diff --git a/common/templates/base.html b/common/templates/base.html
index 0be482d4c850a2e8715b8accc19effbb3f091bda..a24c6112dc3a039d5fc7cc8c322cb8d670730a43 100644
--- a/common/templates/base.html
+++ b/common/templates/base.html
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 <div class="container-fluid h-100 d-flex flex-column p-0">
     <!--z-index 2 above sticky-top-->
-    <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg sticky-top navbar-dark bg-dark font-weight-bold p-2" style="z-index: 1022;">
+    <nav id="page-nav" class="navbar navbar-expand-lg sticky-top navbar-dark bg-dark font-weight-bold p-2" style="z-index: 1022;">
         <a class="navbar-brand" href="{% url 'dash' %}">Walenty [beta]</a>
         <button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarNav" aria-controls="navbarNav" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation">
diff --git a/entries/static/entries/js/entries.js b/entries/static/entries/js/entries.js
index 12e68575afab77e6f0aa4bc4c3808b5863ef2fa4..417618aebb387294bb24c4f81ac925f458d845e2 100644
--- a/entries/static/entries/js/entries.js
+++ b/entries/static/entries/js/entries.js
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ function show_unmatched_examples() {
-function get_entry(entry_id) {
+function get_entry(entry_id, related) {
     //var data = { 'forms' : serialize_forms($('#main-form')), 'entry' : entry_id };
-    var data = { 'entry' : entry_id };
+    var data = { 'entry' : entry_id, 'no_filters' : related };
         type     : 'post',
         url      : '/' + lang + '/entries/get_entry/',
@@ -860,6 +860,7 @@ function update_last_visited(last_visited) {
 function bind_settings() {
+    activate_tooltips($('#page-nav'));
     $('#show-realisation-descriptions').change(function() {
         var val = $(this).prop('checked') === true;
@@ -879,6 +880,21 @@ function bind_settings() {
+    $('#show-linked-entries').change(function() {
+        var val = $(this).prop('checked') === true;
+        $.ajax({
+            type     : 'post',
+            url      : '/' + lang + '/entries/change_show_linked_entries/',
+            dataType : 'json',
+            data     : {'val' : val},
+            success  : function(response) {
+                update_entries();
+            },
+            error: function(request, errorType, errorMessage) {
+                show_error(errorType + ' (' + errorMessage + ')');
+            }
+        });
+    });
 function show_reals_desc() {
@@ -895,7 +911,7 @@ function get_show_reals_desc() {
     return $('#show-realisation-descriptions').prop('checked') === true;
-function update_entries(entries) {
+function update_entries() {
         // https://datatables.net/manual/tech-notes/3
@@ -913,8 +929,9 @@ function update_entries(entries) {
         // https://datatables.net/reference/option/dom
         dom: 'ftri',
         columns: [
-            { data: 'name' },
-            { data: 'status__key' },
+            { data: 'lemma' },
+            { data: 'status' },
+            { data: 'POS' },
         orderMulti: false,
         // show processing indicator when sorting etc.
@@ -931,21 +948,25 @@ function update_entries(entries) {
                 className: 'p-1',
-                targets: [0, 1],
+                targets: [0, 1, 2],
             // make only the lemma searchable
                 searchable: false,
-                targets: 1,
+                targets: [1, 2]
         createdRow: function(row, data, dataIndex, cells) {
             $(row).attr('data-entry', data.id);
+            var related = data.related === true;
+            if (related) {
+                $(row).addClass('text-muted');
+            }
             $(row).click(function() {
                 var selected_entry = $(this).data('entry');
                 if (selected_entry !== curr_entry) {
-                    get_entry(selected_entry);
+                    get_entry(selected_entry, related);
                     $('.entry[data-entry="' + curr_entry + '"]').removeClass('table-primary');
diff --git a/entries/templates/entries.html b/entries/templates/entries.html
index 5e0efa59e468a15bb055e1aca91d22a9c24ea2bd..0814f1f43ba66887f40b6ae0d9737bae6f5e7064 100644
--- a/entries/templates/entries.html
+++ b/entries/templates/entries.html
@@ -63,7 +63,13 @@
         <div class="form-check custom-control custom-checkbox">
             <input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" id="show-realisation-descriptions"{% if request.session.show_reals_desc %} checked{% endif %}>
             <label class="custom-control-label" for="show-realisation-descriptions">
-            {% trans "Wyświetlaj opisy realizacji" %}
+            {% trans "Wyświetlaj opisy realizacji" %} <span data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="{% trans "Po wybraniu ramy wyświetlaj opisy jej realizacji składniowych. Opisy (dla całej realizacji i dla poszczególnych fraz) są wyświetlane wewnątrz schematów." %}"><img src="/static/common/img/info.svg" alt="info" width="10" height="10"/></span>
+            </label>
+        </div>
+        <div class="form-check custom-control custom-checkbox">
+            <input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" id="show-linked-entries"{% if request.session.show_linked_entries %} checked{% endif %}>
+            <label class="custom-control-label" for="show-linked-entries">
+            {% trans "Wyświetlaj powiązane hasła" %} <span data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" data-html="true" title="{% trans "Przy filtrowaniu haseł wyświetlaj, oprócz haseł spełniających kryteria filtrowania, hasła powiązane z nimi znaczeniowo (np. <i>podarować</i> – <i>podarunek</i> – <i>podarek</i>). Hasła powiązane niespełniające kryteriów filtrowania są wyróżnione jaśniejszym kolorem na liście oraz nie podlegają filtrowaniu schematów i ram (są zawsze wyświetlane w całości niezależnie od użytych filtrów dla schematów/ram)." %}"><img src="/static/common/img/info.svg" alt="info" width="10" height="10"/></span>
diff --git a/entries/templates/entries_list.html b/entries/templates/entries_list.html
index 8828866bcd4d70a0b707245d9699382ae18868a1..efd94e29fae9caafe5a16ad0e6a8696d21fdfe53 100644
--- a/entries/templates/entries_list.html
+++ b/entries/templates/entries_list.html
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
             <th class="p-1">{% trans "Lemat" %}</th>
             <th class="p-1">Status</th>
+            <th class="p-1">{% trans "Cz. mowy" %}</th>
     <tbody id="entries">
diff --git a/entries/templates/entry_display.html b/entries/templates/entry_display.html
index de2ad14a39d15af77f15e2524a6db6daa577423b..cf620b880ec55094d84ddca819c75a16fe9bd4fa 100644
--- a/entries/templates/entry_display.html
+++ b/entries/templates/entry_display.html
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
     <div class="col h-100 w-100 p-0 tab-pane" id="examples" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="examples-tab">
-        <table id="unmatched-examples" class="table table-sm table-hover table-responsive">
+        <table id="unmatched-examples" class="table table-sm table-hover">
                     <th scope="col">{% trans "Przykład" %}</th>
diff --git a/entries/urls.py b/entries/urls.py
index 1a1a2303dc904dd869fae71314bce43b40ee0c47..3c497647957859d31f5ec8638ba9793a15ad802f 100644
--- a/entries/urls.py
+++ b/entries/urls.py
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ urlpatterns = [
     path('get_entry/', views.get_entry, name='get_entry'),
     path('get_subform/', views.get_subform, name='get_subform'),
     path('change_show_reals_desc/', views.change_show_reals_desc, name='change_show_reals_desc'),
+    path('change_show_linked_entries/', views.change_show_linked_entries, name='change_show_linked_entries'),
     path('autocomplete/', autocompletes.autocomplete, name='autocomplete'),
diff --git a/entries/views.py b/entries/views.py
index 20123992f2c7638136ee8c9c9500a0f4dd83c4bc..18875ca688c1c81353c3e432adced1141ec3b292 100644
--- a/entries/views.py
+++ b/entries/views.py
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ from .forms import (
 from .phrase_descriptions.descriptions import position_prop_description
@@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ def entries(request):
     # TODO make this automatic by subclassing/configuring session object
     if 'last_visited' not in request.session:
         request.session['last_visited'] = []
+    if 'show_reals_desc' not in request.session:
+        request.session['show_reals_desc'] = True
+    if 'show_linked_entries' not in request.session:
+        request.session['show_linked_entries'] = True
     # TODO retrieve the form from the request session – keep forms between page refreshes,
     # keep search history, allow saving searches?
     # if so, don’t delete local forms on main form submit in send_form
@@ -337,26 +341,46 @@ def get_entries(request):
         # TODO restrictions for testing – remove!!!
         #entries = entries.annotate(nsub=Count('subentries')).filter(nsub__gt=1)
         #entries = entries.filter(subentries__schemata__opinion__key__in=('vul', 'col')).filter(status__key__in=('(S) gotowe', '(S) sprawdzone'))
+        #entries = entries.filter(subentries__schema_hooks__alternation=2)
         total = entries.count()
         if scroller_params['filter']:
             entries = entries.filter(name__startswith=scroller_params['filter'])
         filtered = entries.count()
+        linked_ids = set()
+        if request.session['show_linked_entries']:
+            entries_linked = Entry.objects.filter(subentries__schema_hooks__argument_connections__schema_connections__subentry__entry__in=entries).distinct().exclude(id__in=entries)
+            entries = entries.union(entries_linked)
+            linked_ids = set(e.id for e in entries_linked)
         i, j = scroller_params['start'], scroller_params['start'] + scroller_params['length']
         order_field, order_dir = scroller_params['order']
-        if order_field != 0 or order_dir != 'asc':
-            # ordering other than lemma ascending (database default)
-            order_field = 'name' if order_field == 0 else 'status__key'
-            if order_dir == 'desc':
-                order_field = '-' + order_field
-            entries = entries.order_by(order_field)
+        if order_field == 0:
+            order_field = 'name'
+        elif order_field == 1:
+            order_field = 'status__key'
+        elif order_field == 2:
+            order_field = 'pos__tag'
+        if order_dir == 'desc':
+            order_field = '-' + order_field
+        entries = entries.order_by(order_field)
         status_names = STATUS()
-        entries_list = list(entries.values('id', 'name', 'status__key'))
+        POS_names = POS()
+        entries_list = list(entries.values('id', 'name', 'status__key', 'pos__tag'))
         result = {
             'draw' : scroller_params['draw'],
             'recordsTotal': total,
             'recordsFiltered': filtered,
-            'data': [{'id' : e['id'], 'name' : e['name'], 'status__key' : status_names[e['status__key']]} for e in entries_list[i:j]],
+            'data': [
+                {
+                    'id'      : e['id'],
+                    'lemma'   : e['name'],
+                    'status'  : status_names[e['status__key']],
+                    'POS'     : POS_names[e['pos__tag']],
+                    'related' : e['id'] in linked_ids,
+                } for e in entries_list[i:j]
+            ],
         return JsonResponse(result)
     return JsonResponse({})
@@ -659,7 +683,10 @@ def get_entry(request):
             # form should already be validated if it passed through send_form
             assert(not errors_dict)
-            filter_schemata, filter_frames = entry_form.cleaned_data['filter_schemata'], entry_form.cleaned_data['filter_frames']
+            # dont’ do schema/frame filtering for related entries
+            FILTERING_OK = not simplejson.loads(request.POST['no_filters'])
+            filter_schemata = FILTERING_OK and entry_form.cleaned_data['filter_schemata']
+            filter_frames = FILTERING_OK and entry_form.cleaned_data['filter_frames']
             if filter_schemata:
                 schema_forms = []
                 # e.g. entry has schema that satisfies X & entry has schema that satisfies Y
@@ -700,14 +727,14 @@ def get_entry(request):
             local_schema_form = None
-            if 'schema_form' in request.session:
+            if FILTERING_OK and 'schema_form' in request.session:
                 errors_dict = dict()
                 local_schema_form = collect_forms(request.session['schema_form'], errors_dict)
                 assert(not errors_dict)
             local_frame_form = None
-            if 'frame_form' in request.session:
+            if FILTERING_OK and 'frame_form' in request.session:
                 errors_dict = dict()
                 local_frame_form = collect_forms(request.session['frame_form'], errors_dict)
                 assert(not errors_dict)
@@ -736,10 +763,6 @@ def get_entry(request):
             frames = [frame2dict(frame, entry.lexical_units.all()) for frame in frame_objects]
             alternations, realisation_phrases, realisation_descriptions = get_alternations(all_schema_objects, frame_objects)
             examples = get_examples(entry)
-            if 'last_visited' not in request.session:
-                request.session['last_visited'] = []
-            if 'show_reals_desc' not in request.session:
-                request.session['show_reals_desc'] = True
             # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/topics/http/sessions/#when-sessions-are-saved
             if [entry.name, entry.id] in request.session['last_visited']:
                 request.session['last_visited'].remove([entry.name, entry.id])
@@ -779,3 +802,12 @@ def change_show_reals_desc(request):
         request.session['show_reals_desc'] = val
         return JsonResponse({ 'success' : 1 })
     return JsonResponse({})
+def change_show_linked_entries(request):
+    if request.method == 'POST':
+        val = simplejson.loads(request.POST['val'])
+        request.session['show_linked_entries'] = val
+        return JsonResponse({ 'success' : 1 })
+    return JsonResponse({})
diff --git a/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.mo b/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.mo
index e25e72102e413eb22e0c3b3afd4ec2b13f5d4f93..63b3175bf7c12ea66fc505d606cae8959df2877b 100644
Binary files a/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.mo and b/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
index c890dc3e4cafea00dbc45bc5e867a2ddbef7e53d..020256e4bf0b2c973e67271a7cb0cdaa17e066ed 100644
--- a/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
+++ b/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-07-07 12:20+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-07-14 16:24+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -105,12 +105,12 @@ msgid "Status / część mowy"
 msgstr "Status / part of speech"
 #: dictionary_statistics/templates/dictionary_statistics.html:43
-#: entries/forms.py:201
+#: entries/forms.py:202
 msgid "Liczba schematów"
 msgstr "Number of schemata"
 #: dictionary_statistics/templates/dictionary_statistics.html:67
-#: entries/forms.py:205
+#: entries/forms.py:206
 msgid "Liczba ram"
 msgstr "Number of frames"
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ msgstr "all"
 msgid "Pobieranie"
 msgstr "Download"
-#: entries/autocompletes.py:27 entries/views.py:439
+#: entries/autocompletes.py:27 entries/views.py:464
 msgid "definicja:"
 msgstr "definition:"
@@ -186,11 +186,11 @@ msgstr "Invalid expression: %(msg)s."
 msgid "Typ frazy zleksykalizowanej"
 msgstr "Lexicalised phrase type"
-#: entries/form_fields/specialised_fields.py:44 entries/forms.py:546
+#: entries/form_fields/specialised_fields.py:44 entries/forms.py:549
 msgid "Typ frazy"
 msgstr "Phrase type"
-#: entries/form_fields/specialised_fields.py:51 entries/forms.py:634
+#: entries/form_fields/specialised_fields.py:51 entries/forms.py:637
 msgid "wybierz"
 msgstr "choose"
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ msgstr "Schema"
 msgid "Schemat(y) występujące w haśle"
 msgstr "Phrase type(s) occurring in the entry."
-#: entries/forms.py:147 entries/forms.py:419 entries/forms.py:640
+#: entries/forms.py:147 entries/forms.py:422 entries/forms.py:643
 msgid "Pozycja"
 msgstr "Position"
@@ -263,11 +263,14 @@ msgid ""
 "Pozycje mogą występować w różnych schematach. Aby ograniczyć filtrowanie do "
 "występowania wymaganych pozycji w obrębie jednego schematu, proszę użyć "
 "filtru POZYCJA wewnątrz filtra SCHEMAT powyżej."
-msgstr "Positions may occur in different schemata. In order to restrict filtering to positions co-occuring in one schema, use the POSITION filter inside SCHEMA filter above."
+msgstr ""
+"Positions may occur in different schemata. In order to restrict filtering to "
+"positions co-occuring in one schema, use the POSITION filter inside SCHEMA "
+"filter above."
-#: entries/forms.py:151 entries/forms.py:480 entries/forms.py:645
-#: entries/forms.py:764 entries/forms.py:766 entries/forms.py:768
-#: entries/forms.py:770
+#: entries/forms.py:151 entries/forms.py:483 entries/forms.py:648
+#: entries/forms.py:769 entries/forms.py:771 entries/forms.py:773
+#: entries/forms.py:775
 msgid "Fraza"
 msgstr "Phrase"
@@ -280,7 +283,10 @@ msgid ""
 "Frazy mogą występować w różnych schematach i na różnych pozycjach. Aby "
 "ograniczyć filtrowanie do występowania wymaganych fraz w obrębie jednej "
 "pozycji, proszę użyć filtru POZYCJA powyżej lub wewnątrz filtra SCHEMAT."
-msgstr "Phrases may occur in different schemata and on different positions. In order to restrict filtering to phrases co-occuring on one position, use the POSITION filter above or inside the SCHEMA filter."
+msgstr ""
+"Phrases may occur in different schemata and on different positions. In order "
+"to restrict filtering to phrases co-occuring on one position, use the "
+"POSITION filter above or inside the SCHEMA filter."
 #: entries/forms.py:164
 msgid "Rama"
@@ -290,242 +296,246 @@ msgstr "Frame"
 msgid "Rama/y występujące w haśle"
 msgstr "Frame(s) occurring in the entry."
-#: entries/forms.py:170
+#: entries/forms.py:165 entries/forms.py:600
+msgid "Argument"
+msgstr "Argument"
+#: entries/forms.py:165
+msgid "Argument(y) występujące w haśle"
+msgstr "Argument(s) occurring in the entry."
+#: entries/forms.py:171
 msgid "Własności hasła"
 msgstr "Entry properties"
-#: entries/forms.py:171
+#: entries/forms.py:172
 msgid "Własności składniowe"
 msgstr "Syntactic properties"
-#: entries/forms.py:172
+#: entries/forms.py:173
 msgid "Własności semantyczne"
 msgstr "Semantic properties"
-#: entries/forms.py:173 entries/forms.py:259
+#: entries/forms.py:174 entries/forms.py:262
 msgid "Filtruj"
 msgstr "Filter"
-#: entries/forms.py:174 entries/forms.py:260
+#: entries/forms.py:175 entries/forms.py:263
 msgid "Wyczyść"
 msgstr "Reset"
-#: entries/forms.py:180 entries/forms.py:496 entries/forms.py:502
-#: entries/forms.py:541 entries/templates/entries_list.html:6
+#: entries/forms.py:181 entries/forms.py:499 entries/forms.py:505
+#: entries/forms.py:544 entries/templates/entries_list.html:6
 msgid "Lemat"
 msgstr "Lemma"
-#: entries/forms.py:186
+#: entries/forms.py:187
 msgid "Część mowy"
 msgstr "Part of speech"
-#: entries/forms.py:212
+#: entries/forms.py:213
 msgid "Ukryj niepasujÄ…ce schematy"
 msgstr "Hide non-matching schemata"
-#: entries/forms.py:213
+#: entries/forms.py:214
 msgid "Ukryj niepasujÄ…ce ramy"
 msgstr "Hide non-matching frames"
-#: entries/forms.py:255
+#: entries/forms.py:258
 msgid "Zwiń"
 msgstr "Collapse"
-#: entries/forms.py:255
+#: entries/forms.py:258
 msgid "Usuń"
 msgstr "Remove"
-#: entries/forms.py:308 entries/forms.py:802
+#: entries/forms.py:311 entries/forms.py:807
 msgid "Zaneguj"
 msgstr "Negate"
-#: entries/forms.py:323
+#: entries/forms.py:326
 msgid "Schemat składniowy"
 msgstr "Syntactic schema"
-#: entries/forms.py:329
+#: entries/forms.py:332
 msgid "Opinia o schemacie"
 msgstr "Schema opinion"
-#: entries/forms.py:340
+#: entries/forms.py:343
 msgid "Typ"
 msgstr "Type"
-#: entries/forms.py:342
+#: entries/forms.py:345
 msgid "zwykły"
 msgstr "ordinary"
-#: entries/forms.py:343
+#: entries/forms.py:346
 msgid "frazeologiczny"
 msgstr "phraseological"
-#: entries/forms.py:352
+#: entries/forms.py:355
 msgid "Zwrotność"
 msgstr "Reflexiveness"
-#: entries/forms.py:363
+#: entries/forms.py:366
 msgid "Negatywność"
 msgstr "Negativity"
-#: entries/forms.py:374
+#: entries/forms.py:377
 msgid "Predykatywność"
 msgstr "Predicativity"
-#: entries/forms.py:385 entries/polish_strings.py:96
+#: entries/forms.py:388 entries/polish_strings.py:96
 msgid "Aspekt"
 msgstr "Aspect"
-#: entries/forms.py:404
+#: entries/forms.py:407
 msgid "Liczba pozycyj"
 msgstr "Number of positions"
-#: entries/forms.py:419
+#: entries/forms.py:422
 msgid "Pozycja/e występujące w schemacie"
 msgstr "Position(s) occurring in the entry."
-#: entries/forms.py:435
+#: entries/forms.py:438
 msgid "Pozycja składniowa"
 msgstr "Syntactic position"
-#: entries/forms.py:441
+#: entries/forms.py:444
 msgid "Funkcja gramatyczna"
 msgstr "Grammatical function"
-#: entries/forms.py:451
+#: entries/forms.py:454
 msgid "Kontrola"
 msgstr "Control"
-#: entries/forms.py:461
+#: entries/forms.py:464
 msgid "Kontrola predykatywna"
 msgstr "Predicative control"
-#: entries/forms.py:471
+#: entries/forms.py:474
 msgid "Liczba fraz"
 msgstr "Number of phrases"
-#: entries/forms.py:480
+#: entries/forms.py:483
 msgid "Fraza/y występujące na pozycji"
 msgstr "Phrase type(s) occurring on the position."
-#: entries/forms.py:516
+#: entries/forms.py:519
 msgid "Fraza zleksykalizowana"
 msgstr "Lexicalised phrase"
-#: entries/forms.py:522
+#: entries/forms.py:525
 msgid "Wybór lematów"
 msgstr "Lemma choice"
-#: entries/forms.py:532
+#: entries/forms.py:535
 msgid "Łączenie lematów"
 msgstr "Lemma joining"
-#: entries/forms.py:545 entries/forms.py:823
+#: entries/forms.py:548 entries/forms.py:828
 msgid "Typ składniowy frazy zleksykalizowanej."
 msgstr "Syntactic type of lexicalised phrase."
-#: entries/forms.py:568
+#: entries/forms.py:571
 msgid "Rama semantyczna"
 msgstr "Semantic frame"
-#: entries/forms.py:574 entries/templates/entry_display.html:37
+#: entries/forms.py:577 entries/templates/entry_display.html:37
 #: entries/templates/entry_display.html:56
 #: entries/templates/entry_display.html:71
 msgid "Opinia"
 msgstr "Opinion"
-#: entries/forms.py:584
+#: entries/forms.py:587
 msgid "Liczba argumentów"
 msgstr "Number of arguments"
-#: entries/forms.py:591
+#: entries/forms.py:594
 msgid "Liczba preferencyj selekcyjnych argumentu"
 msgstr "Number of argument’s selectional preferences"
-#: entries/forms.py:597
-msgid "Argument"
-msgstr "Argument"
-#: entries/forms.py:613
+#: entries/forms.py:616
 msgid "Argument semantyczny"
 msgstr "Semantic argument"
-#: entries/forms.py:619
+#: entries/forms.py:622
 msgid "Rola"
 msgstr "Role"
-#: entries/forms.py:626
+#: entries/forms.py:629
 msgid "Atrybut roli"
 msgstr "Role attribute"
-#: entries/forms.py:633 entries/forms.py:636
+#: entries/forms.py:636 entries/forms.py:639
 msgid "Preferencja selekcyjna"
 msgstr "Selectional preference"
-#: entries/forms.py:634
+#: entries/forms.py:637
 msgid "Predefiniowana grupa znaczeń"
 msgstr "Predefined meanings class"
-#: entries/forms.py:634
+#: entries/forms.py:637
 msgid "Wyrażona przez relację"
 msgstr "Expressed by relation"
-#: entries/forms.py:634
+#: entries/forms.py:637
 msgid "Wyrażona przez jednostkę leksykalną Słowosieci"
 msgstr "Expressed by plWordnet lexical unit"
-#: entries/forms.py:644
+#: entries/forms.py:647
 msgid "Typ frazy, przez którą może być realizowany argument."
 msgstr ""
-#: entries/forms.py:665
+#: entries/forms.py:670
 msgid "Preferencja predefiniowana"
 msgstr "Predefined preference"
-#: entries/forms.py:671
+#: entries/forms.py:676
 msgid "Predefiniowane"
 msgstr "Predefined"
-#: entries/forms.py:685
+#: entries/forms.py:690
 msgid "Preferencja – relacja"
 msgstr "Relational preference"
-#: entries/forms.py:691
+#: entries/forms.py:696
 msgid "Relacja"
 msgstr "Relation"
-#: entries/forms.py:702
+#: entries/forms.py:707
 msgid "Do: rola"
 msgstr "To: role"
-#: entries/forms.py:709
+#: entries/forms.py:714
 msgid "Do: atrybut"
 msgstr "To: attribute"
-#: entries/forms.py:721
+#: entries/forms.py:726
 msgid "Preferencja – Słowosieć"
 msgstr "plWordnet preference"
-#: entries/forms.py:727
+#: entries/forms.py:732
 msgid "Jednostka leksykalna"
 msgstr "Lexical unit"
-#: entries/forms.py:775
+#: entries/forms.py:780
 msgid "Fraza {}"
 msgstr "{} phrase"
-#: entries/forms.py:777 entries/phrase_descriptions/descriptions.py:124
+#: entries/forms.py:782 entries/phrase_descriptions/descriptions.py:124
 msgid "zleksykalizowana"
 msgstr "lexicalised"
-#: entries/forms.py:813
+#: entries/forms.py:818
 msgid "Realizacja składniowa frazy."
 msgstr "Syntactic realisation of the phrase."
-#: entries/forms.py:817
+#: entries/forms.py:822
 msgid "Fraza składowa zleksykalizowanej konstrukcji porównawczej."
 msgstr "Component phrase of lexicalised comparative construction."
-#: entries/forms.py:819
+#: entries/forms.py:824
 msgid "Fraza zleksykalizowana."
 msgstr "Lexicalised phrase."
@@ -2125,18 +2135,46 @@ msgstr "Options"
 msgid "Wyświetlaj opisy realizacji"
 msgstr "Show realisation descriptions"
-#: entries/templates/entries.html:97
+#: entries/templates/entries.html:66
+msgid ""
+"Po wybraniu ramy wyświetlaj opisy jej realizacji składniowych. Opisy (dla "
+"całej realizacji i dla poszczególnych fraz) są wyświetlane wewnątrz "
+msgstr ""
+"When a frame is selected, show descriptions of its syntactic realisations. "
+"The descriptions (for whole realisation and for single phrases) are "
+"displayed inside schemata."
+#: entries/templates/entries.html:72
+msgid "Wyświetlaj powiązane hasła"
+msgstr "Show related entries"
+#: entries/templates/entries.html:72
+msgid ""
+"Przy filtrowaniu haseł wyświetlaj, oprócz haseł spełniających kryteria "
+"filtrowania, hasła powiązane z nimi znaczeniowo (np. <i>podarować</i> – "
+"<i>podarunek</i> – <i>podarek</i>). Hasła powiązane niespełniające kryteriów "
+"filtrowania są wyróżnione jaśniejszym kolorem na liście oraz nie podlegają "
+"filtrowaniu schematów i ram (są zawsze wyświetlane w całości niezależnie od "
+"użytych filtrów dla schematów/ram)."
+msgstr "When filtering entries, show (aside from entries satisfying filtering criteria) entries with related meanings, (eg. <i>podarować</i> – <i>podarunek</i> – <i>podarek</i>). Related entries that don’t satisfy filtering criteria are displayed in a lighter color on the entries list and are not subject to schema/frame filtering (ie. are always shown in their entirety regardless of schema/frame filters applied)."
+#: entries/templates/entries.html:103
 msgid "Filtrowanie haseł"
 msgstr "Entry filtering"
-#: entries/templates/entries.html:113
+#: entries/templates/entries.html:119
 msgid "Filtrowanie ram"
 msgstr "Frame filtering"
-#: entries/templates/entries.html:129
+#: entries/templates/entries.html:135
 msgid "Filtrowanie schematów"
 msgstr "Schema filtering"
+#: entries/templates/entries_list.html:8
+msgid "Cz. mowy"
+msgstr "PoS"
 #: entries/templates/entry_display.html:6
 msgid "Semantyka (ramy + schematy)"
 msgstr "Semantics (frames + schemata)"
@@ -2167,22 +2205,22 @@ msgstr "Source"
 msgid "Brak przykładów"
 msgstr "No examples"
-#: entries/views.py:427
+#: entries/views.py:452
 msgid ""
 "Realizacja tego argumentu w zdaniu powinna być powiązana jakąkolwiek relacją"
 msgstr "Realisation of this argument in the sentence should be in any relation"
-#: entries/views.py:429
+#: entries/views.py:454
 msgid ""
 "Realizacja tego argumentu w zdaniu powinna być powiązana relacją <i>{}</i>"
 msgstr ""
 "Realisation of this argument in the sentence should be in <i>{}</i> relation"
-#: entries/views.py:430
+#: entries/views.py:455
 msgid "z realizacjÄ… argumentu <i>{}</i>."
 msgstr "with realisation of the <i>{}</i> argument."
-#: entries/views.py:443
+#: entries/views.py:468
 msgid "hiperonimy:"
 msgstr "hypernyms"
diff --git a/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po b/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po
index 2af266dccc371fc5cd5e1c62d976792dffdfc111..43fea1062dec5b7425e2404f4a6c74e3ece07c9c 100644
--- a/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po
+++ b/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-07-07 12:20+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-07-14 16:24+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -139,40 +139,40 @@ msgid ""
 "Kliknij, aby wyświetlić argumenty i typy fraz powiązane z tym przykładem."
 msgstr "Click to show arguments and phrase types linked to this example."
-#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:960
+#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:981
 msgid "Przetwarzanie..."
 msgstr "Processing"
-#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:961
-#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:1018
+#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:982
+#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:1039
 msgid "Szukaj:"
 msgstr "Search:"
-#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:962
+#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:983
 msgid "Liczba haseł: _TOTAL_"
 msgstr "_TOTAL_ entries"
-#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:963
-#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:1019
+#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:984
+#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:1040
 msgid "Liczba haseł: 0"
 msgstr "0 entries"
-#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:964
+#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:985
 msgid "(spośród _MAX_)"
 msgstr "(out of _MAX_)"
-#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:965
-#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:1020
+#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:986
+#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:1041
 msgid "Brak haseł do wyświetlenia."
 msgstr "No entries to display."
-#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:967
-#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:1022
+#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:988
+#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:1043
 msgid ": sortuj kolumnÄ™ rosnÄ…co"
 msgstr ": sort column in ascending order"
-#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:968
-#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:1023
+#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:989
+#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:1044
 msgid ": sortuj kolumnÄ™ malejÄ…co"
 msgstr ": sort column in descending order"