diff --git a/tools/ruljos2wccl.py b/tools/ruljos2wccl.py
index 4d15451d8d0ae17b85f670675f646c65d616f053..5ccc2529acef4949cedb5388ba06abe980b45424 100755
--- a/tools/ruljos2wccl.py
+++ b/tools/ruljos2wccl.py
@@ -7,11 +7,14 @@ from StringIO import StringIO
 descr = """%prog [options] IN OUT
 Attempts to convert JOSKIPI rules to WCCL rules.
-NOTE: this is based on very naive heuristics.
+NOTE: this is based on very naive heuristics. Dirty regex manipulation is done
+instead of real parsing.
+Known issues:
+1. Will not skip superfluous none in non-empty sets.
+2. Complex agreement/hasnum/isbig predicates will not be handled properly.
-# TODO agr bits
-# TODO isbig -> regex
 p_strset = re.compile(u'{(\\s*"[^"]*"(\\s*,\\s*"[^"]*")*\\s*)}', re.U)
 p_negposref = re.compile(u'\$\-([0-9]+)([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]*)')
@@ -58,11 +61,11 @@ class Rule:
 		self.act = jos2ccl(act.strip())
 		self.name = name.strip()
-	def write(self, out, comma = False):
+	def write(self, out, sep = False):
 		out.write('rule("%s",\n' % self.name)
 		out.write('%s,\n' % self.cond)
 		out.write('%s\n' % self.act)
-		out.write(')%s\n' % (',' if comma else ''))
+		out.write(')%s\n' % (';' if sep else ''))
 def rule_texts(infile):
 	buf = StringIO()
@@ -97,7 +100,7 @@ def go():
 	w = IndentWriter(outf)
 	indent = 0
-	w.write('rules(\n')
+	w.write('tag_rules(\n')
 	# quick and dirty: to get all but last
 	allrules = [r for r in rules(inf)]
 	for rule in allrules[:-1]: