diff --git a/libwccl/CMakeLists.txt b/libwccl/CMakeLists.txt
index 5466587c9b661694529a0eff7f3faf5aef994edb..3ef77731233a37d237f00bafe6aca4d3cd28ab19 100644
--- a/libwccl/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libwccl/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ SET(libwccl_STAT_SRC
+	ops/matchrule.cpp
diff --git a/libwccl/ops/matchrule.cpp b/libwccl/ops/matchrule.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cc2d3af9b35d943bafde03029b9ef9ee8158252c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libwccl/ops/matchrule.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#include <libwccl/sentencecontext.h>
+#include <libwccl/ops/match/applyoperator.h>
+#include <libwccl/ops/matchrule.h>
+#include <sstream>
+namespace Wccl {
+void MatchRule::apply(const boost::shared_ptr<Corpus2::AnnotatedSentence>& s)
+	if(!s) {
+		throw InvalidArgument("s", "Received a null sentence.");
+	}
+	if(s->size() == 0) {
+		throw InvalidArgument("s", "Received an empty sentence.");
+	}
+	if (!apply_) {
+		return; // no-op (default) version
+	}
+	apply_->execute(ActionExecContext(SentenceContext(s), variables_));
+std::string MatchRule::to_string(const Corpus2::Tagset &tagset) const
+	std::ostringstream os;
+	os << apply_->to_string(tagset);
+	return os.str();
+std::ostream& MatchRule::write_to(std::ostream& os) const
+	return os << *apply_;
+} /* end ns Wccl */
diff --git a/libwccl/ops/matchrule.h b/libwccl/ops/matchrule.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ff131b84de316a8e3631ff938e91f78ae9e60b1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libwccl/ops/matchrule.h
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+#include <libwccl/ops/parsedexpression.h>
+namespace Wccl {
+class ApplyOperator;
+class SentenceContext;
+class MatchRule : public ParsedExpression
+	MatchRule(
+		const Variables& variables,
+		const boost::shared_ptr<ApplyOperator>& apply);
+	/**
+	 * Executes the underlying apply() operator.
+	 * @param sentence_context SentenceContext of the Sentence to execute the Rule on.
+	 * @see apply() - equivalent method; the \link operator()() operator() \endlink allows
+	 * more convenient functional notation, however if you only have a pointer
+	 * you might prefer the execute method as shown below. The choice is yours.
+	 * \code
+	 * match_rule(s);
+	 * // versus
+	 * match_rule.apply(s);
+	 * // or if you have a pointer...
+	 * (*match_rule_ptr)(s);
+	 * // versus
+	 * match_rule_ptr->execute(s);
+	 * \endcode
+	 */
+	void operator()(const boost::shared_ptr<Corpus2::AnnotatedSentence>& s);
+	/**
+	 * Executes the underlying apply() operator.
+	 * @param sentence_context SentenceContext of the Sentence to execute the Rule on.
+	 * @see \link operator()() operator() \endlink - an equivalent of this method that allows
+	 * functional notation, treating Rule directly as a function object
+	 */
+	void apply(const boost::shared_ptr<Corpus2::AnnotatedSentence>& s);
+	/**
+	 * Makes a copy of the MatchRule, which has its own space for Variables.
+	 * This allows the copy to be run concurrently (otherwise methods
+	 * of this class are not thread-safe; concurrent executions
+	 * on the same object would share Variables so don't do that).
+	 * @returns A copy of the MatchRule, including copy of Variables' values.
+	 * @note The values of the Variables are copied as they are, which is
+	 * a usable feature. If that is not what you want, use clone_clean()
+	 * or call clean() when you need it.
+	 * @see clone_clean - a convenience version that returns a copy with
+	 * all Variables set to their default values.
+	 * @see clone_ptr - a version that returns a copy wrapped in a shared
+	 * pointer
+	 * @see clone_clean_ptr - a version that returns a copy wrapped
+	 * in a shared pointer, and also having its Variables cleaned.
+	 * @see \link MatchRule(const MatchRule&, bool) copy constructor \endlink -
+	 * another way to create a copy
+	 * @see \link operator=(const MatchRule&) operator= \endlink - assignment
+	 * operator, yet another way to create a copy.
+	 */
+	MatchRule clone() const;
+	/**
+	 * Makes a copy of the MatchRule, which has its own space for Variables.
+	 * This allows the copy to be run concurrently (otherwise methods
+	 * of this class are not thread-safe; concurrent executions
+	 * on the same object would share Variables so don't do that).
+	 * All the Variables in the copy will have default values.
+	 * @returns A copy of the MatchRule with Variables that have default
+	 * values.
+	 * @see clone - a version that returns a copy without cleaning Variables.
+	 * @see clone_ptr - a version that returns a copy wrapped in a shared
+	 * pointer
+	 * @see clone_clean_ptr - a version that returns a copy wrapped
+	 * in a shared pointer, and also having its Variables cleaned.
+	 */
+	MatchRule clone_clean() const;
+	/**
+	 * @returns A copy of the expression, with values of the variables
+	 * copied as well.
+	 * @see clone_clean_ptr - convenience version that returns clean copy.
+	 */
+	boost::shared_ptr<MatchRule> clone_ptr() const;
+	/**
+	 * @returns A copy of the expression, with values of the variables
+	 * set to their defaults.
+	 * @see clone_ptr - a version that keeps values of the variables.
+	 */
+	boost::shared_ptr<MatchRule> clone_clean_ptr() const;
+	/**
+	 * Copy constructor, creates a copy with new set of values for
+	 * variables, allowing concurrent run of semantically same Rule
+	 * (running same physical MatchRule object is inherently not thread safe).
+	 * @param other - the MatchRule to copy.
+	 * @param clean - true if copy needs to have its variables
+	 * set to default values, false to keep the values; false is default
+	 */
+	MatchRule(const MatchRule& other, bool clean = false);
+	/**
+	 * Default constructor. Produces MatchRule that is a no-op.
+	 */
+	MatchRule();
+	/**
+	 * Assignment operator to create a workable copy of other MatchRule
+	 * (workable means it has a new set of values for variables, allowing
+	 * concurrent run of semantically same MatchRule; running same physical
+	 * MatchRule object is inherently not thread safe).
+	 * @note The values for variables are kept as in the original Rule.
+	 * @param other - MatchRule to copy
+	 * @returns A reference to the current object, after assignment.
+	 */
+	MatchRule& operator=(const MatchRule& other);
+	std::string to_string(const Corpus2::Tagset& tagset) const;
+	MatchRule* clone_internal() const;
+	std::ostream& write_to(std::ostream& ostream) const;
+	boost::shared_ptr<ApplyOperator> apply_;
+//--- implementation details ---
+		const Variables& variables,
+		const boost::shared_ptr<ApplyOperator>& apply) 
+	: ParsedExpression(variables),
+	  apply_(apply)
+	BOOST_ASSERT(apply_);
+void MatchRule::operator()(const boost::shared_ptr<Corpus2::AnnotatedSentence>& s) {
+	return apply(s);
+MatchRule* MatchRule::clone_internal() const {
+	return new MatchRule(*variables_, apply_);
+MatchRule::MatchRule(const MatchRule &other, bool clean)
+	: ParsedExpression(*other.variables_),
+	  apply_(other.apply_)
+	BOOST_ASSERT(apply_);
+	if(clean) {
+		this->clean();
+	}
+MatchRule MatchRule::clone() const {
+	return *this;
+MatchRule MatchRule::clone_clean() const {
+	return MatchRule(*this, true);
+MatchRule& MatchRule::operator=(const MatchRule& other) {
+	apply_ = other.apply_;
+	variables_.reset(other.variables_->clone());
+	return *this;
+	: ParsedExpression((Variables())),
+	  apply_()
+boost::shared_ptr<MatchRule> MatchRule::clone_ptr() const {
+	return boost::shared_ptr<MatchRule>(clone_internal());
+boost::shared_ptr<MatchRule> MatchRule::clone_clean_ptr() const {
+	boost::shared_ptr<MatchRule> copy(clone_internal());
+	copy->clean();
+	return copy;
+} /* end ns Wccl */