#include "mweparser.h" #include <libpwrutils/foreach.h> #include <libcorpus2/tagsetmanager.h> #include <libxml++/libxml++.h> #include <libxml2/libxml/parser.h> #include <boost/make_shared.hpp> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> namespace Corpus2 { MWEBuilder::MWEBuilder(const Tagset& tagset) : tagset_(tagset), parser_(tagset) { } MWEBuilder::BoolOpPtr MWEBuilder::get_head_condition( const std::string & headcond) { return get_condition(headcond, head_conditions_); } MWEBuilder::BoolOpPtr MWEBuilder::get_mwe_condition( const std::string &cond) { return get_condition(cond, main_conditions_); } MWEBuilder::BoolOpPtr MWEBuilder::get_condition( const std::string & cond, value_type& where) { value_type::iterator search = where.find(cond); if(search != where.end()) return search->second; BoolOpPtr op = parser_.parseBoolOperator(cond); where[cond] = op; return op; } MWEParser::MWEParser(MWEIndex &index) : BasicSaxParser(), state_(NONE), mwe_index_(index) { } MWEParser::~MWEParser() { // TODO: something to do? } void MWEParser::create_mwe() { print_current_mwe(true); MWEBuilder::BoolOpPtr main = mwe_builder_->get_mwe_condition( wccl_operator_); MWEBuilder::BoolOpPtr head = mwe_builder_->get_head_condition( head_cond_); LexicalUnitPtr lu; if(group_type_ == "fix"){ // group_name_ -> lower case lu = LexicalUnitPtr(new FixedLU(mwe_base_, main, head, variables_)); } else if(group_type_ == "flex"){ lu = LexicalUnitPtr(new FlexLU(mwe_base_, main, head, variables_)); } else { throw Wccl::WcclError("Unknown type of lexical unit:" + group_type_); } } std::string MWEParser::get_attribute(const AttributeList& attributes, const std::string &name) const { std::string value; foreach (const Attribute& a, attributes) { if (a.name == name) { value = a.value; } } return value; } void MWEParser::parse_mwegroup_attributes(const AttributeList& attributes) { foreach (const Attribute& a, attributes) { if (a.name == "name") { group_name_ = a.value; } else if(a.name == "type"){ group_type_ = a.value; boost::algorithm::to_lower(group_type_); } else if(a.name == "class"){ group_class_ = a.value; } } } void MWEParser::on_start_element(const Glib::ustring &name, const AttributeList& attributes) { std::cout << state_ << ": " << name << std::endl; if(state_ == NONE && name == "units_description"){ tagset_ = get_attribute(attributes, "tagset"); mwe_builder_ = boost::shared_ptr<MWEBuilder>(new MWEBuilder(Corpus2::get_named_tagset(tagset_))); state_ = UNITSDESC; } else if(state_ == UNITSDESC && name == "mwegroup"){ parse_mwegroup_attributes(attributes); state_ = MWEGROUP; } else if(state_ == MWEGROUP && name == "condition"){ state_ = CONDITION; grab_characters_ = true; clear_buf(); } else if(state_ == MWEGROUP && name == "instances"){ state_ = INSTANCES; } else if(state_ == INSTANCES && name == "MWE"){ state_ = MWE; mwe_base_ = get_attribute(attributes, "base"); } else if(state_ == MWE && name == "var"){ state_ = VAR; var_name_ = get_attribute(attributes, "name"); grab_characters_ = true; clear_buf(); } else if(state_ == MWE && name == "head"){ state_ = HEAD; grab_characters_ = true; clear_buf(); } } void MWEParser::on_end_element(const Glib::ustring &name) { std::cout << "/" << state_ << ": " << name << std::endl; if(name == "units_description"){ state_ = NONE; } else if(state_ == CONDITION && name == "condition"){ wccl_operator_ = finish_get_text(); state_ = MWEGROUP; } else if(state_ == MWEGROUP && name == "mwegroup"){ state_ = UNITSDESC; } else if(state_ == INSTANCES && name == "instances"){ state_ = MWEGROUP; } else if(state_ == MWE && name == "MWE"){ state_ = INSTANCES; create_mwe(); } else if(state_ == VAR && name == "var"){ state_ = MWE; variables_[var_name_] = finish_get_text(); } else if(state_ == HEAD && name == "head"){ state_ = MWE; head_cond_ = finish_get_text(); } else{ std::cerr << "Wrong state_:" << state_ << " for name: " << name << std::endl; } } void MWEParser::print_current_mwe(bool with_condition, std::ostream &out) { out << "Forma podstawowa: " << mwe_base_ << "\nZmienne: "; foreach(str_map::value_type &i, variables_) out << i.first << ": " << i.second << ", "; out << "\nWarunek głowy: " << head_cond_ << "\n"; if(with_condition){ out << "Grupa jednostek: " << group_name_ << std::endl; out << "Operator: " << wccl_operator_ << std::endl; } } std::string MWEParser::finish_get_text() { std::string str = get_buf(); boost::algorithm::trim(str); grab_characters_ = false; return str; //std::pair<wcclptr, wcclptr, map<string,string>, string, type> } } // ns Corpus2