From dbb28904730f7c63a8971cd6aeff9f95081413de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Wardynski <award@.(win7-laptop)>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 17:35:33 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] is() match condition (matching an annotation at beginning of
 a segment).

 libwccl/CMakeLists.txt                        |  1 +
 .../ops/match/conditions/isannotatedas.cpp    | 58 +++++++++++++++++++
 libwccl/ops/match/conditions/isannotatedas.h  | 51 ++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 110 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 libwccl/ops/match/conditions/isannotatedas.cpp
 create mode 100644 libwccl/ops/match/conditions/isannotatedas.h

diff --git a/libwccl/CMakeLists.txt b/libwccl/CMakeLists.txt
index 05affc1..59dc656 100644
--- a/libwccl/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libwccl/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ SET(libwccl_STAT_SRC
+	ops/match/conditions/isannotatedas.cpp
diff --git a/libwccl/ops/match/conditions/isannotatedas.cpp b/libwccl/ops/match/conditions/isannotatedas.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b6defb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libwccl/ops/match/conditions/isannotatedas.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#include <libwccl/ops/match/conditions/isannotatedas.h>
+#include <sstream>
+namespace Wccl {
+MatchResult IsAnnotatedAs::apply(const ActionExecContext& context) const
+	SentenceContext& sc = context.sentence_context();
+	boost::shared_ptr<Corpus2::AnnotatedSentence> as;
+	as = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Corpus2::AnnotatedSentence>(sc.get_sentence_ptr());
+	if (!as) {
+		throw InvalidArgument("context", "Operator needs an annotated sentence.");
+	}
+	if (!as->has_channel(chan_name_)) {
+		return MatchResult();
+	}
+	int orig_iter = sc.get_position();
+	const Corpus2::AnnotationChannel& channel = as->get_channel(chan_name_);
+	int segment_idx = channel.get_segment_at(orig_iter);
+	// are we even within a segment annotaded with given annotation?
+	if (segment_idx == 0) {
+		return MatchResult();
+	}
+	// ok, so are we at the beginning of the segment?
+	if (channel.get_segment_at(orig_iter - 1) != segment_idx) {
+		return MatchResult();
+	}
+	// we are at the beginning of a segment with given annotation, so match it (continuous fragment at least).
+	boost::shared_ptr<AnnotationMatch> ann_match(
+		new AnnotationMatch(orig_iter, chan_name_));
+	int segment_length = 1;
+	for (
+			int i = orig_iter + 1;
+			(i < sc.size()) && (channel.get_segment_at(i) == segment_idx);
+			++i
+		) {
+		++segment_length;
+	}
+	// increase current sentence position to point after the matched segment
+	sc.set_position(orig_iter + segment_length);
+	return MatchResult(ann_match);
+std::string IsAnnotatedAs::to_string(const Corpus2::Tagset& tagset) const
+	std::ostringstream os;
+	os << name() << "(" << chan_name_ << ")";
+	return os.str();
+std::ostream& IsAnnotatedAs::write_to(std::ostream& os) const
+	return os << name() << "(" << chan_name_ << ")";
+} /* end ns Wccl */
diff --git a/libwccl/ops/match/conditions/isannotatedas.h b/libwccl/ops/match/conditions/isannotatedas.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2dcfbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libwccl/ops/match/conditions/isannotatedas.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#include <libwccl/ops/match/matchcondition.h>
+#include <libwccl/ops/function.h>
+namespace Wccl {
+ * is() match condition - matches an annotation
+ */
+class IsAnnotatedAs : public MatchCondition
+	IsAnnotatedAs(const std::string& annotation_name)
+		: chan_name_(annotation_name) {
+			BOOST_ASSERT(!chan_name_.empty());
+	}
+	/**
+	 * @returns Name of the Condition.
+	 */
+	std::string name() const {
+		return "is";
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Applies the condition to the given execution context.
+	 * If a match is found, the current sentence Position is increased
+	 * by the lenght of matched annotation segment.
+	 */
+	MatchResult apply(const ActionExecContext& context) const;
+	/**
+	 * @returns String representation of the Condition
+	 */
+	std::string to_string(const Corpus2::Tagset& tagset) const;
+	/**
+	 * Writes the string representation of the Condition to
+	 * an output stream.
+	 * @returns Stream written to.
+	 * @note May be incomplete and/or containt internal info.
+	 */
+	std::ostream& write_to(std::ostream& ostream) const;
+	const std::string chan_name_;
+} /* end ns Wccl */