diff --git a/libwccl/ops/functions/bool/predicates/weakagreement.cpp b/libwccl/ops/functions/bool/predicates/weakagreement.cpp
index a8a8ce49c8e4c8e986b05c171c14602e06947da4..44bfb9e605a11fb2e0191758b014b7ba77a69cc5 100644
--- a/libwccl/ops/functions/bool/predicates/weakagreement.cpp
+++ b/libwccl/ops/functions/bool/predicates/weakagreement.cpp
@@ -50,40 +50,56 @@ WeakAgreement::BaseRetValPtr WeakAgreement::apply_internal(const FunExecContext&
 	const boost::shared_ptr<const TSet>& attribs = attribs_expr_->apply(context);
 	int min_card = attribs->categories_count(tagset_);
-	for(int i = abs_left; i <= abs_right; ++i) {
-		bool i_has_matched_tag = false;
-		foreach (const Corpus2::Lexeme& i_lex, sc.at(i)->lexemes()) {
-			const Corpus2::Tag& i_tag = i_lex.tag();
-			if (attribs->matching_categories(i_tag) >= min_card) {
-				i_has_matched_tag = true;
-				for(int j = abs_right; j > i; --j) {
-					bool i_agrees_with_j = false;
-					bool j_has_matched_tag = false;
-					foreach(const Corpus2::Lexeme& j_lex, sc.at(j)->lexemes()) {
-						const Corpus2::Tag& j_tag = j_lex.tag();
-						if (attribs->matching_categories(i_tag) >= min_card) {
-							j_has_matched_tag = true;
-							Corpus2::Tag intersection = i_tag.get_masked(j_tag);
-							// if the intersection matches enough categories we have agreement
-							if (attribs->matching_categories(intersection) >= min_card) {
-								i_agrees_with_j = true;
-								break;
+	const Corpus2::Token* t1 = sc.at(abs_left);
+	const Corpus2::Token* t2 = sc.at(abs_right);
+	// to optimize a bit, make sure t1 is the one with less lexemes
+	if (t1->lexemes().size() > t2->lexemes().size()) {
+		std::swap(t1, t2);
+	}
+	// check strong agreement between range endpoints
+	// for each possible agreement between them,
+	// check if remaining tokens meet that agreement too,
+	// but take into account only tokens with a tag that
+	// has enough categories, ignoring the rest (hence "weak" 
+	// agreement).
+	// return True if an agreement met by all selected tokens is found
+	foreach (const Corpus2::Lexeme& t1_lex, t1->lexemes()) {
+		const Corpus2::Tag& t1_tag = t1_lex.tag();
+		// don't bother checking t2 unless current t1_tag matches enough categories
+		if (attribs->matching_categories(t1_tag) >= min_card) {
+			foreach (const Corpus2::Lexeme& t2_lex, t2->lexemes()) {
+				Corpus2::Tag inter = t1_tag.get_masked(t2_lex.tag());
+				// if the intersection matches enough categories we have agreement
+				if (attribs->matching_categories(inter) >= min_card) {
+					// check if selected agreement is met by all remaining tokens
+					// but take into account only tokens with a tag that has
+					// proper amount of categories.
+					bool agreement_met = true;
+					for(int i = abs_left + 1; agreement_met && (i < abs_right); ++i) {
+						foreach(const Corpus2::Lexeme& i_lex, sc.at(i)->lexemes()) {
+							if (attribs->matching_categories(i_lex.tag()) >= min_card) {
+								// token has a tag matching enough categories,
+								// so now it has to meet the selected agreement
+								agreement_met = false;
+								Corpus2::Tag i_inter = i_lex.tag().get_masked(inter);
+								if (attribs->matching_categories(i_inter) >= min_card) {
+									agreement_met = true;
+									break;
+								}
-					if (j_has_matched_tag && !i_agrees_with_j) {
-						return Predicate::False(context);
+					if (agreement_met) {
+						return Predicate::True(context);
-		if (!i_has_matched_tag && (i == abs_left || i == abs_right)) {
-			return Predicate::False(context);
-		}
-	return Predicate::True(context);
+	// None of possible agreements between endpoints carried over to all tokens
+	// that had enough categories specified, or there was no such possible
+	// agreement at all, so return False.
+	return Predicate::False(context);
 } /* end ns Wccl */