diff --git a/entries/forms.py b/entries/forms.py
index 16013ddf57e720fced26d0fd0cab81f80a64b3ef..2ea7818da1bbd89c08df09513dbb94d5c8d420bf 100644
--- a/entries/forms.py
+++ b/entries/forms.py
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ def or_button(button_label, add_button_id):
 def other_button(button_label, add_button_id):
     return bootstrap.StrictButton('+ {} ({})'.format(_('Inny'), button_label), css_class='other-button btn-xs btn-warning', data_add_id=add_button_id)
-def and_or_form_creator(button_label, button_id, field=None, data_add=None, add_other=False, *args, **kwargs):
+def and_or_form_creator(button_label, button_id, field=None, data_add=None, add_other=False, help=None, tooltip=None, *args, **kwargs):
     add_button = None
     data_add = 'switch' if data_add is None else data_add
     if field is not None:
@@ -115,6 +115,11 @@ def and_or_form_creator(button_label, button_id, field=None, data_add=None, add_
     if add_other:
         ret.insert(-1, other_button(button_label, button_id))
+    if help:
+        help_tooltip = ''
+        if tooltip:
+            help_tooltip = ' <span data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="{}"><img src="/static/common/img/info.svg" alt="info" width="12" height="12"/></span>'.format(tooltip)
+        ret.insert(-1, layout.HTML('<small class="form-text text-muted">{}{}</small>'.format(help, help_tooltip)))
     return ret
 class EntryForm(QueryForm):
@@ -138,17 +143,26 @@ class EntryForm(QueryForm):
         schema_components = [
         ] + \
-        and_or_form_creator(_('Schemat'), 'add-schema-0', data_add='schema', add_other=True) + \
+        and_or_form_creator(_('Schemat'), 'add-schema-0', data_add='schema', add_other=True, help=_('Schemat(y) występujące w haśle')) + \
+        and_or_form_creator(_('Pozycja'), 'add-position-0', data_add='position', add_other=True,
+            help=_('Pozycja/e występujące w haśle'),
+            tooltip=_('Pozycje mogą występować w różnych schematach. Aby ograniczyć filtrowanie do występowania wymaganych pozycji w obrębie jednego schematu, proszę użyć filtru POZYCJA wewnątrz filtra SCHEMAT powyżej.')
+            ) + \
+        and_or_form_creator(_('Fraza'), 'add-phrase-0', field=self.make_field('phrase_type'), data_prefix='phrase_',
+            help=_('Fraza/y występujące w haśle'),
+            tooltip=_('Frazy mogą występować w różnych schematach i na różnych pozycjach. Aby ograniczyć filtrowanie do występowania wymaganych fraz w obrębie jednej pozycji, proszę użyć filtru POZYCJA powyżej lub wewnątrz filtra SCHEMAT.')
+        ) + \
-        #and_or_form_creator(_('Fraza'), 'add-phrase-0', field=self.make_field('phrase_type'), data_prefix='phrase_') + \
         frame_components = [
         ] + \
-        and_or_form_creator(_('Rama'), 'add-frame-0', data_add='frame', add_other=True) + \
+        and_or_form_creator(_('Rama'), 'add-frame-0', data_add='frame', add_other=True, help=_('Rama/y występujące w haśle')) + \
+        and_or_form_creator(_('Argument'), 'add-argument-0', data_add='argument', help=_('Argument(y) występujące w haśle')) + \
@@ -181,6 +195,7 @@ class EntryForm(QueryForm):
         label ='Status',
         key = 'key',
+        human_values=polish_strings.STATUS(),
     num_schemata = RangeFilter(
@@ -193,7 +208,8 @@ class EntryForm(QueryForm):
     phrase_type = PhraseTypeFilter(
-        help_text=_('Typ frazy występujący w haśle.'))
+        #help_text=_('Typ frazy występujący w haśle.'),
+    )
     filter_schemata = SwitchField(_('Ukryj niepasujÄ…ce schematy'))
     filter_frames = SwitchField(_('Ukryj niepasujÄ…ce ramy'))
@@ -201,10 +217,14 @@ class EntryForm(QueryForm):
     def get_child_form_prefix(child_form):
         if child_form.model_class == Schema:
             return 'subentries__schemata__in'
+        if child_form.model_class == Position:
+            return 'subentries__schemata__positions__in'
         if child_form.model_class == PhraseType:
             return 'subentries__schemata__positions__phrase_types__in'
         if child_form.model_class == Frame:
             return 'subentries__schema_hooks__argument_connections__argument__frame__in'
+        if child_form.model_class == Argument:
+            return 'subentries__schema_hooks__argument_connections__argument__in'
         raise KeyError(type(child_form))
@@ -314,7 +334,6 @@ class SchemaFormFactory(FormFactory):
-                #initial=SchemaOpinion.objects.filter(key__in=('col', 'vul')),
@@ -400,7 +419,7 @@ class SchemaFormFactory(FormFactory):
             None, None,
-            lambda n, cls: and_or_form_creator(_('Pozycja'), 'add-position-{}'.format(n), data_add='position', add_other=True),
+            lambda n, cls: and_or_form_creator(_('Pozycja'), 'add-position-{}'.format(n), data_add='position', add_other=True, help=_('Pozycja/e występujące w schemacie')),
@@ -449,10 +468,19 @@ class PositionFormFactory(FormFactory):
             ), None,
+        (
+            'num_phrases',
+            lambda: RangeFilter(
+                label=_('Liczba fraz'),
+                lookup='phrases_count',
+            ),
+            None,
+        ),
-            lambda: PhraseTypeFilter(help_text=_('Typ frazy występujący na pozycji.')),
-            lambda n, cls: and_or_form_creator(_('Fraza'), 'add-phrase-{}'.format(n), field=cls.make_field(FormFactory.unique_name('phrase_type', n)), data_prefix='phrase_'),
+            #lambda: PhraseTypeFilter(help_text=_('Typ frazy występujący na pozycji.')),
+            lambda: PhraseTypeFilter(),
+            lambda n, cls: and_or_form_creator(_('Fraza'), 'add-phrase-{}'.format(n), field=cls.make_field(FormFactory.unique_name('phrase_type', n)), data_prefix='phrase_', help=_('Fraza/y występujące na pozycji')),
@@ -629,6 +657,8 @@ class ArgumentFormFactory(FormFactory):
             return 'relations__in'
         if child_form.model_class == Synset:
             return 'synsets__in'
+        if child_form.model_class == PhraseType:
+            return 'argument_connections__schema_connections__phrase_type__in'
         raise KeyError(type(child_form))
diff --git a/entries/views.py b/entries/views.py
index b4b6e0e3dcec4eeb6ed45c1997dabadd12e0b591..20123992f2c7638136ee8c9c9500a0f4dd83c4bc 100644
--- a/entries/views.py
+++ b/entries/views.py
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ from .forms import (
 from .phrase_descriptions.descriptions import position_prop_description
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ def get_subform(request):
             print('******************', form_type)
         return JsonResponse({'form_html' : form_html})
 #TODO clean this code bordello up
 def filter_objects(objects, queries, tab=''):
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ def get_filtered_objects(forms, initial_objects=None, tab='   '):
     objects = objects.distinct()
     #print(tab, 'FILTERED:', form.model_class)
     return objects
 # forms – an ‘or’ list of ‘and’ lists of forms, the forms are flattened and treated as one ‘or’ list.
 # The function is used for filtering out schemata/frames. E.g. if the user chooses entries with a schema
@@ -350,12 +350,13 @@ def get_entries(request):
             if order_dir == 'desc':
                 order_field = '-' + order_field
             entries = entries.order_by(order_field)
+        status_names = STATUS()
         entries_list = list(entries.values('id', 'name', 'status__key'))
         result = {
             'draw' : scroller_params['draw'],
             'recordsTotal': total,
             'recordsFiltered': filtered,
-            'data': entries_list[i:j],
+            'data': [{'id' : e['id'], 'name' : e['name'], 'status__key' : status_names[e['status__key']]} for e in entries_list[i:j]],
         return JsonResponse(result)
     return JsonResponse({})
@@ -574,6 +575,70 @@ def get_examples(entry):
     return sorted(examples, key=lambda x: x['sentence'])
+# [[POS1], [POS2, POS3]]
+# =>
+# [
+#     [
+#         (<SchemaForm>, [], [('position', 'or', [[POS1]])])
+#     ],
+#     [
+#         (<SchemaForm>, [], [('position', 'or', [[POS2]])]),
+#         (<SchemaForm>, [], [('position', 'or', [[POS3]])])
+#     ]
+# ]
+def position_forms2schema_forms(forms):
+    dummy_schema_form = make_form('schema', data={})
+    # validate the dummy to ensure access to cleaned_data
+    assert(dummy_schema_form.is_valid())
+    return [
+        [(dummy_schema_form, [], [('position', 'or', [[posf]])]) for posf in posfs]
+        for posfs in forms
+    ]
+# [[ATR1, ATR2], [ATR3]]
+# =>
+# [
+#     [
+#         (<SchemaForm>, [], [('position', 'or', [[(<PositionForm>, [], [('switch', 'or', [[ATR]])])]])]),
+#         (<SchemaForm>, [], [('position', 'or', [[(<PositionForm>, [], [('switch', 'or', [[ATR]])])]])])
+#     ],
+#     [
+#         (<SchemaForm>, [], [('position', 'or', [[(<PositionForm>, [], [('switch', 'or', [[ATR]])])]])])
+#     ]
+# ]
+def phrase_forms2schema_forms(forms):
+    dummy_schema_form = make_form('schema', data={})
+    dummy_position_form = make_form('position', data={})
+    # validate the dummies to ensure access to cleaned_data
+    assert(dummy_schema_form.is_valid())
+    assert(dummy_position_form.is_valid())
+    return [
+        [(dummy_schema_form, [], [('position', 'or', [[(dummy_position_form, [], [('switch', 'or', [[phrf]])])]])]) for phrf in phrfs]
+        for phrfs in forms
+    ]
+# [[ARG1, ARG2], [ARG3]]
+# =>
+# [
+#     [
+#         (<FrameForm>, [], [('argument', 'or', [[ARG1]])]),
+#         (<FrameForm>, [], [('argument', 'or', [[ARG2]])])
+#     ],
+#     [
+#         (<FrameForm>, [], [('argument', 'or', [[ARG3]])])
+#     ]
+# ]
+def argument_forms2frame_forms(forms):
+    dummy_frame_form = make_form('frame', data={})
+    # validate the dummy to ensure access to cleaned_data
+    assert(dummy_frame_form.is_valid())
+    return [
+        [(dummy_frame_form, [], [('argument', 'or', [[argf]])]) for argf in argfs]
+        for argfs in forms
+    ]
 #TODO test (*) changes
@@ -596,23 +661,43 @@ def get_entry(request):
             filter_schemata, filter_frames = entry_form.cleaned_data['filter_schemata'], entry_form.cleaned_data['filter_frames']
             if filter_schemata:
-                schema_forms = [frms[2] for frms in children_forms if frms[0] == 'schema']
-                assert (len(schema_forms) <= 1)
-                if schema_forms:
-                    schema_forms = schema_forms[0]
+                schema_forms = []
+                # e.g. entry has schema that satisfies X & entry has schema that satisfies Y
+                # => filtering schemata shows only schemata that contributed to the match
+                # => leave schemata that satisfies X or satisfy Y
+                schema_forms1 = [frms[2] for frms in children_forms if frms[0] == 'schema']
+                assert (len(schema_forms1) <= 1)
+                if schema_forms1:
+                    schema_forms = schema_forms1[0]
+                # e.g. entry has position that satisfies X & entry has position that satisfies Y
+                # => entry has schema that has position that satisfies X
+                # & entry has schema that has position that satisfies Y
+                # => leave schemata that have position that satisfies X or have position that satisfies Y
+                position_forms = [frms[2] for frms in children_forms if frms[0] == 'position']
+                assert (len(position_forms) <= 1)
+                if position_forms:
+                    position_forms = position_forms[0]
+                    schema_forms += position_forms2schema_forms(position_forms)
                 phrase_forms = [frms[2] for frms in children_forms if frms[0] == 'switch']
                 assert (len(phrase_forms) <= 1)
                 if phrase_forms:
                     phrase_forms = phrase_forms[0]
-                    print('=====================', phrase_forms)
-                filter_schemata = schema_forms or phrase_forms
+                    schema_forms += phrase_forms2schema_forms(phrase_forms)
+                filter_schemata = len(schema_forms) > 0
             if filter_frames:
-                frame_forms = [frms[2] for frms in children_forms if frms[0] == 'frame']
-                assert (len(frame_forms) <= 1)
-                if frame_forms:
-                    frame_forms = frame_forms[0]
-                else:
-                    filter_frames = False
+                frame_forms = []
+                frame_forms1 = [frms[2] for frms in children_forms if frms[0] == 'frame']
+                assert (len(frame_forms1) <= 1)
+                if frame_forms1:
+                    frame_forms = frame_forms1[0]
+                argument_forms = [frms[2] for frms in children_forms if frms[0] == 'argument']
+                assert (len(argument_forms) <= 1)
+                if argument_forms:
+                    argument_forms = argument_forms[0]
+                    frame_forms += argument_forms2frame_forms(argument_forms)
+                filter_frames = len(frame_forms) > 0
             local_schema_form = None
             if 'schema_form' in request.session:
@@ -633,7 +718,7 @@ def get_entry(request):
                 schemata = []
                 schema_objects = subentry.schemata.all()
                 # filter out schemata by schema properties
-                if filter_schemata and schema_forms:
+                if filter_schemata:
                     schema_objects = get_filtered_objects2(schema_forms, schema_objects)
                 if local_schema_form:
                     schema_objects = get_filtered_objects(local_schema_form, schema_objects)
diff --git a/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.mo b/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.mo
index a8128f1b25e0df0286b824eac063484775ff1c97..e25e72102e413eb22e0c3b3afd4ec2b13f5d4f93 100644
Binary files a/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.mo and b/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
index 8848c5e27d6e2f1957846f015b88e3acbedbd51a..c890dc3e4cafea00dbc45bc5e867a2ddbef7e53d 100644
--- a/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
+++ b/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-06-30 10:15+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-07-07 12:20+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: common/templates/base.html:48 entries/templates/entries.html:7
+#: common/templates/base.html:49 entries/templates/entries.html:7
+#: entries/templates/entries.html:38
 msgid "Hasła"
 msgstr "Entries"
@@ -26,35 +27,40 @@ msgstr "Entries"
 msgid "Typy fraz"
 msgstr "Phrase types"
-#: common/templates/base.html:66
+#: common/templates/base.html:60
+#: dictionary_statistics/templates/dictionary_statistics.html:9
+msgid "Statystyki"
+msgstr "Statistics"
+#: common/templates/base.html:71
 msgid "EN"
 msgstr "PL"
-#: common/templates/base.html:76
+#: common/templates/base.html:81
 msgid "Instytut Podstaw Informatyki PAN"
 msgstr "Institute of Computer Science PAS"
-#: common/templates/base.html:77
+#: common/templates/base.html:82
 msgid "Praca współfinansowana przez"
 msgstr "Work co-founded by"
-#: common/templates/base.html:78
+#: common/templates/base.html:83
 msgid "Strona wykorzystuje"
 msgstr "Webpage powered by"
-#: common/templates/base.html:79
+#: common/templates/base.html:84
 msgid "oraz"
 msgstr "and "
-#: common/templates/base.html:80
+#: common/templates/base.html:85
 msgid "z motywem opartym na"
 msgstr "with"
-#: common/templates/base.html:81
+#: common/templates/base.html:86
 msgid " i krojem pisma"
 msgstr "-based motive and"
-#: common/templates/base.html:82
+#: common/templates/base.html:87
 msgid "."
 msgstr " font."
@@ -90,15 +96,33 @@ msgstr "Citing <i>Walenty</i>"
 msgid "Pozostałe publikacje"
 msgstr "Other publications"
-#: dictionary_statistics/templates/dictionary_statistics.html:7
-msgid "Statystyki"
-msgstr "Statistics"
+#: dictionary_statistics/templates/dictionary_statistics.html:17
+msgid "Liczba haseł"
+msgstr "Number of entries"
+#: dictionary_statistics/templates/dictionary_statistics.html:22
+msgid "Status / część mowy"
+msgstr "Status / part of speech"
+#: dictionary_statistics/templates/dictionary_statistics.html:43
+#: entries/forms.py:201
+msgid "Liczba schematów"
+msgstr "Number of schemata"
+#: dictionary_statistics/templates/dictionary_statistics.html:67
+#: entries/forms.py:205
+msgid "Liczba ram"
+msgstr "Number of frames"
+#: dictionary_statistics/views.py:11
+msgid "wszystkie"
+msgstr "all"
 #: download/templates/download.html:6
 msgid "Pobieranie"
 msgstr "Download"
-#: entries/autocompletes.py:27 entries/views.py:438
+#: entries/autocompletes.py:27 entries/views.py:439
 msgid "definicja:"
 msgstr "definition:"
@@ -162,11 +186,11 @@ msgstr "Invalid expression: %(msg)s."
 msgid "Typ frazy zleksykalizowanej"
 msgstr "Lexicalised phrase type"
-#: entries/form_fields/specialised_fields.py:44 entries/forms.py:521
+#: entries/form_fields/specialised_fields.py:44 entries/forms.py:546
 msgid "Typ frazy"
 msgstr "Phrase type"
-#: entries/form_fields/specialised_fields.py:51 entries/forms.py:609
+#: entries/form_fields/specialised_fields.py:51 entries/forms.py:634
 msgid "wybierz"
 msgstr "choose"
@@ -174,7 +198,7 @@ msgstr "choose"
 msgid "Frazeologia"
 msgstr "Phraseology"
-#: entries/form_fields/specialised_fields.py:78 entries/polish_strings.py:99
+#: entries/form_fields/specialised_fields.py:78 entries/polish_strings.py:115
 msgid "dowolnie"
 msgstr "any"
@@ -218,263 +242,290 @@ msgstr "Other"
 msgid "Dodaj"
 msgstr "Add"
-#: entries/forms.py:141
+#: entries/forms.py:146
 msgid "Schemat"
 msgstr "Schema"
-#: entries/forms.py:151
+#: entries/forms.py:146
+msgid "Schemat(y) występujące w haśle"
+msgstr "Phrase type(s) occurring in the entry."
+#: entries/forms.py:147 entries/forms.py:419 entries/forms.py:640
+msgid "Pozycja"
+msgstr "Position"
+#: entries/forms.py:148
+msgid "Pozycja/e występujące w haśle"
+msgstr "Position(s) occurring in the entry."
+#: entries/forms.py:149
+msgid ""
+"Pozycje mogą występować w różnych schematach. Aby ograniczyć filtrowanie do "
+"występowania wymaganych pozycji w obrębie jednego schematu, proszę użyć "
+"filtru POZYCJA wewnątrz filtra SCHEMAT powyżej."
+msgstr "Positions may occur in different schemata. In order to restrict filtering to positions co-occuring in one schema, use the POSITION filter inside SCHEMA filter above."
+#: entries/forms.py:151 entries/forms.py:480 entries/forms.py:645
+#: entries/forms.py:764 entries/forms.py:766 entries/forms.py:768
+#: entries/forms.py:770
+msgid "Fraza"
+msgstr "Phrase"
+#: entries/forms.py:152
+msgid "Fraza/y występujące w haśle"
+msgstr "Phrase type(s) occurring in the entry."
+#: entries/forms.py:153
+msgid ""
+"Frazy mogą występować w różnych schematach i na różnych pozycjach. Aby "
+"ograniczyć filtrowanie do występowania wymaganych fraz w obrębie jednej "
+"pozycji, proszę użyć filtru POZYCJA powyżej lub wewnątrz filtra SCHEMAT."
+msgstr "Phrases may occur in different schemata and on different positions. In order to restrict filtering to phrases co-occuring on one position, use the POSITION filter above or inside the SCHEMA filter."
+#: entries/forms.py:164
 msgid "Rama"
 msgstr "Frame"
-#: entries/forms.py:157
+#: entries/forms.py:164
+msgid "Rama/y występujące w haśle"
+msgstr "Frame(s) occurring in the entry."
+#: entries/forms.py:170
 msgid "Własności hasła"
 msgstr "Entry properties"
-#: entries/forms.py:158
+#: entries/forms.py:171
 msgid "Własności składniowe"
 msgstr "Syntactic properties"
-#: entries/forms.py:159
+#: entries/forms.py:172
 msgid "Własności semantyczne"
 msgstr "Semantic properties"
-#: entries/forms.py:160 entries/forms.py:242
+#: entries/forms.py:173 entries/forms.py:259
 msgid "Filtruj"
 msgstr "Filter"
-#: entries/forms.py:161 entries/forms.py:243
+#: entries/forms.py:174 entries/forms.py:260
 msgid "Wyczyść"
 msgstr "Reset"
-#: entries/forms.py:167 entries/forms.py:471 entries/forms.py:477
-#: entries/forms.py:516 entries/templates/entries_list.html:6
+#: entries/forms.py:180 entries/forms.py:496 entries/forms.py:502
+#: entries/forms.py:541 entries/templates/entries_list.html:6
 msgid "Lemat"
 msgstr "Lemma"
-#: entries/forms.py:173
+#: entries/forms.py:186
 msgid "Część mowy"
 msgstr "Part of speech"
-#: entries/forms.py:187
-msgid "Liczba schematów"
-msgstr "Number of schemata"
-#: entries/forms.py:191
-msgid "Liczba ram"
-msgstr "Number of frames"
-#: entries/forms.py:196
-msgid "Typ frazy występujący w haśle."
-msgstr "Phrase type occurring in the entry."
-#: entries/forms.py:197
+#: entries/forms.py:212
 msgid "Ukryj niepasujÄ…ce schematy"
 msgstr "Hide non-matching schemata"
-#: entries/forms.py:198
+#: entries/forms.py:213
 msgid "Ukryj niepasujÄ…ce ramy"
 msgstr "Hide non-matching frames"
-#: entries/forms.py:238
+#: entries/forms.py:255
 msgid "Zwiń"
 msgstr "Collapse"
-#: entries/forms.py:238
+#: entries/forms.py:255
 msgid "Usuń"
 msgstr "Remove"
-#: entries/forms.py:291 entries/forms.py:777
+#: entries/forms.py:308 entries/forms.py:802
 msgid "Zaneguj"
 msgstr "Negate"
-#: entries/forms.py:306
+#: entries/forms.py:323
 msgid "Schemat składniowy"
 msgstr "Syntactic schema"
-#: entries/forms.py:312
+#: entries/forms.py:329
 msgid "Opinia o schemacie"
 msgstr "Schema opinion"
-#: entries/forms.py:324
+#: entries/forms.py:340
 msgid "Typ"
 msgstr "Type"
-#: entries/forms.py:326
+#: entries/forms.py:342
 msgid "zwykły"
 msgstr "ordinary"
-#: entries/forms.py:327
+#: entries/forms.py:343
 msgid "frazeologiczny"
 msgstr "phraseological"
-#: entries/forms.py:336
+#: entries/forms.py:352
 msgid "Zwrotność"
 msgstr "Reflexiveness"
-#: entries/forms.py:347
+#: entries/forms.py:363
 msgid "Negatywność"
 msgstr "Negativity"
-#: entries/forms.py:358
+#: entries/forms.py:374
 msgid "Predykatywność"
 msgstr "Predicativity"
-#: entries/forms.py:369 entries/polish_strings.py:80
+#: entries/forms.py:385 entries/polish_strings.py:96
 msgid "Aspekt"
 msgstr "Aspect"
-#: entries/forms.py:388
+#: entries/forms.py:404
 msgid "Liczba pozycyj"
 msgstr "Number of positions"
-#: entries/forms.py:403 entries/forms.py:615
-msgid "Pozycja"
-msgstr "Position"
 #: entries/forms.py:419
+msgid "Pozycja/e występujące w schemacie"
+msgstr "Position(s) occurring in the entry."
+#: entries/forms.py:435
 msgid "Pozycja składniowa"
 msgstr "Syntactic position"
-#: entries/forms.py:425
+#: entries/forms.py:441
 msgid "Funkcja gramatyczna"
 msgstr "Grammatical function"
-#: entries/forms.py:435
+#: entries/forms.py:451
 msgid "Kontrola"
 msgstr "Control"
-#: entries/forms.py:445
+#: entries/forms.py:461
 msgid "Kontrola predykatywna"
 msgstr "Predicative control"
-#: entries/forms.py:454
-msgid "Typ frazy występujący na pozycji."
-msgstr "Phrase type occurring on the position."
+#: entries/forms.py:471
+msgid "Liczba fraz"
+msgstr "Number of phrases"
-#: entries/forms.py:455 entries/forms.py:620 entries/forms.py:739
-#: entries/forms.py:741 entries/forms.py:743 entries/forms.py:745
-msgid "Fraza"
-msgstr "Phrase"
+#: entries/forms.py:480
+msgid "Fraza/y występujące na pozycji"
+msgstr "Phrase type(s) occurring on the position."
-#: entries/forms.py:491
+#: entries/forms.py:516
 msgid "Fraza zleksykalizowana"
 msgstr "Lexicalised phrase"
-#: entries/forms.py:497
+#: entries/forms.py:522
 msgid "Wybór lematów"
 msgstr "Lemma choice"
-#: entries/forms.py:507
+#: entries/forms.py:532
 msgid "Łączenie lematów"
 msgstr "Lemma joining"
-#: entries/forms.py:520 entries/forms.py:798
+#: entries/forms.py:545 entries/forms.py:823
 msgid "Typ składniowy frazy zleksykalizowanej."
 msgstr "Syntactic type of lexicalised phrase."
-#: entries/forms.py:543
+#: entries/forms.py:568
 msgid "Rama semantyczna"
 msgstr "Semantic frame"
-#: entries/forms.py:549 entries/templates/entry_display.html:47
+#: entries/forms.py:574 entries/templates/entry_display.html:37
+#: entries/templates/entry_display.html:56
 #: entries/templates/entry_display.html:71
-#: entries/templates/entry_display.html:86
 msgid "Opinia"
 msgstr "Opinion"
-#: entries/forms.py:559
+#: entries/forms.py:584
 msgid "Liczba argumentów"
 msgstr "Number of arguments"
-#: entries/forms.py:566
+#: entries/forms.py:591
 msgid "Liczba preferencyj selekcyjnych argumentu"
 msgstr "Number of argument’s selectional preferences"
-#: entries/forms.py:572
+#: entries/forms.py:597
 msgid "Argument"
 msgstr "Argument"
-#: entries/forms.py:588
+#: entries/forms.py:613
 msgid "Argument semantyczny"
 msgstr "Semantic argument"
-#: entries/forms.py:594
+#: entries/forms.py:619
 msgid "Rola"
 msgstr "Role"
-#: entries/forms.py:601
+#: entries/forms.py:626
 msgid "Atrybut roli"
 msgstr "Role attribute"
-#: entries/forms.py:608 entries/forms.py:611
+#: entries/forms.py:633 entries/forms.py:636
 msgid "Preferencja selekcyjna"
 msgstr "Selectional preference"
-#: entries/forms.py:609
+#: entries/forms.py:634
 msgid "Predefiniowana grupa znaczeń"
 msgstr "Predefined meanings class"
-#: entries/forms.py:609
+#: entries/forms.py:634
 msgid "Wyrażona przez relację"
 msgstr "Expressed by relation"
-#: entries/forms.py:609
+#: entries/forms.py:634
 msgid "Wyrażona przez jednostkę leksykalną Słowosieci"
 msgstr "Expressed by plWordnet lexical unit"
-#: entries/forms.py:619
+#: entries/forms.py:644
 msgid "Typ frazy, przez którą może być realizowany argument."
 msgstr ""
-#: entries/forms.py:640
+#: entries/forms.py:665
 msgid "Preferencja predefiniowana"
 msgstr "Predefined preference"
-#: entries/forms.py:646
+#: entries/forms.py:671
 msgid "Predefiniowane"
 msgstr "Predefined"
-#: entries/forms.py:660
+#: entries/forms.py:685
 msgid "Preferencja – relacja"
 msgstr "Relational preference"
-#: entries/forms.py:666
+#: entries/forms.py:691
 msgid "Relacja"
 msgstr "Relation"
-#: entries/forms.py:677
+#: entries/forms.py:702
 msgid "Do: rola"
 msgstr "To: role"
-#: entries/forms.py:684
+#: entries/forms.py:709
 msgid "Do: atrybut"
 msgstr "To: attribute"
-#: entries/forms.py:696
+#: entries/forms.py:721
 msgid "Preferencja – Słowosieć"
 msgstr "plWordnet preference"
-#: entries/forms.py:702
+#: entries/forms.py:727
 msgid "Jednostka leksykalna"
 msgstr "Lexical unit"
-#: entries/forms.py:750
+#: entries/forms.py:775
 msgid "Fraza {}"
 msgstr "{} phrase"
-#: entries/forms.py:752 entries/phrase_descriptions/descriptions.py:124
+#: entries/forms.py:777 entries/phrase_descriptions/descriptions.py:124
 msgid "zleksykalizowana"
 msgstr "lexicalised"
-#: entries/forms.py:788
+#: entries/forms.py:813
 msgid "Realizacja składniowa frazy."
 msgstr "Syntactic realisation of the phrase."
-#: entries/forms.py:792
+#: entries/forms.py:817
 msgid "Fraza składowa zleksykalizowanej konstrukcji porównawczej."
 msgstr "Component phrase of lexicalised comparative construction."
-#: entries/forms.py:794
+#: entries/forms.py:819
 msgid "Fraza zleksykalizowana."
 msgstr "Lexicalised phrase."
@@ -497,7 +548,7 @@ msgstr "lexicalised {phrase} frozen in the form <i>{phraseo}</i>"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:9
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:336
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:53
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:69
 msgid "podmiot"
 msgstr "subject"
@@ -846,42 +897,42 @@ msgstr "%(a3)s %(a2)s %(a1)s"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:200
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:224
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:239
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:110
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:126
 msgid "(miejsce)"
 msgstr "(place)"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:201
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:225
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:240
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:111
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:127
 msgid "(miejsce poczÄ…tkowe)"
 msgstr "(start point)"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:202
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:226
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:241
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:112
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:128
 msgid "(miejsce końcowe)"
 msgstr "(end point)"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:203
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:227
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:242
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:113
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:129
 msgid "(trasa)"
 msgstr "(path)"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:204
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:228
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:243
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:114
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:130
 msgid "(czasu)"
 msgstr "(time)"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:205
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:229
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:244
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:115
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:131
 msgid "(trwania)"
 msgstr "(duration)"
@@ -894,21 +945,21 @@ msgstr "%(a2)s %(a1)s describing manner"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:207
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:232
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:246
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:117
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:133
 msgid "(przyczyny)"
 msgstr "(reason)"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:208
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:233
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:247
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:118
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:134
 msgid "(celu)"
 msgstr "(goal)"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:209
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:234
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:248
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:119
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:135
 msgid "(narzędzie)"
 msgstr "(tool)"
@@ -1025,7 +1076,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "phrases, accusative case is used (<i>dać każdemu po dwa jabłka</i>)"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:314
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:111
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:127
 msgid "ablatywna"
 msgstr "ablative"
@@ -1038,7 +1089,7 @@ msgid "ablatywnÄ…"
 msgstr "ablative"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:315
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:112
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:128
 msgid "adlatywna"
 msgstr "adlative"
@@ -1051,7 +1102,7 @@ msgid "adlatywnÄ…"
 msgstr "adlative"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:316
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:133
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:149
 msgid "bezokolicznikowa"
 msgstr "infinitival"
@@ -1064,7 +1115,7 @@ msgid "bezokolicznikowÄ…"
 msgstr "infinitival"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:317
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:118
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:134
 msgid "destynacyjna"
 msgstr "destinative"
@@ -1101,7 +1152,7 @@ msgid "dowolnÄ…"
 msgstr "any"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:320
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:115
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:131
 msgid "duratywna"
 msgstr "durative"
@@ -1126,7 +1177,7 @@ msgid "frazÄ…"
 msgstr "phrase"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:322
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:119
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:135
 msgid "instrumentalna"
 msgstr "instrumental"
@@ -1139,7 +1190,7 @@ msgid "instrumentalnÄ…"
 msgstr "instrumental"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:323
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:141
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:157
 msgid "imiesłowowa"
 msgstr "participal"
@@ -1152,7 +1203,7 @@ msgid "imiesłowową"
 msgstr "participal"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:324
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:117
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:133
 msgid "kauzatywna"
 msgstr "causative"
@@ -1177,7 +1228,7 @@ msgid "konstrukcjami"
 msgstr "constructions"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:326
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:138
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:154
 msgid "liczebnikowa"
 msgstr "numeral"
@@ -1190,7 +1241,7 @@ msgid "liczebnikowÄ…"
 msgstr "numeral"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:327
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:110
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:126
 msgid "lokatywna"
 msgstr "locative"
@@ -1215,7 +1266,7 @@ msgid "mowÄ…"
 msgstr "speech"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:329
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:136
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:152
 msgid "niechromatyczna"
 msgstr "nonchromatic"
@@ -1276,7 +1327,7 @@ msgid "odsłownikową"
 msgstr "gerundial"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:334
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:148
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:164
 msgid "partykuła"
 msgstr "particle"
@@ -1289,7 +1340,7 @@ msgid "partykułą"
 msgstr "particle"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:335
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:113
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:129
 msgid "perlatywna"
 msgstr "perlative"
@@ -1310,7 +1361,7 @@ msgid "podmiotem"
 msgstr "subject"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:337
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:140
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:156
 msgid "posesywna"
 msgstr "possesive"
@@ -1323,7 +1374,7 @@ msgid "posesywnÄ…"
 msgstr "possesive"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:338
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:126
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:142
 msgid "porównawcza"
 msgstr "comparative"
@@ -1336,7 +1387,7 @@ msgid "porównawczą"
 msgstr "comparative"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:339
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:124
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:140
 msgid "przymiotnikowa"
 msgstr "adjectival"
@@ -1361,7 +1412,7 @@ msgid "przysłówkami"
 msgstr "adverbs"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:341
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:125
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:141
 msgid "przysłówkowa"
 msgstr "adverbial"
@@ -1410,7 +1461,7 @@ msgid "realizujÄ…cÄ…"
 msgstr "realising"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:345
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:137
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:153
 msgid "rzeczownikowa"
 msgstr "nominal"
@@ -1447,7 +1498,7 @@ msgid "stosowanÄ…"
 msgstr "used"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:348
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:114
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:130
 msgid "temporalna"
 msgstr "temporal"
@@ -1496,7 +1547,7 @@ msgid "zależną"
 msgstr "dependent"
 #: entries/phrase_descriptions/polish_strings.py:353
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:128
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:144
 msgid "zdaniowa"
 msgstr "clause"
@@ -1509,194 +1560,242 @@ msgid "zdaniowÄ…"
 msgstr "clause"
 #: entries/polish_strings.py:6
+msgid "do obróbki"
+msgstr "unprocessed"
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:7
+msgid "w obróbce"
+msgstr "in processing"
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:8
+msgid "do usunięcia"
+msgstr "to delete"
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:9
+msgid "gotowe"
+msgstr "ready"
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:10
+msgid "zalążkowe"
+msgstr "stub"
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:11
+msgid "sprawdzone"
+msgstr "checked"
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:12
+msgid "(F) w obróbce"
+msgstr "(F) in processing"
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:13
+msgid "(F) gotowe"
+msgstr "(F) ready"
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:14
+msgid "(F) sprawdzone"
+msgstr "(F) checked"
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:15
+msgid "(S) w obróbce"
+msgstr "(S) in processing"
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:16
+msgid "(S) gotowe"
+msgstr "(S) ready"
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:17
+msgid "(S) sprawdzone"
+msgstr "(S) checked"
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:22
 msgid "przymiotnik"
 msgstr "adjective"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:7
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:23
 msgid "przysłówek"
 msgstr "adverb"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:8
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:24
 msgid "rzeczownik"
 msgstr "noun"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:9
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:25
 msgid "czasownik"
 msgstr "verb"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:14
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:30
 msgid "dokonany"
 msgstr "perfective"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:15
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:31
 msgid "niedokonany"
 msgstr "imperfective"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:20
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:36
 msgid "zanegowany"
 msgstr "negated"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:21
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:37
 msgid "niezanegowany"
 msgstr "not negated"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:22
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:38
 msgid "dowolny"
 msgstr "any"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:25
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:41
 msgid "tak"
 msgstr "yes"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:25
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:41
 msgid "nie"
 msgstr "no"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:29
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:45
 msgid "wulgarny"
 msgstr "vulgar"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:30
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:46
 msgid "potoczny"
 msgstr "colloquial"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:31
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:47
 msgid "archaiczny"
 msgstr "archaic"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:32 entries/polish_strings.py:211
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:48 entries/polish_strings.py:227
 msgid "zły"
 msgstr "bad"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:33 entries/polish_strings.py:212
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:49 entries/polish_strings.py:228
 msgid "wÄ…tpliwy"
 msgstr "uncertain"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:34
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:50
 msgid "pewny"
 msgstr "certain"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:39
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:55
 msgid "wulgarna"
 msgstr "vulgar"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:40
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:56
 msgid "potoczna"
 msgstr "colloquial"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:41
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:57
 msgid "archaiczna"
 msgstr "archaic"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:42
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:58
 msgid "zła"
 msgstr "bad"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:43
-msgid "niepewna"
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:59
+msgid "wÄ…tpliwa"
 msgstr "uncertain"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:44
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:60
 msgid "pewna"
 msgstr "certain"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:45
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:61
 msgid "sporadyczna"
 msgstr "rare"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:46
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:62
 msgid "dziedzinowa"
 msgstr "domain-specific"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:47
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:63
 msgid "metaforyczna"
 msgstr "metaphorical"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:48
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:64
 msgid "nieznana"
 msgstr "unknown"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:54
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:70
 msgid "dopełnienie"
 msgstr "object"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:55
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:71
 msgid "centrum"
 msgstr "head"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:60 entries/polish_strings.py:64
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:76 entries/polish_strings.py:80
 msgid "kontrolujÄ…cy"
 msgstr "controller"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:61 entries/polish_strings.py:65
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:77 entries/polish_strings.py:81
 msgid "kontrolowany"
 msgstr "controllee"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:62
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:78
 msgid "kontrolujÄ…cy #2"
 msgstr "controller #2"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:63
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:79
 msgid "kontrolowany #2"
 msgstr "controllee #2"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:70
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:86
 msgid "Przypadek"
 msgstr "Case"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:71
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:87
 msgid "Liczba"
 msgstr "Number"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:72
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:88
 msgid "Rodzaj"
 msgstr "Gender"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:73
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:89
 msgid "Stopień"
 msgstr "Degree"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:74
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:90
 msgid "Przyimek"
 msgstr "Preposition"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:75
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:91
 msgid "Przyimek złożony"
 msgstr "Complex preposition"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:76
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:92
 msgid "Inherentne <i>siÄ™</i>"
 msgstr "Inherent <i>siÄ™</i>"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:77
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:93
 msgid "Zanegowanie"
 msgstr "Negativity"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:78
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:94
 msgid "Typ frazy zdaniowej"
 msgstr "Clause type"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:79
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:95
 msgid "Realizacje"
 msgstr "Realisations"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:81
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:97
 msgid "Typ okolicznika"
 msgstr "Adverbial type"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:82
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:98
 msgid "Typ frazy porównawczej"
 msgstr "Comparative phrase type"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:83
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:99
 msgid "Postać frazy zleksykalizowanej"
 msgstr "Form of lexicalised phrase"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:88
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:104
 msgid "strukturalny"
 msgstr "structural"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:88
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:104
 msgid ""
 "mianownik na pozycji podmiotu, biernik albo dopełniacz w zależności od "
 "negacji na pozycji dopełnienia"
@@ -1704,45 +1803,45 @@ msgstr ""
 "nominative on a subject position, accusative or genitive depending on "
 "negation on a direct object position"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:89
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:105
 msgid "mianownik"
 msgstr "nominative"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:90
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:106
 msgid "dopełniacz"
 msgstr "genitive"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:91
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:107
 msgid "celownik"
 msgstr "dative"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:92
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:108
 msgid "biernik"
 msgstr "accusative"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:93
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:109
 msgid "narzędnik"
 msgstr "instrumental"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:94
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:110
 msgid "miejscownik"
 msgstr "locative"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:95
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:111
 msgid "predykatywny"
 msgstr "predicative"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:95
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:111
 msgid ""
 "narzędnik bądź przypadek narzucany przez element kontrolujący na pozycji "
 msgstr ""
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:96
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:112
 msgid "partytytwny"
 msgstr "partitive"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:96
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:112
 msgid ""
 "przypadek służący do opisu rozchwiania pomiędzy biernikiem a dopełniaczem "
 "charakterystycznego dla rzeczowników partytywnych (podzielnych, np. "
@@ -1750,280 +1849,291 @@ msgid ""
 "chleba</i>, <i>nalać wodę/wody</i>)"
 msgstr ""
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:97
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:113
 msgid "poprzyimkowy"
 msgstr "postprepositional"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:98
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:114
 msgid "uzgodnienie"
 msgstr "agreement"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:100
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:116
 msgid "pojedyncza"
 msgstr "singular"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:101
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:117
 msgid "mnoga"
 msgstr "plural"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:102
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:118
 msgid "męski osobowy"
 msgstr "masculine personal"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:103
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:119
 msgid "męski żywotny"
 msgstr "masculine animate"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:104
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:120
 msgid "męski nieżywotny"
 msgstr "masculine inanimate"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:105
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:121
 msgid "żeński"
 msgstr "feminine"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:106
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:122
 msgid "nijaki"
 msgstr "neuter"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:107
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:123
 msgid "równy"
 msgstr "positive"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:108
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:124
 msgid "wyższy"
 msgstr "comparative"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:109
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:125
 msgid "najwyższy"
 msgstr "superlative"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:116
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:132
 msgid "sposobu"
 msgstr "manner"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:127
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:143
 msgid "przyimkowa z przyimkiem złożonym"
 msgstr "prepositional with complex preposition"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:129
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:145
 msgid "dystrybutywna"
 msgstr "distributive"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:131
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:147
 msgid "podmiot czasownika wymagajÄ…cego bezokolicznika"
 msgstr "subject of a verb requiring an infinitive"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:132
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:148
 msgid "zamrożona fraza zleksykalizowana"
 msgstr "fixed lexicalised phrase"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:134
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:150
 msgid "fraza zleksykalizowana"
 msgstr "lexicalised phrase"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:135
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:151
 msgid "zdaniowa z korelatem"
 msgstr "clause with a correlate"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:139
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:155
 msgid "mowa niezależna"
 msgstr "direct speech"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:142
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:158
 msgid "przyimkowo-przymiotnikowa"
 msgstr "adjectival-prepositional"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:143
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:159
 msgid "przyimkowo-odsłownikowa"
 msgstr "gerundial-prepositional"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:144
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:160
 msgid "zdaniowa z korelatem przyimkowym"
 msgstr "clause with a prepositional correlate"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:145
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:161
 msgid "przyimkowo-rzeczownikowa"
 msgstr "nominal-prepositional"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:146
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:162
 msgid "przyimkowo-liczebnikowa"
 msgstr "numeral-prepositional"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:147
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:163
 msgid "przyimkowo-imiesłowowa"
 msgstr "participal-prepositional"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:149
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:165
 msgid "wzajemnościowa partykuła się"
 msgstr "reciprocal siÄ™ particle"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:150
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:166
 msgid "zwrotna partykuła się"
 msgstr "reflexive siÄ™ particle"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:151
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:167
 msgid "okolicznikowa"
 msgstr "adjunct"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:161
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:177
 msgid "lub"
 msgstr "or"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:162
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:178
 msgid "wyłącznie"
 msgstr "exclusively"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:167
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:183
 msgid "szeregowo (bez spójnika)"
 msgstr "concatenation (no conjunction)"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:168
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:184
 msgid "koordynacja (ze spójnikiem)"
 msgstr "coordination (with conjunction)"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:173
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:189
 msgid "RELAT"
 msgstr "RELAT"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:174
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:190
 msgid "fuzzynimia synsetów"
 msgstr "synset fuzzynymy"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:175
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:191
 msgid "holonimia"
 msgstr "holonymy"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:176
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:192
 msgid "holonimia (typu część)"
 msgstr "holonymy (part)"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:177
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:193
 msgid "holonimia (typu element taksonomiczny)"
 msgstr "holonymy (taxonomical element)"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:178
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:194
 msgid "holonimia (typu element)"
 msgstr "holonymy (element)"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:179
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:195
 msgid "holonimia (typu materiał)"
 msgstr "holonymy (material)"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:180
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:196
 msgid "holonimia (typu miejsce)"
 msgstr "holonymy (place)"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:181
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:197
 msgid "holonimia (typu porcja)"
 msgstr "holonymy (portion)"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:182
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:198
 msgid "meronimia"
 msgstr "meronymy"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:183
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:199
 msgid "meronimia (typu część)"
 msgstr "meronymy (part)"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:184
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:200
 msgid "meronimia (typu element taksonomiczny)"
 msgstr "meronymy (taxonomical element)"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:185
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:201
 msgid "meronimia (typu element)"
 msgstr "meronymy (element)"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:186
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:202
 msgid "meronimia (typu materiał)"
 msgstr "meronymy (material)"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:187
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:203
 msgid "meronimia (typu miejsce)"
 msgstr "meronymy (place)"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:188
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:204
 msgid "meronimia (typu porcja)"
 msgstr "meronymy (portion)"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:189
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:205
 msgid "nosiciel stanu/cechy"
 msgstr "owner of state/feature"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:190
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:206
 msgid "stan/cecha"
 msgstr "state/feature"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:191
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:207
 msgid "synonimia międzyparadygmatyczna"
 msgstr "interparadigm synonymy"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:197
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:213
 msgid "Korpus Słownika Frekwencyjnego (0,5M segmentów)"
 msgstr "Frequency Dictionary Corpus (0.5M segments)"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:198
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:214
 msgid "korpus ręcznie anotowany (1,2M segmentów)"
 msgstr "manually annotated corpus (1.2M segments)"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:199
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:215
 msgid "próbka Korpusu IPI PAN (2. wydanie; 30M segmentów)"
 msgstr "IPI PAN Corpus sample (2nd edition; 30M segments)"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:200
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:216
 msgid "pełny Korpus IPI PAN (2. wydanie; 250M segmentów)"
 msgstr "full IPI PAN Corpus (2nd edition; 250M segments)"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:201
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:217
 msgid "podkorpus zrównoważony NKJP (300M segmentów)"
 msgstr "balanced NKJP subcorpus (300M segments)"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:202
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:218
 msgid "demo NKJP (wersja 2; 500M segmentów)"
 msgstr "demo NKJP (version 2; 500M segments)"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:203
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:219
 msgid "pełny NKJP (1800M segmentów)"
 msgstr "full NKJP (1800M segments)"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:204
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:220
 msgid "literatura lingwistyczna"
 msgstr "linguistic literature"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:205
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:221
 msgid "literatura inna"
 msgstr "other literature"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:206
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:222
 msgid "własny"
 msgstr "own"
-#: entries/polish_strings.py:213
+#: entries/polish_strings.py:229
 msgid "dobry"
 msgstr "good"
 #: entries/templates/entries.html:34
+msgid "Filtrowanie"
+msgstr "Filtering"
+#: entries/templates/entries.html:41
+msgid "Ramy"
+msgstr "Frames"
+#: entries/templates/entries.html:44
+msgid "Schematy"
+msgstr "Schemata"
+#: entries/templates/entries.html:50
 msgid "Ostatnio oglÄ…dane"
 msgstr "Last visited"
-#: entries/templates/entries.html:47
+#: entries/templates/entries.html:60
 msgid "Opcje"
 msgstr "Options"
-#: entries/templates/entries.html:53
+#: entries/templates/entries.html:66
 msgid "Wyświetlaj opisy realizacji"
 msgstr "Show realisation descriptions"
-#: entries/templates/entries.html:67 entries/templates/entries.html:89
+#: entries/templates/entries.html:97
 msgid "Filtrowanie haseł"
 msgstr "Entry filtering"
-#: entries/templates/entries.html:105 entries/templates/entry_display.html:28
+#: entries/templates/entries.html:113
 msgid "Filtrowanie ram"
 msgstr "Frame filtering"
-#: entries/templates/entries.html:121 entries/templates/entry_display.html:36
-#: entries/templates/entry_display.html:61
+#: entries/templates/entries.html:129
 msgid "Filtrowanie schematów"
 msgstr "Schema filtering"
@@ -2039,40 +2149,40 @@ msgstr "Syntax (schemata)"
 msgid "Przykłady niedopasowane"
 msgstr "Unmatched examples"
-#: entries/templates/entry_display.html:45
+#: entries/templates/entry_display.html:35
+#: entries/templates/entry_display.html:54
 #: entries/templates/entry_display.html:69
-#: entries/templates/entry_display.html:84
 msgid "Przykład"
 msgstr "Example"
-#: entries/templates/entry_display.html:46
+#: entries/templates/entry_display.html:36
+#: entries/templates/entry_display.html:55
 #: entries/templates/entry_display.html:70
-#: entries/templates/entry_display.html:85
 msgid "Źródło"
 msgstr "Source"
-#: entries/templates/entry_display.html:53
+#: entries/templates/entry_display.html:43
+#: entries/templates/entry_display.html:62
 #: entries/templates/entry_display.html:77
-#: entries/templates/entry_display.html:92
 msgid "Brak przykładów"
 msgstr "No examples"
-#: entries/views.py:426
+#: entries/views.py:427
 msgid ""
 "Realizacja tego argumentu w zdaniu powinna być powiązana jakąkolwiek relacją"
 msgstr "Realisation of this argument in the sentence should be in any relation"
-#: entries/views.py:428
+#: entries/views.py:429
 msgid ""
 "Realizacja tego argumentu w zdaniu powinna być powiązana relacją <i>{}</i>"
 msgstr ""
 "Realisation of this argument in the sentence should be in <i>{}</i> relation"
-#: entries/views.py:429
+#: entries/views.py:430
 msgid "z realizacjÄ… argumentu <i>{}</i>."
 msgstr "with realisation of the <i>{}</i> argument."
-#: entries/views.py:442
+#: entries/views.py:443
 msgid "hiperonimy:"
 msgstr "hypernyms"
@@ -2116,6 +2226,9 @@ msgstr "distributive phrase"
 msgid "fraza posesywna"
 msgstr "possesive phrase"
+#~ msgid "niepewna"
+#~ msgstr "uncertain"
 #~ msgid "Pobierz słownik"
 #~ msgstr "Download dictionary"
diff --git a/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po b/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po
index 380b0a3c3ce28549e03a49cc3053f47863ba42ee..2af266dccc371fc5cd5e1c62d976792dffdfc111 100644
--- a/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po
+++ b/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-06-30 10:15+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-07-07 12:20+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -180,27 +180,27 @@ msgstr ": sort column in descending order"
 msgid "Formularz filtrowania zawiera błędy."
 msgstr "The filtering form contains errors."
-#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:46 entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:108
+#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:49 entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:111
 msgid "nie"
 msgstr "not"
-#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:83
+#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:86
 msgid "i"
 msgstr "and"
-#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:83
+#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:86
 msgid "lub"
 msgstr "or"
-#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:142
+#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:145
 msgid "zwiń"
 msgstr "collapse"
-#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:147
+#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:150
 msgid "rozwiń"
 msgstr "expand"
-#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:160
+#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:163
 msgid ""
 "Łączenie negacji elementu z operatorem ‹inny› na jednym poziomie formularza "
 "jest niemożliwe."
@@ -208,33 +208,33 @@ msgstr ""
 "Mixing element negation with ‹other› operator on the same level is not "
-#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:177
+#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:180
 msgid "Kliknij, aby wyłączyć negację tego atrybutu."
 msgstr "Click to switch off negation of this attribute."
-#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:179
+#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:182
 msgid "Kliknij, aby zanegować ten atrybut."
 msgstr "Click to negate this attribute."
-#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:203
+#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:206
 msgid ""
 "Łączenie operatorów ‹lub› i ‹inny› na jednym poziomie formularza jest "
 msgstr "Mixing ‹or› and ‹other› operators on the same level is not possible."
-#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:210
+#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:213
 msgid "Proszę najpierw dodać element,"
 msgstr "First add an element"
-#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:210
+#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:213
 msgid "aby użyć operatora ‹lub›"
 msgstr "in order to use ‹or› operator"
-#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:210
+#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:213
 msgid "aby użyć operatora ‹inny›"
 msgstr "in order to use ‹other› operator"
-#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:214
+#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:217
 msgid ""
 "Łączenie operatora ‹inny› z negacją elementu na jednym poziomie formularza "
 "jest niemożliwe."
@@ -242,24 +242,24 @@ msgstr ""
 "Mixing ‹other› operator with element negation on the same level is not "
-#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:218
+#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:221
 msgid "LUB"
 msgstr "OR"
-#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:218
+#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:221
 msgid "INNY"
 msgstr "OTHER"
-#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:218
+#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:221
 msgid "Usuń"
 msgstr "Remove"
-#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:229
+#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:232
 msgid "Wykonanie zapytania z operatorem ‹inny› może trwać zauważalnie dłużej."
 msgstr ""
 "Execution of a query using the ‹other› operator can take considerably longer."
-#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:322
+#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:325
 msgid ""
 "Dodanie elementu jest niemożliwe: osiągnięto maksymalny poziom zagnieżdżenia."
 msgstr "Can’t add an element: maximum depth reached."