======== PLWN API ======== PLWN API is a library for accessing the plWordNet lexicon in a Python program. Usage ===== Access is provided using a PLWordNet object, with data loaded from the database dump. >>> import plwn >>> wn = plwn.load_default() Using that object, it's possible to obtain synset and lexical unit data. >>> lex = wn.lexical_unit('pies', plwn.PoS.noun_pl, 2) >>> print(lex) pies.2(21:zw) >>> print(lex.definition) pies domowy - popularne zwierzę domowe, przyjaciel człowieka. Full documentation ================== For description of loading plWordNet data: $ pydoc plwn._loading For description of the PLWordNet class and others: $ pydoc plwn.bases Creating API dumps from wordnet sql =================================== Latest wordnet database dump can be obtained from http://ws.clarin-pl.eu/public/wordnet-work.LATEST.sql.gz It can be loaded using shell command: $ mysql -e 'CREATE SCHEMA wordnet_new' # For maintaining multiple versions. $ mysql -D wordnet_new < wordnet-work.LATEST.sql.gz It is then recommended to run `clean_wndb.sql` script to remove any mistakes in an unlikely case that the dump contains some, such as invalid enum values or invalid foreign keys. $ mysql -D wordnet_new < clean_wndb.sql Then, edit connection string in storage-dumps if necessary according to sqlalchemy format. Default values are all set to "wordnet", in the example DATABASE will be "wordnet_new". mysql+mysqldb://wordnet:wordnet@localhost/wordnet_new?charset=utf8 After that, the database can be read and saved into the API format. Only works in Python 2! >>> import sys; print(sys.version) 2.7.12 >>> import plwn >>> api = plwn.read("connection.txt", "database", "plwn-new.db", "sqlite3") To load this version at a later date, use `plwn.load(path)` instead of `plwn.load_default()` >>> api = plwn.load("storage-dumps/plwn-new.db") Downloading API dumps ===================== In order to download one of the dumps available at https://minio.clarin-pl.eu/ : import plwn plwn.download("optional_name") File will be downloaded to the current directory. If optional_name is not provided default dump will be downloaded. If optional_name is provided but doesn't match name of any available dumps, the process will fail and display possible names. Licenses ======== The python software is provided on terms of the LGPL 3.0 license (see COPYING and COPYING.LESSER). Lexicon data is provided on terms of the WordNet license (see LICENSE-PWN.txt) for the original Princeton WordNet synsets and relations, and the plWordNet license (see LICENSE-plWN.txt) for other entities.