From c8ecb66c7070baf877dcbc662495ce300d97567b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Radziszewski <>
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 15:32:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] match API example

 doc/ | 178 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 178 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 doc/

diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2b239b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import sys
+from optparse import OptionParser
+# There is some bug in SWIG appearing when using two SWIG-wrapped libraries
+# simultaneously. The bug manifests itself in throwing unwrapped
+# swig::stop_iteration exceptions when iterating over C++ collections
+# (e.g. iterating over sentence tokens).
+# The lines below may be necessary to work around this bug. Consider adding
+# them before importing corpus2 and wccl in your code.
+import ctypes
+sys.setdlopenflags(sys.getdlopenflags() | ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)
+import corpus2, wccl
+# helper string containing input/output formats available in corpus2
+format_help = """
+Available input formats: """ + ' '.join(corpus2.TokenReader.available_reader_types()) + """
+""" + ' '.join(corpus2.TokenReader.available_reader_types_help()) + """
+Available output formats: """ + ' '.join(corpus2.TokenWriter.available_writer_types()) + """
+""" + ' '.join(corpus2.TokenWriter.available_writer_types_help())
+descr = """%prog [options] WCCLFILE
+Mimics (simplified) functionality of wccl-rules.
+This script is a demo of the Python API.
+NOTE: if you want to fire match rules, you should use one of those options:
+* use a format dedicated for annotations (ccl or iob-chan) or
+* use any other format but pass an 'ann' option to input spec (e.g. xces,ann)
+If you use raw 'xces' (or 'plain' etc.), the code will try to wrap the sentence
+as AnnotatedSentence anyway, but the original sentence object may still be not
+updated -- that is the changes made by the rules may be not present in the
+output when using the writer to write the original object (if the object has
+already been an AnnotatedSentence, the wrapper function will return itself
+Example usage:
+doc/ examples/simple-match.ccl -i xces,ann -o ccl < examples/in-xces.xml
+To see annotation manipulation with Python:
+doc/ -A examples/simple-match.ccl -i xces,ann -o none < examples/in-xces.xml
+""" + format_help
+def get_reader(in_path, tagset, input_format):
+	"""Creates a reader using the options. If in_path evaluates to False,
+	will create a stdin reader."""
+	if in_path:
+		return corpus2.TokenReader.create_path_reader(
+			input_format, tagset, in_path)
+	else:
+		return corpus2.TokenReader.create_stdin_reader(input_format, tagset)
+def get_writer(out_path, tagset, output_format):
+	"""Creates a writer using the options. If out_path evaluates to False,
+	will create a stdout writer."""
+	if out_path:
+		return corpus2.TokenWriter.create_path_writer(output_format, out_path,
+			tagset)
+	else:
+		return corpus2.TokenWriter.create_stdout_writer(output_format, tagset)
+def process_sent(asent, wccl_file, shall_print_ann_info):
+	if wccl_file.has_tag_rules():
+		tag_rules = wccl_file.get_tag_rules_ptr()
+		tag_rules.execute_once(asent)
+	if wccl_file.has_match_rules():
+		match_rules = wccl_file.get_match_rules_ptr()
+		match_rules.apply_all(asent)
+	if shall_print_ann_info:
+		print '####', ' '.join(tok.orth_utf8() for tok in asent.tokens())
+		print asent.annotation_info()
+		for chan_name in asent.all_channels():
+			chan = asent.get_channel(chan_name)
+			# get the internal representation -- annotation id vector
+			print chan_name, '\t', chan.dump_segments()
+			# if you want to get it as a int vector, use chan.segments()
+			# or to get one it at idx -- chan.get_segment_at(idx)
+			# 0 means no annot there, positive values==ann indices
+			# now iterate over annotations as whole segments
+			ann_vec = chan.make_annotation_vector()
+			for ann in ann_vec:
+				idx_text = ','.join(str(idx) for idx in ann.indices)
+				orth_text = ' '.join(asent.tokens()[idx].orth_utf8() for idx in ann.indices)
+				print '\t%s\t%s\t(%s)' % (chan_name, idx_text, orth_text)
+def go():
+	parser = OptionParser(usage=descr)
+	parser.add_option('-t', '--tagset', type='string', action='store',
+		dest='tagset', default='kipi',
+		help='set the tagset used in input; default: kipi')
+	parser.add_option('-i', '--input-format', type='string', action='store',
+		dest='input_format', default='xces',
+		help='set the input format; default: xces')
+	parser.add_option('-o', '--output-format', type='string', action='store',
+		dest='output_format', default='xces',
+		help='set the output format; default: xces')
+	parser.add_option('-I', '--input-file', type='string', action='store',
+		dest='in_path', default='',
+		help='set input filename (do not read from stdin)')
+	parser.add_option('-O', '--output-file', type='string', action='store',
+		dest='out_path', default='',
+		help='set output filename (do not write to stdout)')
+	parser.add_option('-C', '--chunks', action='store_true',
+		dest='preserve_chunks', default=False,
+		help='preserve input paragraph chunks (the default is to read sentences only)')
+	parser.add_option('-D', '--lex-dir', type='string', action='store',
+		dest='lex_dir', default='.',
+		help='use the given directory to look for lexicon files (default: .)')
+	parser.add_option('-A', '--ann-info', action='store_true',
+		dest='ann_info', default=False,
+		help='print annotation info')
+	(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+	if len(args) != 1:
+		sys.stderr.write('You need to provide a WCCL file.\n')
+		sys.stderr.write('See %s --help\n' % sys.argv[0])
+		sys.exit(1)
+	wccl_path = args[0]
+	# create a tagset object for all subsequent processing
+	# when reading input corpus, when creating new tags/tokens and when
+	# creating a WCCL parser it must be specified what tagset is being used
+	tagset = corpus2.get_named_tagset(options.tagset)
+	# now instantiate a WCCL parser and parse the provided WCCL file
+	# lex_dir is optional -- if the WCCL code references external
+	# lexicons, they will be sought in the given search path
+	# (defaults to '.')
+	p = wccl.Parser(tagset)
+	wccl_file = p.parseWcclFileFromPath(wccl_path, options.lex_dir)
+	# check if there are any rules in the parsed WCCL file
+	if not wccl_file.has_tag_rules() and not wccl_file.has_match_rules():
+		sys.stderr.write('The given WCCL file contains no rules.\n')
+		sys.exit(1)
+	# create a corpus2 reader using the given input format specs
+	# (e.g. xces,flat), tagset name
+	# if options.in_path is empty, will create an stdin reader
+	reader = get_reader(options.in_path, tagset, options.input_format)
+	# create a corpus2 writer -- will be used to write the processed corpus
+	writer = get_writer(options.out_path, tagset, options.output_format)
+	# processing paragraph-by-paragraph
+	if options.preserve_chunks:
+		while True:
+			chunk = reader.get_next_chunk()
+			if not chunk:
+				break # end of input
+			# process each sentence separately
+			for sent in chunk.sentences():
+				# wrap the sentence as an AnnotatedSentence
+				asent = corpus2.AnnotatedSentence.wrap_sentence(sent)
+				process_sent(sent, wccl_file, options.ann_info)
+			# save processed chunk
+			# NOTE: if the input sent was not AnnotatedSentence, the changes
+			# will be discarded
+			writer.write_chunk(chunk)
+	else:
+		while True:
+			sent = reader.get_next_sentence()
+			if not sent:
+				break # end of input
+			# wrap the sentence as an AnnotatedSentence
+			asent = corpus2.AnnotatedSentence.wrap_sentence(sent)
+			process_sent(asent, wccl_file, options.ann_info)
+			# save processed sentence (safe)
+			# NOTE: if the input sent was not AnnotatedSentence, the changes
+			# will be discarded
+			writer.write_sentence(sent)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	go()