From 429b8926317919d73228e3d37817e9db5a2f652d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: dcz <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2022 14:59:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Vue version of slowal frame in edit view.

 .../entries/js/components/LexicalUnitEdit.js  | 854 ++++++++++--------
 entries/static/entries/js/entries.js          |  36 +-
 entries/static/entries/js/unification.js      | 150 ---
 3 files changed, 501 insertions(+), 539 deletions(-)

diff --git a/entries/static/entries/js/components/LexicalUnitEdit.js b/entries/static/entries/js/components/LexicalUnitEdit.js
index 540da90..0f3948b 100644
--- a/entries/static/entries/js/components/LexicalUnitEdit.js
+++ b/entries/static/entries/js/components/LexicalUnitEdit.js
@@ -2,420 +2,496 @@ import InfoTooltip from "./InfoTooltip.js";
 import Spinner from "./Spinner.js";
 export default {
-  props: {
-    unifiedFrameId: Number
-  },
-  data() {
-    return {
-      gettext: window.gettext,
-      unified_frame: Object,
-      unified_frame_title: Object,
-      unified_frame_arguments: [],
-      active_unified_frame_argument: null,
-      slowal_frames2selecional_preferencies_mapping: {},
-      lexical_units: [],
-      img_prefix: String,
-      frames: []
-    }
-  },
-  components: { InfoTooltip, Spinner },
-  emits: ['goToDisplay', 'refresh'],
-  watch: {
-    unifiedFrameId: function () {
-      this.loadFrame();
-    }
-  },
-  methods: {
-    hasWhiteSpace(s) {
-      return /\s/g.test(s);
+    props: {
+        unifiedFrameId: Number
-    async loadFrame() {
-      try {
-        var data = {'unified_frame_id': this.unifiedFrameId};
-        $.ajax({
-          type: 'post',
-          url: '/' + lang + '/unifier/get_unified_frame/',
-          dataType: 'json',
-          data: data,
-          timeout: 60000,
-          success: function (response) {
+    data() {
+        return {
+            gettext: window.gettext,
+            unified_frame: Object,
+            unified_frame_title: Object,
+            unified_frame_arguments: [],
+            active_unified_frame_argument: null,
+            slowal_frames2selecional_preferencies_mapping: {},
+            lexical_units: [],
+            img_prefix: String,
+            frames: []
+        }
+    },
+    components: {InfoTooltip, Spinner},
+    emits: ['goToDisplay', 'refresh'],
+    watch: {
+        unifiedFrameId: function () {
+            this.loadFrame();
+        }
+    },
+    methods: {
+        hasWhiteSpace(s) {
+            return /\s/g.test(s);
+        },
+        slowal_frame_html(frame) {
+            let ret = frame2dom(frame);
+            return ret.outerHTML;
+        },
+        show_semantics_unified_view(frames, subentries) {
+            $('#semantics-no-examples').hide();
+            var schemata_dom = subentries2dom(subentries);
+            $('#semantics-schemata').append($(schemata_dom));
+        },
+        async loadFrame() {
+            try {
+                var data = {'unified_frame_id': this.unifiedFrameId};
+                $.ajax({
+                    type: 'post',
+                    url: '/' + lang + '/unifier/get_unified_frame/',
+                    dataType: 'json',
+                    data: data,
+                    timeout: 60000,
+                    success: function (response) {
-            this.img_prefix = window.STATIC_URL;
+                        this.img_prefix = window.STATIC_URL;
-            this.lexical_units = frames2lexical_units(response.frames);
+                        this.lexical_units = frames2lexical_units(response.frames);
-            this.unified_frame = response.unified_frame;
-            this.unified_frame_title = this.unified_frame.title || lexical_units2dom(this.lexical_units)
-            this.unified_frame_arguments = this.unified_frame.arguments;
-            this.frames = response.frames;
+                        this.unified_frame = response.unified_frame;
+                        this.unified_frame_title = this.unified_frame.title || lexical_units2dom(this.lexical_units)
+                        this.unified_frame_arguments = this.unified_frame.arguments;
+                        this.frames = response.frames;
-            // $('#lexical-unit').html(this.unified_frame_title);
+                        // $('#lexical-unit').html(this.unified_frame_title);
-            this.slowal_frames2selecional_preferencies_mapping = slowal_frames2selecional_preferencies(this.unified_frame, response.frames);
+                        this.slowal_frames2selecional_preferencies_mapping = slowal_frames2selecional_preferencies(this.unified_frame, response.frames);
-            // unified_view_frame_content = response.frames
-            curr_entry = this.unifiedFrameId;
-            // curr_no_filters = related;
-            clear_info();
-            curr_alternations = response.alternations;
-            curr_realisation_phrases = response.realisation_phrases;
-            curr_realisation_descriptions = response.realisation_descriptions;
-            curr_examples = response.examples;
-            curr_examples_by_id = Object();
-            for (var i in curr_examples) {
-              curr_examples_by_id[curr_examples[i].id] = curr_examples[i];
-            }
-            unified_frame_active_frame = this.unified_frame;
-            show_unified_frame_lexical_units(response.frames)
-            fulfill_slowal_frames_arguments_with_empty_elems(response.unified_frame, response.frames)
-            show_semantics_unified_view(response.frames, response.subentries);
-            // show_unmatched_examples();
+                        // unified_view_frame_content = response.frames
+                        curr_entry = this.unifiedFrameId;
+                        // curr_no_filters = related;
+                        clear_info();
+                        curr_alternations = response.alternations;
+                        curr_realisation_phrases = response.realisation_phrases;
+                        curr_realisation_descriptions = response.realisation_descriptions;
+                        curr_examples = response.examples;
+                        curr_examples_by_id = Object();
+                        for (var i in curr_examples) {
+                            curr_examples_by_id[curr_examples[i].id] = curr_examples[i];
+                        }
+                        show_unified_frame_lexical_units(response.frames)
+                        fulfill_slowal_frames_arguments_with_empty_elems(response.unified_frame, response.frames)
+                        this.show_semantics_unified_view(response.frames, response.subentries);
+                        // show_unmatched_examples();
-            // tooltips with meaning gloss
-            activate_tooltips($('#semantics-frames-pane'));
-            update_last_visited(response.last_visited);
-          }.bind(this),
-          error: function (request, errorType, errorMessage) {
-            show_error(errorType + ' (' + errorMessage + ')');
-          }
-        });
+                        // tooltips with meaning gloss
+                        activate_tooltips($('#semantics-frames-pane'));
+                        update_last_visited(response.last_visited);
+                    }.bind(this),
+                    error: function (request, errorType, errorMessage) {
+                        show_error(errorType + ' (' + errorMessage + ')');
+                    }
+                });
-      } catch (error) {
-        console.log(error);
-      }
-    },
-    unifiedFrameArgumentSelected (argument) {
-      if (this.active_unified_frame_argument === argument) {
-        this.active_unified_frame_argument = null;
-      } else {
-        this.active_unified_frame_argument = argument;
-      }
-      this.unifiedFrameArgumentHovered(argument);
-    },
-    unifiedFrameArgumentHovered (argument) {
-      clear_info();
-      if (argument && this.active_unified_frame_argument === argument) {
-        show_info(gettext('Kliknij, aby cofnąć wybór kolumny do edycji.'));
-      }
-      if (argument && this.active_unified_frame_argument !== argument) {
-        show_info(gettext('Kliknij, aby wybrać kolumnę do edycji.'));
-      }
-    },
-    addSelectivePreference () {
-      if (!this.active_unified_frame_argument) {
-        alert(gettext("Zaznacz argument, do którego chcesz dodać preferencję."));
-      } else {
-        window.addSelectivePreference(this.unified_frame,, this.frames);
-      }
-    },
-    changeTitle() {
-      let title = this.unified_frame.title != null ? this.unified_frame.title : '';
-      var change_title_popup = {
-        state0: {
-          title: 'Zmiana nazwy ramy',
-          html: '<input type="text" size="32" value="' + title + '" name="title" />',
-          buttons: { Anuluj: 0, Zapisz: 1},
-          focus: -1,
-          submit: function(e,v,m,f){
-            if (v == 0) {
-              $.prompt.close();
+            } catch (error) {
+                console.log(error);
+            }
+        },
+        unifiedFrameArgumentSelected(argument) {
+            if (this.active_unified_frame_argument === argument) {
+                this.active_unified_frame_argument = null;
+            } else {
+                this.active_unified_frame_argument = argument;
+            }
+            this.unifiedFrameArgumentHovered(argument);
+        },
+        unifiedFrameArgumentHovered(argument) {
+            clear_info();
+            if (argument && this.active_unified_frame_argument === argument) {
+                show_info(gettext('Kliknij, aby cofnąć wybór kolumny do edycji.'));
-            if (v === 1) {
-              e.preventDefault();
-              var title = f.title;
+            if (argument && this.active_unified_frame_argument !== argument) {
+                show_info(gettext('Kliknij, aby wybrać kolumnę do edycji.'));
+            }
+        },
+        addSelectivePreference() {
+            if (!this.active_unified_frame_argument) {
+                alert(gettext("Zaznacz argument, do którego chcesz dodać preferencję."));
+            } else {
+                window.addSelectivePreference(this.unified_frame,, this.frames);
+            }
+        },
+        changeTitle() {
+            let title = this.unified_frame.title != null ? this.unified_frame.title : '';
+            var change_title_popup = {
+                state0: {
+                    title: 'Zmiana nazwy ramy',
+                    html: '<input type="text" size="32" value="' + title + '" name="title" />',
+                    buttons: {Anuluj: 0, Zapisz: 1},
+                    focus: -1,
+                    submit: function (e, v, m, f) {
+                        if (v == 0) {
+                            $.prompt.close();
+                        }
+                        if (v === 1) {
+                            e.preventDefault();
+                            var title = f.title;
-              if(this.hasWhiteSpace(title)) {
-                alert(gettext("Nazwa zunifikowanej ramy nie może zawierać białych znaków."));
-              } else {
-                var data = {'unified_frame_id':, 'unified_frame_title': title};
-                $.ajax({
-                  type: 'post',
-                  url: '/' + lang + '/unifier/save_unified_frame_title/',
-                  dataType: 'json',
-                  data: data,
-                  timeout: 60000,
-                  success: function (response) {
-                    show_info('Tytuł ramy zosał zapisany');
-                    $.prompt.close();
-                    this.loadFrame();
-                  }.bind(this),
-                  error: function (request, errorType, errorMessage) {
-                    show_error(errorType + ' (' + errorMessage + ')');
-                    $.prompt.close();
-                  }
-                });
-              }
+                            if (this.hasWhiteSpace(title)) {
+                                alert(gettext("Nazwa zunifikowanej ramy nie może zawierać białych znaków."));
+                            } else {
+                                var data = {'unified_frame_id':, 'unified_frame_title': title};
+                                $.ajax({
+                                    type: 'post',
+                                    url: '/' + lang + '/unifier/save_unified_frame_title/',
+                                    dataType: 'json',
+                                    data: data,
+                                    timeout: 60000,
+                                    success: function (response) {
+                                        show_info('Tytuł ramy zosał zapisany');
+                                        $.prompt.close();
+                                        this.loadFrame();
+                                    }.bind(this),
+                                    error: function (request, errorType, errorMessage) {
+                                        show_error(errorType + ' (' + errorMessage + ')');
+                                        $.prompt.close();
+                                    }
+                                });
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }.bind(this)
+                }
-          }.bind(this)
-        }
-      }
-      $.prompt(change_title_popup);
-    },
-    changeRole() {
-      if (!this.active_unified_frame_argument) {
-        alert(gettext("Zaznacz argument, dla którego chcesz wybrać rolę."));
-      } else {
-        var existingSelect = function () {
-          let selected_unified_frame_argument = this.unified_frame_arguments.find(o => ===;
-          if (!selected_unified_frame_argument.proposed_roles) {
-            return gettext('Brak ról do wyboru.')
-          }
-          return => {
-            return `<label><input type="radio" name="roles" value="${}" /> ${role.str}</label><br />`;
-          }).join("");
-        }.bind(this);
+            $.prompt(change_title_popup);
+        },
+        changeRole() {
+            if (!this.active_unified_frame_argument) {
+                alert(gettext("Zaznacz argument, dla którego chcesz wybrać rolę."));
+            } else {
+                var existingSelect = function () {
+                    let selected_unified_frame_argument = this.unified_frame_arguments.find(o => ===;
+                    if (!selected_unified_frame_argument.proposed_roles) {
+                        return gettext('Brak ról do wyboru.')
+                    }
+                    return => {
+                        return `<label><input type="radio" name="roles" value="${}" /> ${role.str}</label><br />`;
+                    }).join("");
+                }.bind(this);
-        var newSelect = function () {
-          let rolesHTML = => {
-            return `<label><input type="radio" name="role" value="${}" /> ${role.role}</label><br />`;
-          }).join("");
-          let attributesHTML = => {
-            return `<label><input type="radio" name="attribute" value="${}" /> ${attribute.attribute}</label><br />`;
-          }).join("");
-          return '<div class="row"><div class="column"><div class="role_select_header">Role</div>' + rolesHTML + '</div><div class="column"><div class="role_select_header">Atrybuty</div>' + attributesHTML +'</div></div>';
-        }.bind(this);
+                var newSelect = function () {
+                    let rolesHTML = => {
+                        return `<label><input type="radio" name="role" value="${}" /> ${role.role}</label><br />`;
+                    }).join("");
+                    let attributesHTML = => {
+                        return `<label><input type="radio" name="attribute" value="${}" /> ${attribute.attribute}</label><br />`;
+                    }).join("");
+                    return '<div class="row"><div class="column"><div class="role_select_header">Role</div>' + rolesHTML + '</div><div class="column"><div class="role_select_header">Atrybuty</div>' + attributesHTML + '</div></div>';
+                }.bind(this);
-        let change_role_popup = {
-          state0: {
-            title: 'Wybór roli',
-            html: 'Wybierz lub dodaj rolÄ™',
-            buttons: { Wybierz: 0, Dodaj: 1, Koniec: -1 },
-            focus: -1,
-            submit: function(e,v,m,f){
-              if (v == -1) {
-                e.preventDefault();
+                let change_role_popup = {
+                    state0: {
+                        title: 'Wybór roli',
+                        html: 'Wybierz lub dodaj rolÄ™',
+                        buttons: {Wybierz: 0, Dodaj: 1, Koniec: -1},
+                        focus: -1,
+                        submit: function (e, v, m, f) {
+                            if (v == -1) {
+                                e.preventDefault();
-                this.loadFrame();
+                                this.loadFrame();
-                $.prompt.close();
-              }
-              if (v === 0) {
-                e.preventDefault();
-                $.prompt.goToState('state1');
-              }
-              if (v == 1) {
-                e.preventDefault();
-                $.prompt.goToState('state2');
-              }
-            }.bind(this)
-          },
-          state1: {
-            title: 'Wybierz rolÄ™',
-            html: existingSelect(),
-            buttons: {Anuluj: -1, Zatwierdź: 1},
-            focus: -1,
-            submit: function (e, v, m, f) {
-              if (v == -1) {
-                e.preventDefault();
-                $.prompt.goToState('state0');
-              }
-              if (v == 1) {
-                e.preventDefault();
-                normalizeFormData(f.roles).map(role_id => {
-                  var data = { 'unified_frame_id' :, 'complement_id' :, 'role_id' : role_id };
-                  $.ajax({
-                    type     : 'post',
-                    url      : '/' + lang + '/unifier/save_selected_role/',
-                    dataType : 'json',
-                    data     : data,
-                    timeout  : 60000,
-                    success  : function(response) {
-                      show_info('Wybrana rola zosała zapisana');
-                      $.prompt.goToState('state0');
-                    }.bind(this),
-                    error: function(request, errorType, errorMessage) {
-                      show_error(errorType + ' (' + errorMessage + ')');
-                      $.prompt.close();
-                    }
-                  });
-                });
-              }
-            }.bind(this)
-          },
-          state2: {
-            title: 'Dodaj rolÄ™',
-            html: newSelect(),
-            buttons: {Anuluj: -1, Zatwierdź: 1},
-            focus: -1,
-            submit: function (e, v, m, f) {
-              if (v == -1) {
-                e.preventDefault();
-                $.prompt.goToState('state0');
-              }
-              if (v == 1) {
-                e.preventDefault();
+                                $.prompt.close();
+                            }
+                            if (v === 0) {
+                                e.preventDefault();
+                                $.prompt.goToState('state1');
+                            }
+                            if (v == 1) {
+                                e.preventDefault();
+                                $.prompt.goToState('state2');
+                            }
+                        }.bind(this)
+                    },
+                    state1: {
+                        title: 'Wybierz rolÄ™',
+                        html: existingSelect(),
+                        buttons: {Anuluj: -1, Zatwierdź: 1},
+                        focus: -1,
+                        submit: function (e, v, m, f) {
+                            if (v == -1) {
+                                e.preventDefault();
+                                $.prompt.goToState('state0');
+                            }
+                            if (v == 1) {
+                                e.preventDefault();
+                                normalizeFormData(f.roles).map(role_id => {
+                                    var data = {
+                                        'unified_frame_id':,
+                                        'complement_id':,
+                                        'role_id': role_id
+                                    };
+                                    $.ajax({
+                                        type: 'post',
+                                        url: '/' + lang + '/unifier/save_selected_role/',
+                                        dataType: 'json',
+                                        data: data,
+                                        timeout: 60000,
+                                        success: function (response) {
+                                            show_info('Wybrana rola zosała zapisana');
+                                            $.prompt.goToState('state0');
+                                        }.bind(this),
+                                        error: function (request, errorType, errorMessage) {
+                                            show_error(errorType + ' (' + errorMessage + ')');
+                                            $.prompt.close();
+                                        }
+                                    });
+                                });
+                            }
+                        }.bind(this)
+                    },
+                    state2: {
+                        title: 'Dodaj rolÄ™',
+                        html: newSelect(),
+                        buttons: {Anuluj: -1, Zatwierdź: 1},
+                        focus: -1,
+                        submit: function (e, v, m, f) {
+                            if (v == -1) {
+                                e.preventDefault();
+                                $.prompt.goToState('state0');
+                            }
+                            if (v == 1) {
+                                e.preventDefault();
-                var role_id = normalizeFormData(f.role)[0];
+                                var role_id = normalizeFormData(f.role)[0];
-                if(role_id != null) {
-                  var attribute_id = normalizeFormData(f.attribute)[0];
+                                if (role_id != null) {
+                                    var attribute_id = normalizeFormData(f.attribute)[0];
-                  var data = {
-                    'unified_frame_id':,
-                    'complement_id':,
-                    'role_id': role_id,
-                    'attribute_id': attribute_id
-                  };
-                  $.ajax({
+                                    var data = {
+                                        'unified_frame_id':,
+                                        'complement_id':,
+                                        'role_id': role_id,
+                                        'attribute_id': attribute_id
+                                    };
+                                    $.ajax({
+                                        type: 'post',
+                                        url: '/' + lang + '/unifier/save_new_role/',
+                                        dataType: 'json',
+                                        data: data,
+                                        timeout: 60000,
+                                        success: function (response) {
+                                            show_info('Nowa rola zosała zapisana');
+                                            $.prompt.goToState('state0');
+                                        }.bind(this),
+                                        error: function (request, errorType, errorMessage) {
+                                            show_error(errorType + ' (' + errorMessage + ')');
+                                            $.prompt.close();
+                                        }
+                                    });
+                                } else {
+                                    alert(gettext("Musisz wybrać pzynajmniej rolę."));
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }.bind(this)
+                    }
+                };
+                $.prompt(change_role_popup);
+            }
+        },
+        addArgument() {
+            var data = {'unified_frame_id':};
+            $.ajax({
+                type: 'post',
+                url: '/' + lang + '/unifier/add_argument/',
+                dataType: 'json',
+                data: data,
+                timeout: 60000,
+                success: function (response) {
+                    show_info('Nowy argument zosał dodany');
+                    this.loadFrame();
+                }.bind(this),
+                error: function (request, errorType, errorMessage) {
+                    show_error(errorType + ' (' + errorMessage + ')');
+                    $.prompt.close();
+                }
+            });
+        },
+        removeArgument() {
+            if (!this.active_unified_frame_argument) {
+                alert(gettext("Zaznacz argument, który chcesz usunąć."));
+            } else {
+                let hasSlowalFrameArgumentMapping = false;
+                for (var i in this.unified_frame.slowal_frame_mapping) {
+                    var slowal_frame_mapping = this.unified_frame.slowal_frame_mapping[i];
+                    for (var j in slowal_frame_mapping.slowal_frame_argument_mapping) {
+                        var slowal_frame_argument_mapping = slowal_frame_mapping.slowal_frame_argument_mapping[j];
+                        if (slowal_frame_argument_mapping.unified_frame_agrument_id == {
+                            hasSlowalFrameArgumentMapping = true;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if (hasSlowalFrameArgumentMapping) {
+                    alert(gettext("Zaznaczony argument nie może zostać usunięty - podpięte ramy posiadają do niego dowiązania."));
+                } else {
+                    var data = {
+                        'unified_frame_id':,
+                        'complement_id':
+                    };
+                    $.ajax({
+                        type: 'post',
+                        url: '/' + lang + '/unifier/remove_argument/',
+                        dataType: 'json',
+                        data: data,
+                        timeout: 60000,
+                        success: function (response) {
+                            show_info('Wybrany argument zosał usunięty');
+                            this.loadFrame();
+                        }.bind(this),
+                        error: function (request, errorType, errorMessage) {
+                            show_error(errorType + ' (' + errorMessage + ')');
+                            $.prompt.close();
+                        }
+                    });
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        duplicate() {
+            let title = this.unified_frame.title != null ? this.unified_frame.title : '';
+            var duplicate_popup = {
+                state0: {
+                    title: 'Podaj nazwÄ™ zduplikowanej ramy',
+                    html: '<input type="text" size="32" value="KOPIA_' + title + '" name="title" />',
+                    buttons: {Anuluj: 0, Zapisz: 1},
+                    focus: -1,
+                    submit: function (e, v, m, f) {
+                        if (v == 0) {
+                            e.preventDefault();
+                            $.prompt.close();
+                        }
+                        if (v === 1) {
+                            e.preventDefault();
+                            var title = f.title;
+                            if (this.hasWhiteSpace(title)) {
+                                alert(gettext("Nazwa zunifikowanej ramy nie może zawierać białych znaków."));
+                            } else {
+                                var data = {
+                                    'unified_frame_id':,
+                                    'target_unified_frame_title': title
+                                };
+                                $.ajax({
+                                    type: 'post',
+                                    url: '/' + lang + '/unifier/duplicate_unified_frame/',
+                                    dataType: 'json',
+                                    data: data,
+                                    timeout: 60000,
+                                    success: function (response) {
+                                        show_info('Zunifikowana rama została zduplikowana.');
+                                        $.prompt.close();
+                                    }.bind(this),
+                                    error: function (request, errorType, errorMessage) {
+                                        show_error(errorType + ' (' + errorMessage + ')');
+                                        $.prompt.close();
+                                    }
+                                });
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }.bind(this)
+                }
+            }
+            $.prompt(duplicate_popup);
+        },
+        changeUnifiedFrameStatusToReady() {
+            let foundNotVerifiedFrame = this.frames.find(frame => !frame.verified);
+            if (foundNotVerifiedFrame) {
+                alert(gettext("Wszystkie podpięte ramy powinny być zweryfikowane."));
+            } else {
+                var data = {'unified_frame_id':};
+                $.ajax({
                     type: 'post',
-                    url: '/' + lang + '/unifier/save_new_role/',
+                    url: '/' + lang + '/unifier/change_unified_frame_status_to_ready/',
                     dataType: 'json',
                     data: data,
                     timeout: 60000,
                     success: function (response) {
-                      show_info('Nowa rola zosała zapisana');
-                      $.prompt.goToState('state0');
+                        show_info('Status ramy został zmieniony');
+                        this.$emit('goToDisplay')
                     error: function (request, errorType, errorMessage) {
-                      show_error(errorType + ' (' + errorMessage + ')');
-                      $.prompt.close();
+                        show_error(errorType + ' (' + errorMessage + ')');
-                  });
-                } else {
-                  alert(gettext("Musisz wybrać pzynajmniej rolę."));
-                }
-              }
-            }.bind(this)
-          }
-        };
-        $.prompt(change_role_popup);
-      }
-    },
-    addArgument() {
-        var data = { 'unified_frame_id' :};
-        $.ajax({
-          type     : 'post',
-          url      : '/' + lang + '/unifier/add_argument/',
-          dataType : 'json',
-          data     : data,
-          timeout  : 60000,
-          success  : function(response) {
-            show_info('Nowy argument zosał dodany');
-            this.loadFrame();
-          }.bind(this),
-          error: function(request, errorType, errorMessage) {
-            show_error(errorType + ' (' + errorMessage + ')');
-            $.prompt.close();
-          }
-        });
-    },
-    removeArgument() {
-      if (!this.active_unified_frame_argument) {
-        alert(gettext("Zaznacz argument, który chcesz usunąć."));
-      } else {
-        let hasSlowalFrameArgumentMapping = false;
-        for (var i in this.unified_frame.slowal_frame_mapping) {
-          var slowal_frame_mapping = this.unified_frame.slowal_frame_mapping[i];
-          for (var j in slowal_frame_mapping.slowal_frame_argument_mapping) {
-            var slowal_frame_argument_mapping = slowal_frame_mapping.slowal_frame_argument_mapping[j];
-            if (slowal_frame_argument_mapping.unified_frame_agrument_id == {
-              hasSlowalFrameArgumentMapping = true;
-              break;
+                });
+        },
+      change_slowal2unified_frame_argument_mapping(slowal_frame_id) {
+          var argument_ids = [];
+          $('').each(function() {
+            var id = $(this).data('argument_id').split('-')[1];
+            if(id.startsWith('_')) {
+              id = -parseInt(id.split('_')[1])
+            } else {
+              id = parseInt(id)
+            }
+            argument_ids.push(id);
+          });
+          var choosed_slowal_frame_id = null;
+          $('').each(function() {
+            choosed_slowal_frame_id = $(this).data('frame_id');
+          });
+          if(choosed_slowal_frame_id == slowal_frame_id && argument_ids.length == 2) {
+            var data = {
+              'unified_frame_id':,
+              'slowal_frame_id': choosed_slowal_frame_id,
+              'slowal_frame_selected_arguments': JSON.stringify(argument_ids)
+            };
+            $.ajax({
+              type: 'post',
+              url: '/' + lang + '/unifier/change_slowal2unified_fram_argument_mapping/',
+              dataType: 'json',
+              data: data,
+              timeout: 60000,
+              success: function (response) {
+                this.loadFrame();
+              }.bind(this),
+              error: function (request, errorType, errorMessage) {
+                show_error(errorType + ' (' + errorMessage + ')');
+              }
+            });
-        }
-        if (hasSlowalFrameArgumentMapping) {
-          alert(gettext("Zaznaczony argument nie może zostać usunięty - podpięte ramy posiadają do niego dowiązania."));
-        } else {
-          var data = {'unified_frame_id':, 'complement_id':};
+        },
+        change_slowal2unified_mapping_verification(slowal_frame_id, verified) {
+          // check_import_status();
+          // show_entry_spinners();
+          var data = {
+            'unified_frame_id':,
+            'slowal_frame_id': slowal_frame_id,
+            'verified': verified
+          };
             type: 'post',
-            url: '/' + lang + '/unifier/remove_argument/',
+            url: '/' + lang + '/unifier/change_slowal2unified_mapping_verification/',
             dataType: 'json',
             data: data,
             timeout: 60000,
             success: function (response) {
-              show_info('Wybrany argument zosał usunięty');
             error: function (request, errorType, errorMessage) {
               show_error(errorType + ' (' + errorMessage + ')');
-              $.prompt.close();
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    duplicate() {
-      let title = this.unified_frame.title != null ? this.unified_frame.title : '';
-      var duplicate_popup = {
-        state0: {
-          title: 'Podaj nazwÄ™ zduplikowanej ramy',
-          html: '<input type="text" size="32" value="KOPIA_' + title + '" name="title" />',
-          buttons: { Anuluj: 0, Zapisz: 1},
-          focus: -1,
-          submit: function(e,v,m,f){
-            if (v == 0) {
-              e.preventDefault();
-              $.prompt.close();
-            }
-            if (v === 1) {
-              e.preventDefault();
-              var title = f.title;
-              if(this.hasWhiteSpace(title)) {
-                alert(gettext("Nazwa zunifikowanej ramy nie może zawierać białych znaków."));
-              } else {
-                var data = {'unified_frame_id':, 'target_unified_frame_title': title};
-                $.ajax({
-                  type: 'post',
-                  url: '/' + lang + '/unifier/duplicate_unified_frame/',
-                  dataType: 'json',
-                  data: data,
-                  timeout: 60000,
-                  success: function (response) {
-                    show_info('Zunifikowana rama została zduplikowana.');
-                    $.prompt.close();
-                  }.bind(this),
-                  error: function (request, errorType, errorMessage) {
-                    show_error(errorType + ' (' + errorMessage + ')');
-                    $.prompt.close();
-                  }
-                });
-              }
-            }
-          }.bind(this)
-        }
-      }
-      $.prompt(duplicate_popup);
+        },
-    changeUnifiedFrameStatusToReady() {
-      let foundNotVerifiedFrame = this.frames.find(frame => !frame.verified);
-      if(foundNotVerifiedFrame) {
-        alert(gettext("Wszystkie podpięte ramy powinny być zweryfikowane."));
-      } else {
-        var data = {'unified_frame_id':};
-        $.ajax({
-          type: 'post',
-          url: '/' + lang + '/unifier/change_unified_frame_status_to_ready/',
-          dataType: 'json',
-          data: data,
-          timeout: 60000,
-          success: function (response) {
-            show_info('Status ramy został zmieniony');
-            this.$emit('goToDisplay')
-          }.bind(this),
-          error: function (request, errorType, errorMessage) {
-            show_error(errorType + ' (' + errorMessage + ')');
-          }
+    mounted() {
+        Split(['#semantics-frames-pane', '#semantics-schemata-pane'], {
+            sizes: [40, 60],
+            minSize: 400,
+            gutterSize: 4,
+            elementStyle: (dimension, size, gutterSize) => {
+                return {
+                    'flex-basis': 'calc(' + size + '% - ' + gutterSize + 'px)'
+                }
+            },
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  mounted () {
-    Split(['#semantics-frames-pane', '#semantics-schemata-pane'], {
-      sizes: [40, 60],
-      minSize: 400,
-      gutterSize: 4,
-      elementStyle: (dimension, size, gutterSize) => {
-        return {
-          'flex-basis': 'calc(' + size + '% - ' + gutterSize + 'px)'
-        }
-      },
-    });
-    this.loadFrame();
-  },
-  template: `
+        this.loadFrame();
+    },
+    template: `
     <div class="col h-100 px-1 pt-0 pb-0 overflow-auto" id="semantics-frames-pane">
       <table class="table-button-menu" cellspacing="1">
         <tr style="background-color: white;">
@@ -545,7 +621,41 @@ export default {
           <td id="empty" style="padding: 10px 15px 10px 15px; color: #000000;"></td>
-      <div id="semantics-frames"></div>
+      <div id="semantics-frames">
+        <table class="table m-0 table-borderless border border-secondary text-dark"
+         v-for="frame in frames"
+         :key=""
+        >
+            <tbody>
+            <tr>
+                <th scope="row">
+                    <div v-html="slowal_frame_html(frame)"></div>
+                </th>
+                <th scope="row">
+                    <div>
+                      <label v-bind:for="">
+                        <div><input 
+                          :id=""
+                          type="checkbox"
+                          v-model="frame.verified"
+                          :checked="frame.verified"
+                          class="custom-control custom-checkbox"
+                          @change="change_slowal2unified_mapping_verification(, frame.verified)"
+                        >
+                        <span>Zweryfikowane</span></div>
+                      </label>
+                      <br><br> <a href="#" class="btn btn-sm btn-dark" role="button"
+                                        @click="change_slowal2unified_frame_argument_mapping(">Z</a>
+                    </div>
+                </th>
+            </tr>
+            </tbody>
+        </table>
+      </div>
     <div class="col h-100 px-1 pt-0 pb-0 overflow-auto" id="semantics-schemata-pane">
       <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-justified p-1" id="entryTabs" role="tablist">
diff --git a/entries/static/entries/js/entries.js b/entries/static/entries/js/entries.js
index 9a72eb8..ef204bb 100644
--- a/entries/static/entries/js/entries.js
+++ b/entries/static/entries/js/entries.js
@@ -141,6 +141,25 @@ function frame2dom(frame) {
     div.className = 'frame mb-3';
+    div.setAttribute("onmouseenter", "\
+      var frame = $(this); \
+      if (!frame.hasClass('active')) { \
+        $(this).addClass('highlight bg-highlight'); \
+        show_info(gettext('Kliknij, aby wyświetlić przykłady dla tej ramy oraz jej realizacje składniowe.')); \
+      } \
+    ");
+    div.setAttribute("onmouseleave", " \
+      $(this).removeClass('highlight bg-highlight'); \
+      clear_info(); \
+    ");
+    div.setAttribute("onclick", "\
+      var frame = $(this); \
+      if (!frame.hasClass('active')) { \
+        select_frame(frame); \
+      } \
+      clear_info(); \
+    ");
     var lexical_units_html = lexical_units2dom(frame.lexical_units);
     var p = document.createElement('p');
     p.className = 'mb-1'
@@ -357,23 +376,6 @@ function show_semantics(frames, subentries) {
-    $('.frame').mouseenter(function() {
-        var frame = $(this);
-        if (!frame.hasClass('active')) {
-            $(this).addClass('highlight bg-highlight');
-            show_info(gettext('Kliknij, aby wyświetlić przykłady dla tej ramy oraz jej realizacje składniowe.'));
-        }
-    }).mouseleave(function() {
-        $(this).removeClass('highlight bg-highlight');
-        clear_info();
-    }).click(function() {
-        var frame = $(this);
-        if (!frame.hasClass('active')) {
-            select_frame(frame);
-        }
-        clear_info();
-    });
     /*$('.plwn-url').click(function() {
diff --git a/entries/static/entries/js/unification.js b/entries/static/entries/js/unification.js
index b31f3fb..d55eb8a 100644
--- a/entries/static/entries/js/unification.js
+++ b/entries/static/entries/js/unification.js
@@ -1,155 +1,5 @@
 "use strict";
-var unified_view_frame_content;
-var unified_frame_active_frame;
-function change_slowal2unified_frame_argument_mapping(slowal_frame_id) {
-    var argument_ids = [];
-    $('').each(function() {
-        var id = $(this).data('argument_id').split('-')[1];
-        if(id.startsWith('_')) {
-            id = -parseInt(id.split('_')[1])
-        } else {
-            id = parseInt(id)
-        }
-        argument_ids.push(id);
-    });
-    var choosed_slowal_frame_id = null;
-    $('').each(function() {
-        choosed_slowal_frame_id = $(this).data('frame_id');
-    });
-    if(choosed_slowal_frame_id == slowal_frame_id && argument_ids.length == 2) {
-        change_slowal2unified_fram_argument_mapping_post(, choosed_slowal_frame_id, argument_ids);
-        get_unified_frame(;
-    }
-function frames2dom_unidief_view(frames) {
-    var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
-    for (var i in frames) {
-        let frameDiv = frame2dom(frames[i]);
-        var table = document.createElement('table');
-        table.className = 'table m-0 table-borderless border border-secondary text-dark';
-        var tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
-        var roles_row = document.createElement('tr');
-        var frame_col = document.createElement('th');
-        frame_col.scope = 'row';
-        frame_col.class = 'py-0 px-1 text-secondary';
-        frame_col.append(frameDiv)
-        var button_col = document.createElement('th');
-        button_col.scope = 'row';
-        button_col.class = 'py-0 px-1 text-secondary';
-        var button_col_div = document.createElement('div');
-        button_col_div.innerHTML = '<div class="custom-control custom-checkbox">\n' +
-            '    <input type="checkbox" id="slowal-verification-'+frames[i].id+'" class="custom-control-input" '+(frames[i].verified ? 'checked' : '')+' onclick="change_slowal2unified_mapping_verification('+frames[i].id+', this.checked)">\n' +
-            '    <label class="custom-control-label" for="slowal-verification-'+frames[i].id+'">Zweryfikowane</label>\n' +
-            '    <br><br>' +
-            '    <a href="#" class="btn btn-sm btn-dark" role="button" onclick="change_slowal2unified_frame_argument_mapping('+frames[i].id+')">Z</a>' +
-            '</div>';
-        button_col.append(button_col_div);
-        roles_row.append(frame_col);
-        roles_row.append(button_col);
-        tbody.append(roles_row);
-        table.append(tbody);
-        fragment.append(table);
-    }
-    if (fragment.childNodes.length === 0) {
-        return '<p>(' + gettext('brak ram') + ')</p>';
-    }
-    return fragment;
-function show_semantics_unified_view(frames, subentries) {
-    $('#semantics-no-examples').hide();
-    var schemata_dom = subentries2dom(subentries);
-    $('#semantics-schemata').append($(schemata_dom));
-    var frames_dom = frames2dom_unidief_view(frames);
-    $('#semantics-frames').append($(frames_dom));
-    $('.frame').mouseenter(function() {
-        var frame = $(this);
-        if (!frame.hasClass('active')) {
-            $(this).addClass('highlight bg-highlight');
-            show_info(gettext('Kliknij, aby wyświetlić przykłady dla tej ramy oraz jej realizacje składniowe.'));
-        }
-    }).mouseleave(function() {
-        $(this).removeClass('highlight bg-highlight');
-        clear_info();
-    }).click(function() {
-        var frame = $(this);
-        if (!frame.hasClass('active')) {
-            select_frame(frame);
-        }
-        clear_info();
-    });
-    $('.lu-plwn, .synset-plwn').click(function(event) {
-        // don’t make link click select the frame
-        event.stopPropagation();
-    });
-    // if there’s one frame, select it immediately
-    if ($('.frame').length === 1) {
-        select_frame($('.frame').first());
-    }
-    // if there’s no frames, disable the tab
-    if ($('.frame').length === 0) {
-        $('#semantics-tab').addClass('disabled');
-    } else {
-        $('#semantics-tab').removeClass('disabled');
-    }
-function change_slowal2unified_fram_argument_mapping_post(unified_frame_id, slowal_frame_id, slowal_frame_selected_arguments) {
-    check_import_status();
-    show_entry_spinners();
-    var data = { 'unified_frame_id' : unified_frame_id, 'slowal_frame_id' : slowal_frame_id, 'slowal_frame_selected_arguments' : JSON.stringify(slowal_frame_selected_arguments) };
-    $.ajax({
-        type     : 'post',
-        url      : '/' + lang + '/unifier/change_slowal2unified_fram_argument_mapping/',
-        dataType : 'json',
-        data     : data,
-        timeout  : 60000,
-        success  : function(response) {
-        },
-        error: function(request, errorType, errorMessage) {
-            show_error(errorType + ' (' + errorMessage + ')');
-        }
-    });
-function change_slowal2unified_mapping_verification(slowal_frame_id, verified) {
-    check_import_status();
-    show_entry_spinners();
-    var data = { 'unified_frame_id' :, 'slowal_frame_id' : slowal_frame_id, 'verified' : verified };
-    $.ajax({
-        type     : 'post',
-        url      : '/' + lang + '/unifier/change_slowal2unified_mapping_verification/',
-        dataType : 'json',
-        data     : data,
-        timeout  : 60000,
-        success  : function(response) {
-        },
-        error: function(request, errorType, errorMessage) {
-            show_error(errorType + ' (' + errorMessage + ')');
-        }
-    });
 function get_unified_frame(unified_frame_id, related) {