks += num_toks
+		self.tag_feat[frozenset(feat_set)] += num_toks
+	def cmp_toks(self, item1, item2):
+		"""Returns a set of features concerning strong and weak hits on tag and
+		POS level."""
+		hit_feats = set()
+		tok1_tags = item1[1]
+		tok2_tags = item2[1]
+		tok1_chu = item1[2]
+		tok2_chu = item2[2]
+		tok1_pos = set(t.split(':', 1)[0] for t in tok1_tags)
+		tok2_pos = set(t.split(':', 1)[0] for t in tok2_tags)
+		tok1_lem = set(unicode(lex.lemma()) for lex in item1[0].lexemes())
+		tok2_lem = set(unicode(lex.lemma()) for lex in item2[0].lexemes())
+		if tok1_pos == tok2_pos:
+			hit_feats.add(Feat.POS_HIT)
+		if tok1_tags == tok2_tags:
+			hit_feats.add(Feat.TAG_HIT)
+		if tok1_lem == tok2_lem:
+			hit_feats.add(Feat.LEMMA_HIT)
+		if tok1_chu == tok2_chu:
+			hit_feats.add(Feat.CHUNKS_HIT)
+		#print tok1_chu, tok2_chu
+		return hit_feats
+	def update(self, tag_seq, ref_seq):
+		self.tag_toks += len(tag_seq)
+		# initialise empty feat set for each ref token
+		pre_feat_sets = [set() for _ in ref_seq]
+		# now check for segmentation changes
+		# first variant: no segmentation mess
+		if len(tag_seq) == 1 and len(ref_seq) == 1:
+			# there is only one token, hence one feat set
+			# update it with hit feats
+			pre_feat_sets[0].add(Feat.SEG_NOCHANGE)
+			pre_feat_sets[0].update(self.cmp_toks(tag_seq[0], ref_seq[0]))
+		else:
+			if self.debug:
+				print 'SEGCHANGE\t%s\t%s' % (text(tag_seq, True, True), text(ref_seq, True, True))
+			# mark all as subjected to segmentation changes
+			for feats in pre_feat_sets: feats.add(Feat.SEG_CHANGE)
+		for feats in pre_feat_sets:
+			self.eat_ref_toks(feats, 1)
+			if self.debug:
+				print ' - ', ', '.join(sorted(feats))
+	def count_all(self): # TODO remove
+		"""Returns the number of all reference tokens."""
+		return sum(self.tag_feat.values())
+	def count_with(self, feats):
+		"""Returns the number of reference tokens having all the given
+		features."""
+		satisfying = [key for key in self.tag_feat if key.issuperset(set(feats))]
+		return sum(self.tag_feat[key] for key in satisfying)
+	def percentage_with(self, feats, wrt_to = None):
+		"""Returns the percentage of reference tokens that have the given
+		features. By default all the reference tokens are treated as the
+		denominator. If wrt_to given, will be used as a reference feat set."""
+		count = self.count_with(feats)
+		if wrt_to is not None:
+			denom = self.count_with(wrt_to)
+		else:
+			denom = self.ref_toks
+		if denom == 0:
+			return 0.0 # what else can we do? should be labelled N/A
+		return 100.0 * count / denom
+	def value_of(self, metric):
+		"""Calculates the value of the given metric, being a tuple of
+		features for tokens counted as hit and features for tokens counted
+		at all (or None if all the tokens should be counted). The first feats
+		should be a subset of the second one."""
+		return self.percentage_with(metric[0], metric[1])
+	def dump(self):
+		print '----'
+		print 'Tokens in reference data\t%d' % self.ref_toks
+		for m_name in dir(Metric):
+			if not m_name.startswith('_'):
+				metric = getattr(Metric, m_name)
+				print '%s\t%.4f%%' % (m_name, self.value_of(metric))
+		# calc upper bound
+		#upbound = self.value_of(Metric.WC_LOWER) + self.value_of(Metric.SEG_CHANGE)
+		#print 'WC_UPPER\t%.4f%%' % upbound
+def go():
+	parser = OptionParser(usage=descr)
+	parser.add_option('-i', '--input-format', type='string', action='store',
+		dest='input_format', default='ccl',
+		help='set the input format; default: ccl')
+	parser.add_option('-t', '--tagset', type='string', action='store',
+		dest='tagset', default='nkjp',
+		help='set the tagset used in input; default: nkjp')
+	parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_false', default=True, dest='verbose')
+	parser.add_option('-k', '--keep-optional', action='store_false',
+		default=True, dest='expand_optional',
+		help='do not expand unspecified optional attributes to multiple tags')
+	parser.add_option('-s', '--ignore-spaces', action='store_false',
+		default=True, dest='respect_spaces',
+		help='ignore spaces between tokens when comparing')
+	parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug_mode')
+	(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+	if len(args) != 2:
+		print 'You need to provide two output files'
+		print 'See --help for details.'
+		print
+		sys.exit(1)
+	tagset = corpus2.get_named_tagset(options.tagset)
+	num_folds = 1
+	fold_idx = 0
+	tag_fn = args[fold_idx] # filename of tagged fold @ fold_idx
+	ref_fn = args[fold_idx + num_folds] # ... reference fold @ fold_idx
+	if options.verbose:
+		print 'Comparing: %s v. %s' % (tag_fn, ref_fn)
+	tag_rdr = corpus2.TokenReader.create_path_reader(options.input_format, tagset, tag_fn)
+	ref_rdr = corpus2.TokenReader.create_path_reader(options.input_format, tagset, ref_fn)
+	res = TokComp(tagset, options.expand_optional, options.debug_mode)
+	for tag_seq, ref_seq in tok_seqs(
+		tag_rdr, ref_rdr, options.respect_spaces, options.verbose, options.debug_mode,
+		tagset, options.expand_optional):
+		res.update(tag_seq, ref_seq)
+	if options.verbose:
+		res.dump()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	go()