diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 83e654c4131ed8939f54b01693a02b394f270786..09c8d605e5ab9f53679022b647be198cdb6ab966 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 set(corpus2_ver_major "1")
-set(corpus2_ver_minor "2")
+set(corpus2_ver_minor "3")
 set(corpus2_ver_patch "3")
 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.0)
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ set(LIBS "")
 find_package(Boost 1.41 REQUIRED COMPONENTS program_options system filesystem regex)
 # Use the auto-linking feature, don't try to add libraries yourself:
 	set(Boost_LIBRARIES "")
diff --git a/corpus2data/beatca.tagset b/corpus2data/beatca.tagset
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3607a0aeee0a87f82ae14c6e7a7af7c20a7bb3b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corpus2data/beatca.tagset
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
diff --git a/corpus2tools/corpus-merge b/corpus2tools/corpus-merge
index 047e9f0be7a0b8cd5bb46ceee379fa9066c99db4..d04345cbfbf39c4851d25785fbb8b534bfc02971 100755
--- a/corpus2tools/corpus-merge
+++ b/corpus2tools/corpus-merge
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import sys
+import sys, os
 from optparse import OptionParser
 from collections import defaultdict as dd
 from itertools import repeat, izip
@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ def go():
 	parser.add_option('-C', '--chunks', action='store_true',
 		dest='chunks', default=False,
 		help='Process chunks (select chunks/sentences, not tokens)')
+	parser.add_option('--prefix-chunks', action='store_true',
+		dest='prefix_chunks', default=False,
+		help='Prefix chunk ids with filename (file:NAME:ORIGID)')
 	parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
 		dest='verbose', default=False,
 		help='verbose mode')
@@ -68,11 +71,23 @@ def go():
 	for arg in args:
 		reader = corpus2.TokenReader.create_path_reader(options.input_format, tagset, arg)
 		if options.chunks:
+			fname, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(arg))
+			chunk_no = 1
 			for chunk in chunks(reader):
+				if options.prefix_chunks:
+					if chunk.has_attribute('id'):
+						their_id = chunk.get_attribute('id')
+					else:
+						# autogen
+						their_id = ('auto%03d' % chunk_no)
+					full_id = 'file:%s:%s' % (fname, their_id)
+					chunk.set_attribute('id', full_id)
+				chunk_no += 1
 			for sent in sentences(reader):
+		del reader
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/libcorpus2/ann/annotatedsentence.h b/libcorpus2/ann/annotatedsentence.h
index 65b3a0353d94266b6e18edf0054497881e77a72d..1b3a3359ecc98f1f7145b970ebcf862abc90dcc0 100644
--- a/libcorpus2/ann/annotatedsentence.h
+++ b/libcorpus2/ann/annotatedsentence.h
@@ -125,6 +125,14 @@ public:
 		return true;
+    /**
+     * Remove channel having a given name. Returns whether removed
+     * (will return false if no channel of the given name exists).
+     */
+    bool remove_channel(const std::string& name) {
+        return (channels_.erase(name) > 0);
+    }
 	const chan_map_t& all_channels() const {
 		return channels_;
diff --git a/libcorpus2/io/premorphwriter.cpp b/libcorpus2/io/premorphwriter.cpp
index c47e84df8090e3b1ad6c5610fbc9fd9106fe72c6..e3307948b8d9fe6d36a671540c9f28922be09876 100644
--- a/libcorpus2/io/premorphwriter.cpp
+++ b/libcorpus2/io/premorphwriter.cpp
 #include <libcorpus2/io/premorphwriter.h>
 #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+// for entity encoding
+#include <libcorpus2/io/xcescommon.h>
 namespace Corpus2 {
 bool PremorphWriter::registered = TokenWriter::register_writer<PremorphWriter>(
@@ -42,14 +45,15 @@ PremorphWriter::~PremorphWriter()
 void PremorphWriter::write_token(const Token &t)
-	os() << PwrNlp::Whitespace::to_whitespace(t.wa()) << t.orth_utf8();
+	os() << PwrNlp::Whitespace::to_whitespace(t.wa());
+	encode_xml_entities_into(os(), t.orth_utf8());
 void PremorphWriter::write_sentence(const Sentence &s)
 	os() << "<chunk type=\"s\">";
 	if (!s.tokens().empty()) {
-		os() << s[0]->orth_utf8();
+		encode_xml_entities_into(os(), s[0]->orth_utf8());
 	for (size_t i = 1; i < s.tokens().size(); ++i) {
diff --git a/libcorpus2/io/xmlreader.cpp b/libcorpus2/io/xmlreader.cpp
index 0816839e69873f82ec81219d13819b36c30b193f..bde08712fb9d61efcc950c985efb4ed0ae6092cf 100644
--- a/libcorpus2/io/xmlreader.cpp
+++ b/libcorpus2/io/xmlreader.cpp
 #include <libxml++/libxml++.h>
 #include <libxml2/libxml/parser.h>
 #include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
 #include <fstream>
 namespace Corpus2 {
@@ -228,15 +230,21 @@ void XmlReader::on_end_element(const Glib::ustring &name)
 	//std::cerr << "/" << name << state_ << "\n";
 	if (state_ == STATE_ORTH && name == "orth") {
-		tok_->set_orth(UnicodeString::fromUTF8(get_buf()));
+		std::string tmp_buf = get_buf();
+		boost::trim(tmp_buf);
+		tok_->set_orth(UnicodeString::fromUTF8(tmp_buf));
 		grab_characters_ = false;
 		state_ = STATE_TOK;
 	} else if (state_ == STATE_LEMMA && name == "base") {
-		tok_->lexemes().back().set_lemma(UnicodeString::fromUTF8(get_buf()));
+		std::string tmp_buf = get_buf();
+		boost::trim(tmp_buf);
+		tok_->lexemes().back().set_lemma(UnicodeString::fromUTF8(tmp_buf));
 		grab_characters_ = false;
 		state_ = STATE_LEX;
 	} else if (state_ == STATE_TAG && name == "ctag") {
-		Tag tag = base_reader_.parse_tag(get_buf());
+		std::string tmp_buf = get_buf();
+		boost::trim(tmp_buf);
+		Tag tag = base_reader_.parse_tag(tmp_buf);
 		grab_characters_ = false;
 		state_ = STATE_LEX;
diff --git a/libcorpus2/tagging.cpp b/libcorpus2/tagging.cpp
index 785edf9ffe411dd9fd138df371a5171fcdb3eebb..a814970d37e45590d0154384dcb7938d43e30c0b 100644
--- a/libcorpus2/tagging.cpp
+++ b/libcorpus2/tagging.cpp
@@ -59,6 +59,12 @@ int mask_card(const Tag& mask)
 			+ PwrNlp::count_bits_set(mask.get_values());
+Tag with_values_masked(Tag input, Tag attr_value, Tag attr_mask) {
+	Tag output(input);
+	output.add_values_masked(attr_value.get_values(), attr_mask.get_values());
+	return output;
 bool select_preferred_disamb(const Tagset& tagset, Token* token)
 	size_t lex_idx = token->get_preferred_lexeme_index(tagset);
diff --git a/libcorpus2/tagging.h b/libcorpus2/tagging.h
index 4beaba5096ac616291e822824971838aa33e2142..9039bd8c36c1f713584d2cc996670be04f298497 100644
--- a/libcorpus2/tagging.h
+++ b/libcorpus2/tagging.h
@@ -45,6 +45,13 @@ Tag mask_token(const Token& token, const Tag& mask, bool disamb_only);
 /** Returns the number of set elements belonging to the mask given. */
 int mask_card(const Tag& mask);
+  * Returns a copy of the given input tag with the attribute referred
+  * to by attr_mask value set to attr_value (possibly empty).
+  * NOTE: only attribute part of the masks are considered.
+  */
+Tag with_values_masked(Tag input, Tag attr_value, Tag attr_mask);
 /** Forces one disamb lexeme per token. The selection is based on tagset
   * definition order. Returns if any disamb found.
@@ -99,6 +106,7 @@ bool disambiguate_subset(Token* token, const Tag& mask_where,
 /** Sets lexemes' disamb markers iff lexeme.tag is wanted_tag. */
 void set_disambs(Token *token, const Tag& wanted_tag);
 } /* end ns Corpus2 */
diff --git a/libcorpus2_whole/io/cclrelreader.cpp b/libcorpus2_whole/io/cclrelreader.cpp
index 9072f2b1f3cbd2ab7c4593f633dc370762c99ab5..ee84d97d50296ec49e252d9bf9abf797558ba62e 100644
--- a/libcorpus2_whole/io/cclrelreader.cpp
+++ b/libcorpus2_whole/io/cclrelreader.cpp
@@ -72,11 +72,7 @@ namespace whole {
 	void CclRelReader::set_option(const std::string& option)
-		if (option == "autogen_sent_id") {
-			ccl_reader_->set_option("autogen_sent_id");
-		} else if (option == "autogen_chunk_id") {
-			ccl_reader_->set_option("autogen_chunk_id");
-		}
+		ccl_reader_->set_option(option);
 	std::string CclRelReader::get_option(const std::string& option) const {
diff --git a/swig/annotatedsentence.i b/swig/annotatedsentence.i
index c158c4aa603da845d80a225b89233845ccd080e9..f3d2b4e407e1a41a348904550539477e05a58207 100644
--- a/swig/annotatedsentence.i
+++ b/swig/annotatedsentence.i
@@ -50,6 +50,12 @@ namespace Corpus2 {
     AnnotationChannel& get_channel(const std::string& name);
     const AnnotationChannel& get_channel(const std::string& name) const;
     bool add_channel(const std::string& name, const AnnotationChannel& chan);
+    /* Use with care. Note that get_channel returns a reference to the original
+       channel, hence it is strongly recommended to del the channel ref object
+       before attempting to call remove_channel. */
+    bool remove_channel(const std::string& name);
     const chan_map_t& all_channels() const;
     /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
diff --git a/swig/tagging.i b/swig/tagging.i
index ec90902b9fc3121809429e8807a85a44e2a95ae1..b4695cef1dd7f248d582b201f62dfe68f45fc36b 100644
--- a/swig/tagging.i
+++ b/swig/tagging.i
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ Tag mask_token(const Token& token, const Tag& mask, bool disamb_only);
 int mask_card(const Tag& mask);
+Tag with_values_masked(Tag input, Tag attr_value, Tag attr_mask);
 bool select_preferred_disamb(const Tagset& tagset, Token* token);
 void select_preferred_lexeme(const Tagset& tagset, Token* token);
diff --git a/swig/token.i b/swig/token.i
index 0290fd404b1c0c5f27b49bb350ae0930a9f62b1c..7f6c73c42e5c306f0d9ec138fef67c9b08cf78b0 100644
--- a/swig/token.i
+++ b/swig/token.i
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ namespace Corpus2 {
     Token(const UnicodeString& orth, PwrNlp::Whitespace::Enum wa);
     Token* clone() const;
-    Token* create_utf8(const std::string& orth_utf8, PwrNlp::Whitespace::Enum wa = PwrNlp::Whitespace::Space);
+    static Token* create_utf8(const std::string& orth_utf8, PwrNlp::Whitespace::Enum wa = PwrNlp::Whitespace::Space);
     const UnicodeString& orth() const;
     std::string orth_utf8() const;
@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ namespace Corpus2 {
     boost::shared_ptr<TokenMetaData> get_metadata() const;
     void set_metadata(TokenMetaData& md);
     void set_metadata_ptr(boost::shared_ptr<TokenMetaData> md);
+    void create_metadata();
   %extend Token {
diff --git a/utils/get_morpho.py b/utils/get_morpho.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ec724b0a0a3534df65c1114fd2e9278d1290f464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/get_morpho.py
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Adam Radziszewski.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# See the LICENCE and COPYING files for more details
+descr = """%prog [options] CORPUS OUTDATAFILE
+Gathers morphological data from the given corpus.
+The extracted morphological data will be saved to OUTDATAFILE in tab-delimited
+format (compliant with Maca analysers).
+NOTE: the morphological data will not be compacted. To do so, you may use
+tabclean.py script from Maca repository.
+import sys, codecs
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import corpus2
+class Analyser:
+	"""Morphological dictionary resulting from reading a corpus.
+	Provides consume function that updates the data with the given token."""
+	def __init__(self, tagset, case_sensitive):
+		self.tagset = tagset
+		self.unk_tag = self.tagset.make_ign_tag()
+		self.get_form = (lambda form: form) if case_sensitive else (lambda form: form.lower())
+		self.data = {}
+	def _add_one(self, ready_form, lex):
+		"""Adds tag and lemma from the given lexeme."""
+		if ready_form not in self.data:
+			self.data[ready_form] = set()
+		self.data[ready_form].add(
+			(unicode(lex.lemma()), self.tagset.tag_to_string(lex.tag()))
+		)
+	def consume(self, tok):
+		ready_form = self.get_form(unicode(tok.orth()))
+		for lex in tok.lexemes():
+			if lex.tag() != self.unk_tag:
+				self._add_one(ready_form, lex)
+	def write(self, output):
+		for form in sorted(self.data):
+			entries = sorted(self.data[form])
+			for lemma, tag in entries:
+				output.write(u'%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (form, lemma, tag))
+	def save(self, fname):
+		output = codecs.open(fname, 'wb', 'utf-8')
+		self.write(output)
+		output.close()
+def get_morpho(options, corpname, outfname):
+	tagset = corpus2.get_named_tagset(options.tagset)
+	anal = Analyser(tagset, options.case_sens)
+	rdr = corpus2.TokenReader.create_path_reader(options.input_format, tagset, corpname)
+	while True:
+		tok = rdr.get_next_token()
+		if not tok:
+			break
+		anal.consume(tok)
+	del rdr
+	anal.save(outfname)
+def go():
+	parser = OptionParser(usage=descr)
+	parser.add_option('-i', '--input-format', type='string', action='store',
+		dest='input_format', default='xces',
+		help='set the input format; default: xces')
+	parser.add_option('-t', '--tagset', type='string', action='store',
+		dest='tagset', default='nkjp',
+		help='set the tagset used in input; default: nkjp')
+	parser.add_option('-s', '--sep', type='string', action='store',
+		dest='sep', default='\t',
+		help='set the separator used in morpho file; default: tab character')
+	parser.add_option('-c', '--case-sensitive', action='store_true', default=False, dest='case_sens')
+	parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_false', default=True, dest='verbose')
+	(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+	if len(args) != 2:
+		print 'You need to provide an input corpus and output path'
+		print
+		parser.print_help()
+		sys.exit(1)
+	corpname = args[0]
+	outfname = args[1]
+	get_morpho(options, corpname, outfname)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	go()
diff --git a/utils/relation_eval.py b/utils/relation_eval.py
index 4067051f9c989a1b69e8a6e3c0df0d81b06e9959..0daa15a337e23cb40df2222c496c9b37fa9b1163 100755
--- a/utils/relation_eval.py
+++ b/utils/relation_eval.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # Copyright (C) 2012 Paweł Orłowicz.
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ from optparse import OptionParser
 import sys
 import corpus2
-class RelStats : 
+class RelStats:
 	def __init__(self):
 		self.both_hits = 0
 		self.head_hits = 0
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ class RelStats :
 		self.any_hits = 0
 	#helper method to get annotation vector from annotated sentence
-	def get_channel_annotations(self, ann_sent, dir_point) : 
+	def get_channel_annotations(self, ann_sent, dir_point):
 		chann_name = dir_point.channel_name()
 		annotation_number = dir_point.annotation_number() - 1
 		channel = ann_sent.get_channel(chann_name)
@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ class RelStats :
 		return ann_vec[annotation_number]
 	#helper method to get list of tokens' indices
-	def get_indices(self, annotated_sentence, direction_point) :
+	def get_indices(self, annotated_sentence, direction_point):
 		ann_chann  = self.get_channel_annotations(annotated_sentence, direction_point)
 		indices = ann_chann.indices
 		#loop to unwrap Integer objects from ann_chann.indices
@@ -58,34 +59,38 @@ class RelStats :
 		return inds
 	#helper to get index of the chunk's head
-	def get_head_index(self, annotated_sentence, direction_point) : 
+	def get_head_index(self, annotated_sentence, direction_point):
 		ann_chann = self.get_channel_annotations(annotated_sentence, direction_point)
 		head_index = ann_chann.head_index
 		return head_index
 	#returns values of hits from one direction point of relation
-	def verify_relation(self, ref_ann_sent, dir_point_ref, target_ann_sent, dir_point_target) : 
+	def verify_relation(self, ref_ann_sent, dir_point_ref, target_ann_sent, dir_point_target):
 		both, head, chun = 0,0,0
 		#if indices from ref chunk and target chunks equals (tokens are the same) then chun hits
-		if self.get_indices(ref_ann_sent, dir_point_ref) == self.get_indices(target_ann_sent, dir_point_target) : 
-			chun += 1
-			#if chun hits and head indices match then head hits
-			if self.get_head_index(ref_ann_sent, dir_point_ref) == self.get_head_index(target_ann_sent, dir_point_target) : 
-				head +=1
+		if self.get_indices(ref_ann_sent, dir_point_ref) == self.get_indices(target_ann_sent, dir_point_target):
+			chun = 1
+#			if chun hits and head indices match then head hits
+#			if self.get_head_index(ref_ann_sent, dir_point_ref) == self.get_head_index(target_ann_sent, dir_point_target): 
+#				head =1
 		#if indices are different (chunks consists of different sets of words) but heads match then head hits
-		elif self.get_head_index(ref_ann_sent, dir_point_ref) == self.get_head_index(target_ann_sent, dir_point_target) : 
-			head += 1
+		if self.get_head_index(ref_ann_sent, dir_point_ref) == self.get_head_index(target_ann_sent, dir_point_target):
+			head = 1
+		if chun == 1 and head == 1:
+			both = 1
 		return both,chun,head
 	#if there was a hit on both sides of relation (dir_from, dir_to) then update counters
-	def update_stats(self, both, chun, head) : 
-		if chun == 2 :
+	def update_stats(self, both, chun, head):
+		if chun == 2:
-		if head == 2 :
+		if head == 2:
 			self.head_hits += 1
-		if chun == 2 and head == 2 :
+		if chun == 2 and head == 2:
 			self.both_hits += 1
-		if chun == 2 or head == 2:
+		if both > 0 and chun+head > 2:
+			self.any_hits+=1
+		if both == 0 and chun+head > 1:
 	def print_stats(self,ref_rels_count, target_rels_count, stat_mode):
@@ -114,35 +119,35 @@ class RelStats :
 			print ('Head match:\t')
 		print '%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f' % (p, r, f) 
-def compare(rel1, rel2) : 
+def compare(rel1, rel2):
 	dp1_from = rel1.rel_from()
 	dp2_from = rel2.rel_from()
 	dp1_to = rel1.rel_to()
 	dp2_to = rel2.rel_to()
-	if cmp(dp1_from.sentence_id(), dp2_from.sentence_id()) < 0 :
+	if cmp(dp1_from.sentence_id(), dp2_from.sentence_id()) < 0:
 		return -1
-	elif cmp(dp1_from.sentence_id(), dp2_from.sentence_id()) > 0 :
+	elif cmp(dp1_from.sentence_id(), dp2_from.sentence_id()) > 0:
 		return 1
-	if cmp(dp1_from.channel_name(), dp2_from.channel_name()) < 0 : 
+	if cmp(dp1_from.channel_name(), dp2_from.channel_name()) < 0:
 		return -1
-	elif cmp(dp1_from.channel_name(), dp2_from.channel_name()) > 0 : 
+	elif cmp(dp1_from.channel_name(), dp2_from.channel_name()) > 0:
 		return 1
 	if cmp(dp1_from.annotation_number(), dp2_from.annotation_number()) < 0:
 		return -1
-	elif cmp(dp1_from.annotation_number(), dp2_from.annotation_number()) > 0 : 
+	elif cmp(dp1_from.annotation_number(), dp2_from.annotation_number()) > 0:
 		return 1
-	if cmp(dp1_to.sentence_id(), dp2_to.sentence_id()) < 0 :
+	if cmp(dp1_to.sentence_id(), dp2_to.sentence_id()) < 0:
 		return -1
-	elif cmp(dp1_to.sentence_id(), dp2_to.sentence_id()) > 0 :
+	elif cmp(dp1_to.sentence_id(), dp2_to.sentence_id()) > 0:
 		return 1
-	if cmp(dp1_to.channel_name(), dp2_to.channel_name()) < 0 : 
+	if cmp(dp1_to.channel_name(), dp2_to.channel_name()) < 0:
 		return -1
-	elif cmp(dp1_to.channel_name(), dp2_to.channel_name()) > 0 : 
+	elif cmp(dp1_to.channel_name(), dp2_to.channel_name()) > 0:
 		return 1
 	if cmp(dp1_to.annotation_number(), dp2_to.annotation_number()) < 0:
 		return -1
-	elif cmp(dp1_to.annotation_number(), dp2_to.annotation_number()) > 0 : 
+	elif cmp(dp1_to.annotation_number(), dp2_to.annotation_number()) > 0:
 		return 1
 	if rel1.rel_name() < rel2.rel_name():
@@ -169,7 +174,6 @@ def go():
 	batch_ref, batch_target, rel_name = args
 	rel_stats = RelStats()
 	corpus_type = "document"
@@ -182,7 +186,7 @@ def go():
 	target_file = open(batch_target, "r")
 	line_ref = ref_file.readline()
 	line_target = target_file.readline()
-	while line_ref and line_target : 
+	while line_ref and line_target:
 		line_ref = line_ref.strip()
 		ref_ccl_filename, ref_rel_filename = line_ref.split(";")
@@ -190,7 +194,6 @@ def go():
 		line_target = line_target.strip()
 		target_ccl_filename, target_rel_filename = line_target.split(";")
 		ref_ccl_rdr = corpus2.CclRelReader(tagset, ref_ccl_filename, ref_rel_filename)
 		target_ccl_rdr = corpus2.CclRelReader(tagset, target_ccl_filename, target_rel_filename)
@@ -205,15 +208,14 @@ def go():
 		ref_sents = dict([ (s.id(), corpus2.AnnotatedSentence.wrap_sentence(s)) for c in ref_doc.paragraphs() for s in c.sentences()])
 		target_sents = dict([ (s.id(), corpus2.AnnotatedSentence.wrap_sentence(s)) for c in target_doc.paragraphs() for s in c.sentences()])
-		for pattern in ref_rels	:
+		for pattern in ref_rels:
 			t = filter(lambda x : (compare(x, pattern) == 0) , target_rels)
-			if len(t) > 0 : 
+			if len(t) > 0:
 				t = t[0]
 				r = pattern
 				both, chun, head = 0,0,0
-				for dir_point_ref, dir_point_target in zip([r.rel_from(), r.rel_to()], [t.rel_from(), t.rel_to()]) : 
+				for dir_point_ref, dir_point_target in zip([r.rel_from(), r.rel_to()], [t.rel_from(), t.rel_to()]):
 					ref_ann_sent = ref_sents[dir_point_ref.sentence_id()]
 					target_ann_sent = target_sents[dir_point_target.sentence_id()]
 					b,c,h = rel_stats.verify_relation(ref_ann_sent, dir_point_ref, target_ann_sent, dir_point_target)
diff --git a/utils/tagger-eval.py b/utils/tagger-eval.py
index 6a2c406c9621254d6675b5b5d37db88353759f6f..86a70df180f1a08102fa185e4c236e32d9f6a9c8 100755
--- a/utils/tagger-eval.py
+++ b/utils/tagger-eval.py
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ class Metric:
 	POS_WC = ([Feat.WEAK_POS_HIT], None)
 	POS_SC = ([Feat.STRONG_POS_HIT], None)
 	POS_WC_LOWER = ([Feat.WEAK_POS_HIT, Feat.SEG_NOCHANGE], None) # lower bound for POS WC
+	POS_SC_LOWER = ([Feat.STRONG_POS_HIT, Feat.SEG_NOCHANGE], None) # lower bound for POS SC
 	# separate stats for known and unknown forms
 	KN_WC = ([Feat.WEAK_TAG_HIT, Feat.KNOWN], [Feat.KNOWN])
@@ -160,6 +161,9 @@ class Metric:
 	# heur recover