#include <libwccl/ops/tagrule.h> #include <sstream> namespace Wccl { Bool TagRule::execute(SentenceContext &sentence_context) { if(sentence_context.size() == 0) { throw InvalidArgument( "sentence_context", "Received an empty sentence."); } if(!sentence_context.is_current_inside()) { throw InvalidArgument( "sentence_context", "Current position is outside boundaries of the sentence."); } Bool changed(false); ActionExecContext aec(sentence_context, variables_); if(condition_->apply(aec)->get_value()) { foreach(const boost::shared_ptr<Action>& action, *actions_) { if(action->execute(aec).get_value()) { changed.set_value(true); } } } return changed; } const boost::shared_ptr<const Function<Bool> > TagRule::TrueCondition() { static boost::shared_ptr<const Function<Bool> > true_constant( new Constant<Bool>(Bool(true))); return true_constant; } std::string TagRule::to_string(const Corpus2::Tagset &tagset) const { std::ostringstream os; os << "rule(\"" << name_ << "\", " << condition_->to_string(tagset); foreach(const boost::shared_ptr<Action>& action, *actions_) { os << ", " << action->to_string(tagset); } os << ")"; return os.str(); } std::ostream& TagRule::write_to(std::ostream& os) const { os << "rule(\"" << name_ << "\", " << *condition_; foreach(const boost::shared_ptr<Action>& action, *actions_) { os << ", " << *action; } os << ")"; return os; } } /* end ns Wccl */